Michael Long

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Jan 20, 2006
AFL Club
congratulations to michael long who recieved the victorian local hero award this year for his work with the long walk. its great to see the talented footballer making a change and standing up for his people. he will always be a champion on and off the field.
He's always been more of a champion off-field than on-field.

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long isnt over-rated. he is a champion and a admired player. its good to see that players are using their fame to help others like michael has
collingwood4eva said:
congratulations to michael long who recieved the victorian local hero award this year for his work with the long walk. its great to see the talented footballer making a change and standing up for his people. he will always be a champion on and off the field.

What a joke. What did Long actually achieve for grass roots Aborigines with his little publicity driven exercise? Is Indigenous health care any better? Are there any more Indigenous kids going to school on a regular basis? Has it improved Indigenous life expectancy? And so on and so on....

For god sake there are enough people in the community who actually do something tangible as opposed to just staging publicity stunts...give them the award.
Long the footballer - had one good finals series and was labelled a champion. Did he ever string together a great season? Nope, just flashy player who did the odd brilliant thing but went missing for long periods. Was not prepared to take possession of the ball, prefering to tap it on, some see that as genius I see it as soft. The only time Long had a go was when a blokes head was over the ball.

Long off-field - what has he actually done? The long walk, did nothing for me. I am happy with what the Govt is doing re his issues and think there are far better aborginal leaders who actually want to look forward rather than back. He just has a profile, thats it.
collingwood4eva said:
congratulations to michael long who recieved the victorian local hero award this year for his work with the long walk. its great to see the talented footballer making a change and standing up for his people. he will always be a champion on and off the field.
Well said.

Forget what the morons say. They should take a long walk, followed by a running jump

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morgoth said:
Long the footballer - had one good finals series and was labelled a champion. Did he ever string together a great season? Nope, just flashy player who did the odd brilliant thing but went missing for long periods. Was not prepared to take possession of the ball, prefering to tap it on, some see that as genius I see it as soft. The only time Long had a go was when a blokes head was over the ball.

Long off-field - what has he actually done? The long walk, did nothing for me. I am happy with what the Govt is doing re his issues and think there are far better aborginal leaders who actually want to look forward rather than back. He just has a profile, thats it.

No to put it simply he played in a red and black jumper so in your eyes he is crap.:eek:
If he played for anyone else you wouldnt have even responded:rolleyes:

As for your second line and Units great response WTF are you on about. He has a high profile so he is using it to promote issues that need to be looked at. It has nothing to do with looking back. It is all about making sure Aboriginal issues are kept in the fore front and not just swept away. Morgoth if you are happy with what the goverment is doing then you dont really have a grasp of the issue. If any of the governments had been doing a good job then issues like these wouldnt need highlighting!
morgoth said:
Long the footballer - had one good finals series and was labelled a champion. Did he ever string together a great season? Nope, just flashy player who did the odd brilliant thing but went missing for long periods. Was not prepared to take possession of the ball, prefering to tap it on, some see that as genius I see it as soft. The only time Long had a go was when a blokes head was over the ball.

Long off-field - what has he actually done? The long walk, did nothing for me. I am happy with what the Govt is doing re his issues and think there are far better aborginal leaders who actually want to look forward rather than back. He just has a profile, thats it.

Just a typical Aboriginal player then?
ant555 said:
No to put it simply he played in a red and black jumper so in your eyes he is crap.:eek:
If he played for anyone else you wouldnt have even responded:rolleyes:

As for your second line and Units great response WTF are you on about. He has a high profile so he is using it to promote issues that need to be looked at. It has nothing to do with looking back. It is all about making sure Aboriginal issues are kept in the fore front and not just swept away. Morgoth if you are happy with what the goverment is doing then you dont really have a grasp of the issue. If any of the governments had been doing a good job then issues like these wouldnt need highlighting!

And while Long is 'promoting' issues (and himself) there are people in the community actually getting there hands dirty and dealing with them. Like i said give them the award, not Long.
And when was the last time Long was in the outback with the aboriginal communities that are in real need? Not for friggen years. Meanwhile other Aboriginal leaders are making meaningful contributions that are helping the communities in most need. I suggest you go and do some research before thinking the 'great man' had done it all.

As for the playing part I said he was no champion, he was a good player but nothing more. Why does every Essendon player have to be a champion?
morgoth said:
And when was the last time Long was in the outback with the aboriginal communities that are in real need? Not for friggen years. Meanwhile other Aboriginal leaders are making meaningful contributions that are helping the communities in most need. I suggest you go and do some research before thinking the 'great man' had done it all.

As for the playing part I said he was no champion, he was a good player but nothing more. Why does every Essendon player have to be a champion?

Where am i disputing your right not to call him a champion? I simply said and will say again that if he played for the Bulldogs you wouldnt have even responded.Your opinon of him as a player is your entitlment.
And i havnt said that he has done it all. My point is he is well known and he is using his profile to promote the issues. What is wrong with that? Just because someone chose to give him an award is that his fault? Myabe the anger should be aimed at the poeple who decided on the award!
He is doing what he belives will serve the issues best and that is getting the exposure. Sure there are others who are doing more hands on work but without anyone to highlight the issue it reamins just that , hands on work that no one will ever know about. As for Micheal going to the outback, well his people and family arnt from the outback. They are islanders.
UNIT said:
And while Long is 'promoting' issues (and himself) there are people in the community actually getting there hands dirty and dealing with them. Like i said give them the award, not Long.

Then bag them and not Long . They gave him the award , he didnt give it to himself.
And tell me this , when has Long asked for anything in return for his efforts?
Freo Big Fella said:
or 8.8 Sampi.

A fit Sampi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Any Aboriginal player at the Dockers

Michael Long = Just another Aboriginal 'leader' in a hat, who would rather get his ugly mug on tv by pointing fingers and talking about what needs to be done, as opposed to getting down and dirty himself and doing what actually needs to be done himself.
morgoth said:
And when was the last time Long was in the outback with the aboriginal communities that are in real need? Not for friggen years. Meanwhile other Aboriginal leaders are making meaningful contributions that are helping the communities in most need. I suggest you go and do some research before thinking the 'great man' had done it all.

As for the playing part I said he was no champion, he was a good player but nothing more. Why does every Essendon player have to be a champion?

Well actually Long has moved to the Northern Territory but does a lot of the publicity stuff like the Long Walk in Melbourne.
He is doing good things for the aboriginal community, but was an overrated footballer from most accounts I have heard.

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Michael Long

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