Matt Rendell...

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Re: Matt Rendall...

Oh my god you are a racist.

Don't try to blame context or make any other excuses. You said this word for word.

Apologise for your disgusting and stupid comments now or you should resign from your job.
Should it be a sig?

"'white people' make better parents than Aboriginal people." - Malfice
Re: Matt Rendall...

Oh well..I understand what he said. Still don't understand what you're saying.

You understand. Great. Plenty others here say they do as well.

Obviously the footy media on a whole don't understand - because they've run with the story since last Friday.

There's journos out there feigning outrage that Rendell resigned (probably because if nothing else, he was always good for a quote) and that he was hung out to dry, but none of them waited to hear his side of the story. None of them actually care about Matt Rendell, they care about airtime and column inches.

And he should have known that no matter what you say in confidence in the footy world - it gets out. It gets twisted to make stories and people are left hung out to dry. He's smart enough and been in footy long enough to know this. And as such, he should have chosen his words far more carefully.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Jesus, deadset the most compelling television I have seen in years. Riveting stuff, got to feel for the bloke. Scapegoat.

Watch it when you get the chance.

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Re: Matt Rendall...

Lets identify you, and make this comment:
"He's (Rendall) an idiot.."


So Rendall can sue your arse for public slander.

Surely you would be an idiot not to realize you can be identified from the internet, and because of that sued for slander.

You idiot. :D

haha, bring it on. I've got $20 in my wallet. He can have it if he wants.

After all that's happened he'd probably agree with me.
Re: Matt Rendall...

I have not seen the Rendell interview yet, but I saw Demetriou on the Couch and smelt Bullshit.
He had nothing to do with the sacking but he contacted Adelaide when he heard it was a Crow who said it, and then claims to know the intricate details of how it was handled by Adelaide. That didn't sound like "I had nothing to do with it". So it does not surprise me that some of you are suggesting that Rendell is refuting that story.

If Rendell was racist and insensitive why would he have even raised the issue in the first place?
Seems to me like he might have been concerned about the way it was heading and thought something needed to be said.

Caroline Wilson's column 17 March 2012 - "The league CEO wasted no time taking his disgust at such an comment to the boss of the Adelaide Football Club. There is no doubt he would have pushed for the removal of Rendell".

Read more:
Re: Matt Rendall...

It was stupid, and completely unnecessary, for Rendell to use the 'one white parent' example. It's not a relevent indication of anything and he really needed to choose his words better.

But when you consider his actual intent at the time (as he explained it) I think he can be forgiven for his poor choice of words. It seems like he was genuinely trying to help formulate a solution to a worrying trend and only resorted to his poor example as a method of emphasizing how urgent he felt things needed to be put in place.

This is a far cry from the 'recruitment rule' bullshit that we had been fed last week.

Rendell is not a racist.

He made a stupid comment, but I believe him when he says that he was only trying to highlight the urgency of the situation, and that it wasn't a policy.

As for Dimetriou and Trigg's conduct in all this.......nothing short of disgraceful.
Re: Matt Rendall...

I have not seen the Rendell interview yet, but I saw Demetriou on the Couch and smelt Bullshit.
He had nothing to do with the sacking but he contacted Adelaide when he heard it was a Crow who said it, and then claims to know the intricate details of how it was handled by Adelaide. That didn't sound like "I had nothing to do with it". So it does not surprise me that some of you are suggesting that Rendell is refuting that story.

If Rendell was racist and insensitive why would he have even raised the issue in the first place?
Seems to me like he might have been concerned about the way it was heading and thought something needed to be said.

You realise that educated people on this issue have know about these things for quite a while? Nothing Rendell said was new at all.

He was preaching to preachers. The preachers don't believe his concocted story.

People like yourself who are most likely not educated on the issue believe he was trying to bring it light for the first time. Ain't the case.

We don't need guys like Rendell. Glad too see the back of him after his concocted interview.
Re: Matt Rendall...

3 things cost Rendell his job.

1) his own stupid comments.

2) the AFL's unbending and admirable committment to our Indigenous participants(except when it came to their mate Dipper).

3) the personal war between Demetriou and Rendell's best mate Grant Thomas. Everything Thomas comes in contact with is poorer for the experience. Bad egg. Manipulator of the highest degree.
Re: Matt Rendall...

It sounds to me to that we have society that is so devoid of any real emotions that as soon as someone has sob we don't how how to react and get on their side.

Rendell's interview was highly inconsistent.

When asked about sensitive comments he made or things in regard he never answered promptly or genuinely.

Rewatch closely again, see his body language, his tone, the way he pauses, fidgets, and what he says. And then come back.
You're clutching at straws and mis-quoting him (which you haven't admitted, that I've seen) and I'd suggest you have no idea.

We're all going to go a hell of a lot more by what the likes of the Andrew McLeod's and Misfud's (his friend) have to say about him (who actually know him, unlike you) rather than you, who clearly have a major axe to grind and like the AFL, are using him as a scapegoat.

Oh, and just because you use these little pictures ;) and :D and so on, doesn't make what you're saying any less incorrect. It just makes you look more stupid and ignorant.

Like Caro, it seems you haven't really listened to what he said, but just have too many things going on in your own head (in her case she wanted a headline or story, in your case you want to grind this axe and needed a scapegoat) but I'd suggest it's your loss. He'll be fine out of this. I dare say you'll still be just as bitter, if not more so.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Rendell himself is an AFL recruiter discussing what AFL recruiters think.

And if thats all he said, then there would be no issue.

What he is reported to have said was very different words indeed.

"If things dont change then in the future AFL recruiters will only draft Aboriginal kids with one 'white' parent."

Dont get me wrong, I think we can all see what he was getting at.

He's more of a goose for poor choice of words, rather than frothing at the mouth racism.

Yep, he was talking about how there are a few (mainly) indigenous players who have been brought up in a rather more unstructured society than yer average suburbanite, and thus can struggle with the rules and regs of afl footy, and was worried that we were losing too many of this type from the game, and if the AFL didn't act and act now in a few years we might find that clubs ... well, you know the rest.
Re: Matt Rendall...

I'd be interested in your comments on this quote;

To me, as a non-Aborigine, that seems an incredibly narrow and inappropriate view of Aborigine identity, culture and achievement and indeed is an arguably racist comment.

Is that not so?

The person quoted in that article is Mifsud.

The very same article where the 'white parent' quote of Rendell was first raised.

Exactly, Mifsud pretty much believes that unless they exposed to AFL football, they won't amount to anything :thumbsu:

Tremendous quote from a bloke in charge of Aboriginal welfare in the League.

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Re: Matt Rendall...

Pretty sure you don't know how the conversation went, unless you were in the room with the guys at the time.

I don't doubt Rendell's intentions at all. He's one of the best recruiters in the game. I still stand by the fact that it was an extremely stupid comment to make, regardless of whether he was making an exaggeration to prove a point or not.

You are obviously trying to distance your self from your earlier posts, you were pretty scathing of Rendell on Friday night. You obviously didn't think it through before passing judgement. Unfortunately you were'nt the only one but now that Rendell has put his side forward don't you think this whole saga is starting to make sense, it is no longer about what MR said but that he wasn't permitted to say anything by the AFL in defense.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Someone put it quite well on twitter tonight, I saw it retweeted by Robbo.

"TAC and Quit use emotive examples to highlight dangers of speeding, smoking. Surely this was Rendell's only intention"
Re: Matt Rendall...

It was stupid, and completely unnecessary, for Rendell to use the 'one white parent' example. It's not a relevent indication of anything and he really needed to choose his words better.

But when you consider his actual intent at the time (as he explained it) I think he can be forgiven for his poor choice of words

Of course he can, but he never genuinely or promptly apologised or gave an indication of that he felt sorry that he said it. Rewatch the interview.
Re: Matt Rendall...

No, all I'm saying is that even if his intentions were as he says they were, he still chose a bloody stupid way to get his concerns across.

How should he have got his "if we don't do something to help make the transition to AFL football for these kids a much easier one, we will go backwards rapidly" concerns across? What is stupid is that when a guy who clearly doesn't give a fig about being politically correct tries to sell a concept of a better pathway which will ultimately help future generations of Aboriginal footballers to make the transition to AFL, instead of the league and his own club seeing the merit in the suggestion, he gets the predictable response.


Because it's always better to be perceived to be strong on issues regarding race than to actually be committed to making a positive difference.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Exactly, there in lies the ignorance. He says again, that he would be as in possibly mortified ... You've worked with Aboriginals in the community and you cannot grasp that they would be? Mortified? Again he should be saying. 'I am mortified by what's happen, I can see why the would be mortified.'

Again I have written multiple posts on this issue. Racial vilification happens constantly in this country. I am constantly the victim of it still 2012. Ignorance knows no bounds.

Given his interview, and the way he answered the questions, (you should rewatch the interview and forget about the emotion and look at it objectively) and realise how many times he contradicts himself, how many times he doesn't answer a question directly and you will see a person that in closed rooms would've made decsions based on race.

It's all good and well to say we need to this, we need to do that. If you actually know anything about Aboriginal communities and the AFL, you will know that ever year the AFL spend more and more money, put more resources in helping these communities and Indigenous players. They just recently opened up an Acadamey in Darwin which will help Indegenoius players.

You must be a white apologist because you dont talk like any nunga i know. As an Aboriginal man and Crows supporter, i am now ashamed of my club for bending over to the afl. My interactions (small as they have been) with matt have never been anything but positive/ helpful towards my mob and the central australian communities speak highly of matt aswell. I wanted to hear his side of the story before passing judgemnet as it did not ring true to what i know and have heard. Shame on you Trigg.

BTW the government spends more and more money too, it justifies their position but does it actually make a difference?. Many communities in central australia would beg to differ.
Re: Matt Rendall...

Jesus, deadset the most compelling television I have seen in years. Riveting stuff, got to feel for the bloke. Scapegoat.

Watch it when you get the chance.

I agree.

Raw and honest. Light years away from the usual cliche crap that we normally see in the media.

But then again who could blame players and coaches for giving us stage-managed sentences when they see the witch hunts that go on from time to time.
Re: Matt Rendall...

You realise that educated people on this issue have know about these things for quite a while? Nothing Rendell said was new at all.

He was preaching to preachers. The preachers don't believe his concocted story.

People like yourself who are most likely not educated on the issue believe he was trying to bring it light for the first time. Ain't the case.

We don't need guys like Rendell. Glad too see the back of him after his concocted interview.

Congrats from the way you talk you must clearly be educated just you shame that you missed my point clearly.
I didn't think "he was trying to bring it to light for the first time". I merely raised the point that why would a racist or insensitive person even bring this topic up if they didn't care about the situation?

The phrase "bringing it up in the first place" doesn't literally mean that you think you are the first person to raise a topic.
Re: Matt Rendall...

You are obviously trying to distance your self from your earlier posts, you were pretty scathing of Rendell on Friday night. You obviously didn't think it through before passing judgement. Unfortunately you were'nt the only one but now that Rendell has put his side forward don't you think this whole saga is starting to make sense, it is no longer about what MR said but that he wasn't permitted to say anything by the AFL in defense.

Doesn't everyone rush to judgement around here? I thought it was par for the course. I'm not going to try and deny what I said - because too bad for me - I said it.

I'll be quick to jump on the gun with anything that has a racial tinge to it. I think Justin Sherman should have got at least 10 weeks for what he did last year against the Gold Coast and if he was rubbed out for the season I would have applauded. I simply don't understand racism at all. Whether it's in a 'joke' or in everyday language, I don't understand it how a person can consider themselves superior to another simply because of the colour of their skin. Don't understand it and I never will.

Now - when I first heard of what Matt Rendell said, I thought it was appalling and prejudicial. I obviously didn't have the whole story, and I still don't think anyone does now. But my views have subsided.

But while I don't think anymore that his comments were prejudicial, I still think they were stupid. Nothing can change my opinions on that.
Re: Matt Rendall...

I would be interested to know what Misfaud told Andy D.

The way Rendell told it tonight, in a genuine way suggest Andy D was told a different story.

Once Andy D said that the recruiter in question better find another job that guy was toast, no club was going to stand up to that. How would it play out if Trigg called a presser to refute the claims on Friday night. How would the media play that? Backing our club, or the guy who gives them their media accreditation.

Even tonight Vlad appeared on On the Couch, as that show airs first, so that he could set the agenda. But I guess noone expected the way Rendell conveyed his side of events.

It is time for Vlad to go. Been in the job too long and thinks he owns the league.
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