NFL Div 1 - Season 2012

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From memory a Fitzroy Stars player was charged after he left the field of play and entered the Lower Plenty coaches box last season. I know he got a suspension, but not sure if it was for that or another incident during game. Think it was Kane Cooper!
kane cooper noooooooo he wouldnt do that:D:D

Well, someone was after a precedence and now we have one, he had a reason.....reasons are obviously relative so now its a free for all. Cheers NFL tribunal.

Oh, wait, no mention if he had a reason for this one....lets forget that the AFL was not overly involved then.

No shit sherlock, oh wait, now we have your 'reasons'......hold on, did they not say you were only gone for 10 seconds, damn you must be good to sort everything out that quick. No wonder you are a prize worker for the AFL

Yes you should be happy, but please do not call it common sense, it is a plain farce that you have been let off for a second time.

Labelled, mate you labelled yourself...twice in a few weeks. I have no doubt that your true ethics and core beliefs will come out again.



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Didn't the NFL change their league name, brought in tougher stance against violent acts and supporters just to change their image?

I'm sorry but in one fowl swoop you're back to square one. You condone players leaving the field and engaging spectators. You say it's OK to do this. Great Work.

Can't wait to see if someone else does this and the response the NFL provide.
Didn't the NFL change their league name, brought in tougher stance against violent acts and supporters just to change their image?

I'm sorry but in one fowl swoop you're back to square one. You condone players leaving the field and engaging spectators. You say it's OK to do this. Great Work.

Can't wait to see if someone else does this and the response the NFL provide.

Not 100% correct there Don. The DVFL did have an image problem but I doubt anymore serious as some other leagues. The main issue I believe they had to have a name change was issues within the executive and board that 'allegedly' 'fiddled' the books. Unfortunately not much happened in regards to criminal issues (for reasons) however I am confident the NFL is not being run like that now days.

That said, I am not overly stoked in what has transpired recently....:(
dont know why anyone would be surprised with this outcome. They have a history of either overlooking things or masking their decisions with mumbo jumbo. they let players run on the field and off the field, they turn a blind eye to clubs qualifying players for finals by puting names on seconds sheets, they make tapes of games unavailable when it suits them, it goes on. But they are happy to give a player a week for wearing the wrong socks. Whenever an incident would involve them either having to make a hard decision or shows them in a bad light the suddenly become sargent schultz.

The name change should not have been NFL but NFI.

The name change should have been
Hey guys, had a heap of requests about sports support score from around the grounds - if you need to know how to get the results as they happen read on.

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To avoid typing in the web address every time you want to check you can hit the bottom-middle icon (box with the arrow) and that will ask if you want to save the website on your home screen... It will basically become an app.

Over 80 updates from around the grounds every Saturday, all thanks to the guy and girls watching the games.
Is it true that the Northcote Park spectator who was getting stuck into Fahour verbally, was actually a registered player not playing on the day and was the only person who copped a suspension? How bizarre if it true that the player who leaves the field of play and gets involved in a confrontation gets off, and the spectator who stays on the right side of the fence gets weeks! :confused:
Is it true that the Northcote Park spectator who was getting stuck into Fahour verbally, was actually a registered player not playing on the day and was the only person who copped a suspension? How bizarre if it true that the player who leaves the field of play and gets involved in a confrontation gets off, and the spectator who stays on the right side of the fence gets weeks! :confused:

this is true, what a joke.
Is it true that the Northcote Park spectator who was getting stuck into Fahour verbally, was actually a registered player not playing on the day and was the only person who copped a suspension? How bizarre if it true that the player who leaves the field of play and gets involved in a confrontation gets off, and the spectator who stays on the right side of the fence gets weeks! :confused:

Is it true that the Northcote Park spectator who was getting stuck into Fahour verbally, was actually a registered player not playing on the day and was the only person who copped a suspension? How bizarre if it true that the player who leaves the field of play and gets involved in a confrontation gets off, and the spectator who stays on the right side of the fence gets weeks! :confused:
Not to mention the fact that the WP player left and re-entered the playing field illegally, i.e. not through the inter-change area
great win by macleod today with a very undermaned side. from all reports abit of fury after the game with a bit of a punch up in the crowd. feel free to enlighten us if you were there.
suck it up boro..........good work macleod..

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Panthers came out hard in the 1st but the Bulls kicked 8 goals to 2 in the second. Eltham got within 15pts early in the third but the Bulls never really looked threatened after that. Never seen Yulong in such good nick. Looked like a golf course.
4 goals up in the first 10 minutes, no mitchell for bundoora and l swear they had two extra on the field for most of the game and still came up short.Well done though panthers but not good enough:D
great win by macleod today with a very undermaned side. from all reports abit of fury after the game with a bit of a punch up in the crowd. feel free to enlighten us if you were there.
suck it up boro..........good work macleod..

Yes was a great win from nowhere! Apparently the non playing Greensborough captain took offence at the umpiring in the last few minutes, then decided to win the after match with a few combinations! I don't care how hard done they feel, when your a leader of a club you shouldn't be resorting to fisticuffs to vent your frustration. I think the umps may have taken note and let's hope his club shows a bit more leadership and punishes him as well!!
Yes was a great win from nowhere! Apparently the non playing Greensborough captain took offence at the umpiring in the last few minutes, then decided to win the after match with a few combinations! I don't care how hard done they feel, when your a leader of a club you shouldn't be resorting to fisticuffs to vent your frustration. I think the umps may have taken note and let's hope his club shows a bit more leadership and punishes him as well!!
i did hear the umpireing was discrasefull and advantaged macleod but definatley a poor effort from a skipper. from all reports he got nth heidelbergs team of the century captain who now supports macleod.
(As for the fracas..... If certain Greensy Capt didn't vline to the umpires race to give them a nice spray (maybe deserved but not from him) and then venture on past the Macleod faithful without excpeting some sort of "send off" then maybe he is more stupid then the Greensy coaching staff who "put the que in the rack" with five mins to go. 5 mins and 4 goals later.... well thats history now.)

Alright boys lets not get carried away here, it's apparent to the most casual observer that we no longer have an interchange gate and that reasons for entering/leaving the field whether registered or supporting may or may not apply to either players officials spectators chicks in the social club on a ladies day or anyone anymore.
Example: An oficial who has played some large amount of games told an umpire he was a goose and got seven weeks suspension:eek:, reduced to a reprimand on appeal.
Ex 2 :Goose jumps fence and smacks a spectator and gets a reprimand, :confused: could the NFL lodge an appeal and clean him up.
Either that or give us some consistency

Enough crap cracking game Eltham v Bundy, forward pres of Eltham had Bundy on the back foot but when it backfires and you see Harrison, Cloke and moorcroft un marked and the only players in the Bundoora half, you know it's gunna hurt you. Still it was a high scoring very entertaining affair. Please I hope the camera guy is on the ball as Moorcroft kicked a couple of blinders and is still pulling in screamers.:)

And, how unbeleivable that in the last quarter CLOKE and an opponent both eyes on the ball have another serious head clash reminiscent of last year, with both coming off worse for wear.
Oh Yeah, can't be bothered going back through all the crap but who said Cloke had Elthamitis, More like leather poisoning.:D
And, how unbeleivable that in the last quarter CLOKE and an opponent both eyes on the ball have another serious head clash reminiscent of last year, with both coming off worse for wear.

I couldn't see which Eltham player copped it, but it was as if a truck had hit him.
Said player has a fractured cheekbone in 3 places and needs a plate inserted, pretty courageous to walk from the field after that.

all the best with a speedy recovery young man:thumbsu:
Oh Yeah, can't be bothered going back through all the crap but who said Cloke had Elthamitis, More like leather poisoning.:D

That would be the elusive eltham man himself mr "kickass". Although he was spotted amongst the eltham muppets giving cloke a send off after that colision.I think you might find the lads forgot that he had kicked 10 large up to that point......then added 1 more after nearly being knocked out.Great game CTC:thumbsu:.
That would be the elusive eltham man himself mr "kickass". Although he was spotted amongst the eltham muppets giving cloke a send off after that colision.I think you might find the lads forgot that he had kicked 10 large up to that point......then added 1 more after nearly being knocked out.Great game CTC:thumbsu:.

Yes it was. And i think you'll find that Cloke was more wrapped up in giving himself a send off. Anyway, he may have got a few on the board yesterday but he still only earned a couple of 'em.

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NFL Div 1 - Season 2012

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