Nicky Winmar to take legal action against Newman, Scott and Sheahan

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Newman questioned Winmar's motives for no better reason than he's a confused old man who no longer understand the world around him. It wasn't an opinion it was simply not factually correct and said deliberately to impugn Winmar's reputation. If Newman thought he had leg to stand on legally you can guarantee his signature wouldn't have been on the apology.
There is a difference between political discussion that doesn't really infer anything more serious than pork barreling and airing a conspiracy theory standard rumour about how someone contorted the story of their actions to profit from the fact that they're a minority.

The forum it's expressed is also important. If you write it on a public toilet wall, it's a lot different to being published in a widely distributed and much respected newspaper.
But you can question someone's motives. It's not against the law to do so, regardless if you are a politician or not.
I'm not saying that they were correct, I am talking about the principle of having an opinion of someone's motives.
The same rules apply to politicians as it does any member of the public. If it was so easy to sue someone in an instance like this then any person who has been called a racist would be able to sue that person as well. Same if you were called sexist or bigot, or whatever. Call an umpire a cheat, you get sued. Say the players don't care or arnt trying, get sued.
There was never a legal case for Winmar, regardless of if they were wrong. You have the freedom to question anyone's motives.
But you can question someone's motives. It's not against the law to do so, regardless if you are a politician or not.
I'm not saying that they were correct, I am talking about the principle of having an opinion of someone's motives.
The same rules apply to politicians as it does any member of the public. If it was so easy to sue someone in an instance like this then any person who has been called a racist would be able to sue that person as well. Same if you were called sexist or bigot, or whatever. Call an umpire a cheat, you get sued. Say the players don't care or arnt trying, get sued.
There was never a legal case for Winmar, regardless of if they were wrong. You have the freedom to question anyone's motives.

When it comes to freedom saying what you like, it's actually different for politics and the average person. There is an implied freedom of communications on political matters.

A broad term like "racist" or "bigot" or general claim that someone isn't trying at their sport/ work is also significantly different to saying someone was trying to change history to benefit from the fact they are a minority. Imagine I'm in a crowd and call an umpire a cheat, then compare that to of Clarko at his presser, names a specific umpire, and says "there are serious integrity issues with umpire x and I think it's clear that he is corrupt". One is far likelier to result in legal action than the other.

Your ignorance on this matter is actually pretty stunning. Probably fortunate you don't have a large platform to express views or you might find yourself in a spot of bother.
It's probably been written before but I'm unsure how it is defamation. I can't stand Sheahan or his family but both he and Scott seem to give their take on what they saw. Newman then went on some tangent. As I said I am unsure as how someone's perception of an event is defamation or racism
I recall reading something about newman or his family paying polly farmer wagez cos the cats were broke.also is it true that newman has sponsored an indigenous golf tournament in qld for many many years
I’ve read and heard many times that Sams one of the most loyal and generous people there is. His media persona is a polar opposite from his personality.

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Winmar is extremely sensitive for a bloke convicted of assaulting a cab driver.

I understand he wants the record set straight, but this is merely a few blokes giving their OPINION on a podcast.

Surely he has better things to do.
If anyone ever doubts that Newman is a racist piece of sh*t - watch this. It's a special segment on the Footy Show designed to discuss and highlight the racism Chris Lewis was subjected to during his AFL career and the impact it had on him. Dermot Brereton acknowledges that Hawthorne targeted him with Racism, and apologises for it. Dermott comes across OK. He says he was uneducated and did the wrong thing.

Newman actually says to Brereton that there was nothing in it and it was just "gamesmanship"...........During a segment discussing the impact of racist the person that says they did the wrong front of the person that was racially abused.....on national TV.

And it is his only contribution in the whole 15-minute segment.

How this racist idiot was given so many years on television speaks volumes to the general public.

6:40 is where he starts, but you need to watch the full video to see how out of place his racist comments are.

Winmar is extremely sensitive for a bloke convicted of assaulting a cab driver.

I understand he wants the record set straight, but this is merely a few blokes giving their OPINION on a podcast.

It's not opinion if you say "this person said this or did this" - that's making a statement of fact that could be right or wrong, but it's not an opinion. I'm not sure why people think opinions are equivalent to facts these days. Bizarre.
Given the somewhat grovelling apology, it's safe to assume that Newman & co. were advised they had a problem.

Apart from Don's "dined out" reference, it's hard to see what the sticking point might've been from a legal perspective. I hope it is explained in due course.

Can Buzz Aldrin sue conspiracy theorists who claim the moon landing was filmed in a TV studio?
If anyone ever doubts that Newman is a racist piece of sh*t - watch this. It's a special segment on the Footy Show designed to discuss and highlight the racism Chris Lewis was subjected to during his AFL career and the impact it had on him. Dermot Brereton acknowledges that Hawthorne targeted him with Racism, and apologises for it. Dermott comes across OK. He says he was uneducated and did the wrong thing.

Newman actually says to Brereton that there was nothing in it and it was just "gamesmanship"...........During a segment discussing the impact of racist the person that says they did the wrong front of the person that was racially abused.....on national TV.

And it is his only contribution in the whole 15-minute segment.

How this racist idiot was given so many years on television speaks volumes to the general public.

6:40 is where he starts, but you need to watch the full video to see how out of place his racist comments are.

Sam clearly thought the whole thing was a joke, felt for Lewis, not only was he being abused but was being punished for retaliating.
Does anyone know the outcome of winmar’s court case with the taxi driver?

I didn't realise that having done something wrong means it's open season on you. Is that what you're suggesting?

Weird way of assessing what Sam and Co said.

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Nicky Winmar to take legal action against Newman, Scott and Sheahan

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