Scandal Marlion Pickett - In Custody for multiple offences - Later bailed.

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Pickett has been charged by WA Police with four counts of aggravated burglary, with three counts of stealing and three counts of criminal damage among his other charges.
The alleged offences took place between December 2022 and January 2023.
Pickett has a “strong intent” to defend himself, his manager Anthony Van Der Wielen told 7NEWS in a statement.

Racist comments will immediately cop a long break from Bigfooty, discuss the issue not the skin colour or race.
Thank you.

P.S This thread has nothing to do with the Clarkson/Racism review discussion.
This thread is not the place to discuss the prison system and prisoner rehabilitation, you can take that to the SRP board.
This is the scandals and rumours board only, please stay on topic in here.
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Does my head in why you would even consider such a thing when you're making bloody good money as is.
Unless you are blowing it immediately and become desperate.

If I was earning $300-$400k, it's literally life altering for the long-term.

He's only earned that for a couple of years and probably knows he's only got one or two seasons left.

Take out tax, add in a wife, 4 kids, and maybe some lowlifes from Perth hooking into you, and an extra 75-100k tax free might look appealing short term.

Look beyond a couple of years and it's akin to picking up 5 cent coins in front of the steam roller. Unlike the average AFL player he had he had a comeback story and potential opportunities there he could have monetized for years with the right people behind him.
Take out tax, add in a wife, 4 kids, and maybe some lowlifes from Perth hooking into you, and an extra 75-100k tax free might look appealing short term.

The median super balance for people aged forty to forty-five is just $92,000 for men and $65,800 for women so $75 to 100k is significant for almost everyone in regards to retirement cash or a safety nestegg.

He has a right not to be punished before being found guilty and his participation in the game doesn't impact either the community or the league. It's not a sexual, domestic or racial crime.

I'll admit here that I normally couldn't care less if he played or not this weekend, but obviously wouldn't mind if he missed since it's my team (and it's not like it's injury related or family member illness or something).

My question would be - if he plays, where is the line for banter? It's a bit crap to kick a guy when he's down, even in these circs. Let's say he gets a soft high contact free with a bit of mayo on it - is it acceptable to say 'mate, you totally robbed us there'? Or just general banter like 'you should have played on Monday, you'll be serving at His Majesty's pleasure for quite some time'?

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He's only earned that for a couple of years and probably knows he's only got one or two seasons left.

Take out tax, add in a wife, 4 kids, and maybe some lowlifes from Perth hooking into you, and an extra 75-100k tax free might look appealing short term.

Look beyond a couple of years and it's akin to picking up 5 cent coins in front of the steam roller. Unlike the average AFL player he had he had a comeback story and potential opportunities there he could have monetized for years with the right people behind him.

I get it but we aren't talking living standards of Brazil here, it's Australia and one of the richest countries in the world. Even the lowest income earners receive perks many in the developing countries would literally kill for.
$400k per anumm is considerate.
Many families have 4 kids with both parents raking in $150k and barely getting by.
I'll admit here that I normally couldn't care less if he played or not this weekend, but obviously wouldn't mind if he missed since it's my team (and it's not like it's injury related or family member illness or something).

My question would be - if he plays, where is the line for banter? It's a bit crap to kick a guy when he's down, even in these circs. Let's say he gets a soft high contact free with a bit of mayo on it - is it acceptable to say 'mate, you totally robbed us there'? Or just general banter like 'you should have played on Monday, you'll be serving at His Majesty's pleasure for quite some time'?
I'd imagine the players would be told not to bring it up. Just in general making sledges personal and vicious is just a bad idea and Saints wouldn't want it ruining their season.

Not that its going to matter. When he returns, hes going to get booed hard by the fans.
Stats update: Richmond's Marlion Pickett is now leading the AFL for 2023 intercepts against
Whether you like him or not, think he's guilty or not, there's a judicial process that needs to be followed in order to prove guilt. Question is whether the Richmond FC or AFL can formally stand down a player pending legal action, Im not aware of whether there's provisions in the club or AFL player contracts for that to happen, it happens outside of football.

I think it matters a lot if the charges are relevant to the person's ability to continue in the role.

e.g. If an accountant is charged with fraud, then it'd be reasonable to stand them down.
Also true of more general cases like sexual harassment.

I'm not sure how B&E would be related to playing football. If he's stood down, it'd purely be a PR thing, and while this might 'work', it'd be interesting if challenged.
I think it matters a lot if the charges are relevant to the person's ability to continue in the role.

e.g. If an accountant is charged with fraud, then it'd be reasonable to stand them down.
Also true of more general cases like sexual harassment.

I'm not sure how B&E would be related to playing football. If he's stood down, it'd purely be a PR thing, and while this might 'work', it'd be interesting if challenged.

If he is stood down with pay then it would be fine from a legal perspective. Depending on his contract etc.
I have to admit, that to get around the salary cap this is the best attempt yet :)

Hope he really did it but really hope he gets off.
Insurance company looked the other way for the 1st heist because of who it was and the negative publicity racism aspect. Had to call it a day at some point. Insurance company copped the First one, Gill copped the second one, Richmond the 3rd one then 4th B&E it turned into insatiable greed. And the total figure quoted is always about only 10% of what Oceans Eleven crews typically get caught for, maybe even less. So unless he has blown it he is sitting on some cash somewhere and it is a pretty penny alright.
I say well played ole chap he gamed the system made sure he was set regardless of what gigs he gets be it commentating or what have you, now doesn't have to beg and can ditch his mates. Definitely he has turned the corner, might get home detention or get off totally. All I care is he sits out the two Saints games. Then look forward to him finishing his career on the AFL field and hopefully he gets a commentating gig because I get the feeling he will make it entertaining.

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They should, but they won't

No, I don't think they should. If they de-register him and he's found not guilty it is an almighty clusterf**k.

I will assume here that given his past, Richmond have some fairly strict behavioural clauses in his contract. If he's found guilty I (again assume) that Richmond will use those clauses to terminate the contract.

The AFL can't actually help here, they can only make things worse.
I assume he got bail because there were no weapons involved.

Why the attraction to commit burglary? Makes me think he’s not been managing his money.
Insurance company looked the other way for the 1st heist because of who it was and the negative publicity racism aspect. Had to call it a day at some point. Insurance company copped the First one, Gill copped the second one, Richmond the 3rd one then 4th B&E it turned into insatiable greed. And the total figure quoted is always about only 10% of what Oceans Eleven crews typically get caught for, maybe even less. So unless he has blown it he is sitting on some cash somewhere and it is a pretty penny alright.

It would make me so happy if he has really done 30 or so of these jobs all over the country and is sitting on a big pile.

Beats rookie wages and would be the best movie ever
He has a right not to be punished before being found guilty and his participation in the game doesn't impact either the community or the league. It's not a sexual, domestic or racial crime.

Wouldn't have thought the nature of the crime should matter unless it calls into question the integrity of the contest - such as PEDs or illegal betting or community safety is threatened. And if we were to look at having a dividing line, potential years of incarceration would be a more objective dividing line.

In my view the man is Innocent until proven guilty - and unfortunately in this country in the past few years we have seen many cases where that standard has been absolutely ignored for a whole range of usually idealogical reasons. It appears many (not you clearly, I should point out) are again happy to ignore it once again.
Wouldn't have thought the nature of the crime should matter unless it calls into question the integrity of the contest - such as PEDs or illegal betting or community safety is threatened. And if we were to look at having a dividing line, potential years of incarceration would be a more objective dividing line.

In my view the man is Innocent until proven guilty - and unfortunately in this country in the past few years we have seen many cases where that standard has been absolutely ignored for a whole range of usually idealogical reasons. It appears many (not you clearly, I should point out) are again happy to ignore it once again.
The theory is innocent until proven guilty, but in reality most workplaces put employees on suspension with or without pay if they are charged with a criminal offence. If the employee wants to contest the charge/charges it takes months, if not years for the case to be resolved so being suspended without pay results in most people having to resign and find other jobs. That has been the case for decades.

Pretty disappointing that Pickett has managed to get himself involved in this situation. It will be interesting to see exactly what his role was once more details come out. Either way it's going to cost him a fortune in legal fees plus the emotional toll.
I will assume here that given his past, Richmond have some fairly strict behavioural clauses in his contract. If he's found guilty I (again assume) that Richmond will use those clauses to terminate the contract.
Something tells me a clause wouldn't be needed to terminate a contract of someone found guilty of these charges. Or else Pickett would have to have his own training regime going on in Hakea Prison.
What for?

A crime he is (currently, legally) considered to be innocent of?
Also it is property in question, nobody was hurt, or faced a gun shoved in their face like when banks are robbed.
Brendan Gale said in his press conference they think this case could take years.
I wonder if Marlion will end up pleading guilty to much lesser charges in a couple of years.
How good a player is he? Richmond's 10th best, 15th, 20th???

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Scandal Marlion Pickett - In Custody for multiple offences - Later bailed.

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