Media alert #2

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Watching the comments on Classified last night the two things I felt was embarrassment and anger.

Embarrassment because we just appear to be so far behind the other clubs now with finances, facilites and list management its going to take a monster effort from Leppa for us to be even competitive in the next 3 years, and a chairman that is already looking ordinary.

Anger, because we struggle while Gold Coast have:
- A lions best and fairest and experienced midfielder we need right now (Riska)
- A purpose built football facility while we have nowhere to train in the off season and a cricket pitch wrecking our ruck man 1 by 1.
- The cream of our local talent which we weren't allowed to have access to.
- Get the rules of the draw changed to give them a front seat ride into the finals, while we got the draw from hell.
Did anyone else hear Voss telling Gillon McLachlan what needed to be done to aid Brisbane on SEN on Saturday morning? I can't rate Voss anymore highly than I already do, but after listening to him stick it to Gillon on behalf of a club that treated him shabbilly at the end you almost want him as Chairman of the Board immediately because he is across the lot of it. It seems we shafted our only pro to be left with amateurs at the controls. I'm trying to find the audio but it was 1st class.

Oh so when I ask... I get nothing but crickets!

When WRB asks the same question a day later everyone rushes to click LIKE!


"Now look what you've done you little FREAKS!!!!"

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Oh so when I ask... I get nothing but crickets!

When WRB asks the same question a day later everyone rushes to click LIKE!


"Now look what you've done you little FREAKS!!!!"
View attachment 55211

My apologies - I missed your earlier post until after I had posted. The really sad thing about Voss is that is inevitible that some other club will pick him up at some stage and I'm convinced he is a gun coach. Everytime he speaks down here now - people listen and the general consensus is that he's a footy genius and a hard but fair man. When they line that up against the fact that our rudderluss club sacked him to replace him with a rookie, most are now coming to the conclusion that we are run by a group of ****wits. The passion in his voice when he gave it to McLachlan was spine tingling and debilitating at the same time. Spine tingling because of the conviction in his voice and his want to get a fair deal for the club. Debilitating in that it was obvious he had one arm tied behind his back when he coached and that he will be lost to another club in the future.
My apologies - I missed your earlier post until after I had posted. The really sad thing about Voss is that is inevitible that some other club will pick him up at some stage and I'm convinced he is a gun coach. Everytime he speaks down here now - people listen and the general consensus is that he's a footy genius and a hard but fair man. When they line that up against the fact that our rudderluss club sacked him to replace him with a rookie, most are now coming to the conclusion that we are run by a group of *******s. The passion in his voice when he gave it to McLachlan was spine tingling and debilitating at the same time. Spine tingling because of the conviction in his voice and his want to get a fair deal for the club. Debilitating in that it was obvious he had one arm tied behind his back when he coached and that he will be lost to another club in the future.

I'm desperate to hear it. I tweeted SEN last night asking if they'd upload it. Nothing yet...
I'm desperate to hear it. I tweeted SEN last night asking if they'd upload it. Nothing yet...

TGO briefly mentioned it on 360 last night when he questioned Gerard where on Gillon's hit list did the Lions now sit after Vossy's crack at him. I think Beaker mentioned "High" - all media oulets outside SEN & Fox are sitting back saying "I wish we had him on our team" think some club bosses may as well. Eddie McGuire is infatuated with him almost to the Nayfan level.,
TGO briefly mentioned it on 360 last night when he questioned Gerard where on Gillon's hit list did the Lions now sit after Vossy's crack at him.

Yeah that's where I heard about it. He definitely indicated that Voss wasn't half hearted about saying what he thought.
Transcript from the Footy Classified (5/5/2014) discussion of Gill McLachlan's trip to Brisbane.

DAMIEN BARRETT: They [Richmond] have got concerns but not as many as Brisbane Lions Gaz. The situation is this… Gill McLachlan was appointed CEO last Wednesday, by Friday he’s on a plane to Brisbane to speak with Bob Sharpless, the Chairman of the footy club.

CAROLINE WILSON: That meeting was already booked in fairness…

BARRETT: …but he still took the time to go up there. Not everyone in the footy club knew what was going on with it. There was – to use an AFL industry word – a “robust” conversation between the two about where this club is heading, in particular around the messaging of taking this footy club away from the Gabba where it’s based, to a place called Springfield which is near Ipswich, and there is a conflict there which Bob Sharpless is happy to put his hand up to, but it is very uncomfortable for some people around it because he does…

GARRY LYON: [dismayed tone] Moving the club from Brisbane?

BARRETT: …to a little satellite city near Ipswich, and Bob Sharpless’s businesses own a large part of this particular city. So it’s a work in progress, there is no government money funding for any of this at the moment and Gillon McLachlan has told Bob Sharpless just to get the messaging right for this footy club, because to move it away from the Gabba, Lloydy, even if it’s not to play games as he was at one stage saying, it’s very confusing for the Lions…

MATTHEW LLOYD: …and they’re broke? Are they broke?

BARRETT: Oh they’re in all sorts of trouble financially…

LYON: How safe is Bob Sharpless? Is he the man to take this footy club…

BARRETT:, I reckon we’ll find within the next twelve months that Leigh Matthews will be heading that footy club as Chairman.

LYON: [surprised] Watch this space.
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My apologies - I missed your earlier post until after I had posted. The really sad thing about Voss is that is inevitible that some other club will pick him up at some stage and I'm convinced he is a gun coach. Everytime he speaks down here now - people listen and the general consensus is that he's a footy genius and a hard but fair man. When they line that up against the fact that our rudderluss club sacked him to replace him with a rookie, most are now coming to the conclusion that we are run by a group of *******s. The passion in his voice when he gave it to McLachlan was spine tingling and debilitating at the same time. Spine tingling because of the conviction in his voice and his want to get a fair deal for the club. Debilitating in that it was obvious he had one arm tied behind his back when he coached and that he will be lost to another club in the future.

I still think Melbourne need to get over Roos obsession with have a Sydney guy as successor and get Voss in for an interview at least, I will say it a million times, Voss's passion mixed with Roos tactical ability would give Melbourne the best chance to go up the ladder after Roos does this 3 years and out thing.

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This link worked for me.

Summary of article (by Greg Denham so, you know, grain of salt):

- Holmes gone by end of year
- 7th consecutive year of loss and debt of $10M
- several influential Lions people, including one major benefactor, moved to the Suns
- board dysfunctional and not representative of membership
- disenfranchising people; number of long time, wealthy Brisbane people have lost interest or support the Suns
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