Scandal Mark Bomber Thompson Raided By Vic Police (Update pg 66: Charged with possession and trafficking)

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Calm down Petal.
You know, ole Milo the trained lawyer had to resort taking the piss out of certain stereo types.
It might be a bit of a shock to you snowflake but that was normal in Australia a few years ago.
Why are you being so retortive and offended?
There was a simple question in which you’ve eluded.
If I was petal or whatever I’d still prefer to peg ur ass.
Oh Bombers skit on AFL 360 reminded me of Shaun's Skit on Full Frontal years ago.
But then I thought i made that apparent with the first post you quoted.
Now I am confused.

It was obvious.

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Funny the things you remember as a kid. I guess it was 1985. Bombers played North in a pre season game down in Rosebud . I must have got 50 to 60 autographs that day including emergencies, reserves etc . It was the end of the day and most all the players were gone. A young Mark Thompson walks out of the change rooms towards his car . I dash quickly over to him and ask for his autograph . Friendliest of any player on the day, anyone I ever got an autograph from maybe aside from Barry Michael the boxer 😂 . Anyway , I don't know if he has been a good or shit bloke for the last decade or so. However there was a time when he made this kid happy 😁 . He seemed like a good bloke. Just saying , it's funny what you remember , he made an impression on me .

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It's pretty obvious why he hasn't been fully truthful.

Given the sentence that Windsor received Bomber's less likely to fear that outcome than if he was to snitch and then he or his family be subject to retribution from nefarious types.
If it's true that he's been trafficking drugs, why should I feel sorry for him? It wouldn't make him strictly a user; it'd make him someone whose activities would potentially ruin lives. We don't show a sliver of sympathy for other drug traffickers, who could have also fallen to the wayside just like he did. So why should Thompson be an exception?
The reality is most people don't understand drugs, drug use, addiction, mental health, depression etc. etc. and what I can assure you is Bomber is the same old Bomber, weird, aloof, different, but the same person he was 3 years ago and the same person he was 20 years ago. He will get over this, it is nothing really merely amplified by the celebrity of him.

What he has done, as it's reported, is nothing really, it's pathetically nothing and as far as I'm concerned it's a typical waste of police resources trying to pin crimes on people like Bomber rather than the actual criminals.

What does it matter? What does it mean? Does it take away from what he's done? Does it take away from the person we've all come to appreciate in some form, been inspired by, celebrated his victories as a player or as a coach?

I can tell you about drugs, I can tell you about addiction, I've been a functioning drug addict for 25 years, I own businesses, I have a family, I have responsibilities, but I function, just, I hold onto living, just, but I function.

I'm weird, I'm aloof, I've been in trouble, I've seen it all, Bomber Thompson is still Bomber Thompson and I support him and love him like I always have and shame on anyone else for saying otherwise.

He is ornament to the game, get behind him. Poor bastard has been through it and we've all watched it.
And if it turns out he was peddling ice to other people?

Couldn't give a rats clacker if he's an "ornament to the game", that's a meaningless title in this context and shouldn't downplay the potential seriousness of these charges. I don't know how you got to the conclusion of it being "pathetically nothing", the guy's being charged with trafficking.
And if it turns out he was peddling ice to other people?

Couldn't give a rats clacker if he's an "ornament to the game", that's a meaningless title in this context and shouldn't downplay the potential seriousness of these charges. I don't know how you got to the conclusion of it being "pathetically nothing", the guy's being charged with trafficking.

But, Your Honor, he's an ornament to the game... :drunk:
"The court previously heard that a further 839.7 grams of what was believed to be MDMA was contaminated by the clandestine drug unit so DNA could not be found."

Onya Vic Pol.......

"During more than two hours of testing questioning in the witness box on Wednesday, Mr Thompson told the court that he first saw Windsor as "charming and engaging" when he came knocking. "


Mate this is the scandals board. Give us some names or keep your "i know someone who did something" crap to yourself.

You don't really expect me to name names do you? It's not crap mate, and if you don't think it happened, you are oh, so naïve. Players have been taking the field under the influence of alcohol, drugs for decades. Hardly a scandal, more a fact of life.
yeah, nah.

That works ok in theory, but everyone else ends up paying for the after effects of drug use, especially meth.

Besides, does anybody buy it was really just personal use????

Didn't he say on foxtel he was selling frozen water and not using it?
It's pretty obvious why he hasn't been fully truthful.

Given the sentence that Windsor received Bomber's less likely to fear that outcome than if he was to snitch and then he or his family be subject to retribution from nefarious types.

its honestly amazing how weak a sentence Windsor got. And they wonder why they have a massive problem with ice in communities... these guys were running a full on professional business trafficing massive amounts of ice and they'll both get a slap on the wrist.

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Scandal Mark Bomber Thompson Raided By Vic Police (Update pg 66: Charged with possession and trafficking)

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