North Melbourne seals Tassie deal

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We cop crap because we have done this so many times before, only to take the money from the market, build no relationships and be left with nothing to build on in the end....Canberra, Sydney, Gold Coast.

1 year ago it was Ballarat... then one month ago it was Tassie... that door was shut, it became Ballarat again... before the election was lost and now its Tassie again...

I just want a strategy that we stick to and can build on rather than simply chasing the $$$. We have done that in the past and clearly that hasnt worked...
Piss off back to your own board.
It wouldnt matter if we played 7 games interstate or zero games, the doomsayers will always be out there.

So lets pocket the cash and extinguish the debt.

There are so many positives at the minute that once it all starts translating to onfield success the rest will start to look after itself. :thumbsu:
It wouldnt matter if we played 7 games interstate or zero games, the doomsayers will always be out there.

So lets pocket the cash and extinguish the debt.

There are so many positives at the minute that once it all starts translating to onfield success the rest will start to look after itself. :thumbsu:

Amen to that.

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: Cross eyed look

Not interested if he hasn't had a cut n shut. :stern look
JB was just on SEN with Schwass. He said the deal is not quite over the line yet. They need to get the Tasmanian State Government to underwrite two games but JB thinks the rate is pretty reasonable and the return for the state is unbelievable, especially for people in the south. He reckons there are a lot of pluses in it. Deal is not quite over the line but he said it's pretty close.

JB said these conversations were going on throughout the recent North/Hawthorn in Tassie business. He said they have been talking to people in Tasmania for 18 months - 2 years about playing a couple of games in Hobart. He believes it is a sleeping giant and thinks the 250,000 people in the southern part of Tasmania are more crazy about football than almost anywhere else in Australia(!). They said to the powerbrokers in Tassie that if they could get the deal done, NM would happily play down there.

He can't believe that the state government won't get involved at some level and so they should. JB said that it's 'chicken feed', that the investment isn't particularly high in a money sense.

JB said that you could play an AFL game there tomorrow (in terms of the ground being ready for AFL footy). The facilities are fine but camera stands, commentary boxes etc would need to be set up. Change rooms, surface etc is all fine.

He repeated again that he never said that NM wouldn't play games outside of Victoria. Said that he had been saying this right back from the Dallas Brookes Hall night. Said the club needs to get bigger, get more people joining as members, watching the club, sell more merchandise etc.

Schwass asked if the two games would be a 'foray' into more games down there at some stage. JB said he didn't know, that it may sneak out to one more game but with the quota situation you've got with the two stadiums here in Melbourne, he couldn't see, realistically, more than two. Said that's fine. They would be pushing to have one of the games against the Hawks.

Schwass said, "Where does this leave North Ballarat?" JB said that was a Labor party initiative. The Liberal party will look at it. Again, he thinks it's a good idea, but it's a $40 million good idea and someone has to be prepared to put the money up, whether that's the state Liberal government or the federal Labor government, it remains to be seen.

The interview wound up with some chat about how well the players are training at this time of the year. He said it was great to see the midfielders amongst the best runners in the time trials. For years, Lachie Hansen and Grima have been winning the time trials. He mentioned Wellsy, Richardson, Bastinac, Greenwood, Cunners and Ziebs as starting to impose themselves in training. Utah was good for them. They are really confident that players we need to have really fit are starting to get into that elite level of fitness.

Said he couldn't think of any players coming out of contract in the next twelve months. Mentioned Andrew Swallow being loyal to the club. We don't normally have too many issues with that, we have a strong culture, mentioned Brad Scott, Donald Mc Donald and Darren Crocker. Generally players who come to our club are good people and want to stay. He doesn't worry too much about that.
At least this time we will be playing games in a place that loves it's footy.

Grewat move that will provide us with some cash and will hopefully increase our supporter base.
2 games at $1.5 mill seems like a very good scenerio and I hope it stays at this, so well done to all involved.

This will help solve part of the revenue problem, yet give sfa genuine ammunition for the pro relecotionist brigade out there.

Must say I was a bit bemused at this comment though......
Schwass said, "Where does this leave North Ballarat?" JB said that was a Labor party initiative.

I was hoping for a little more positive speak on this front.
Must say I was a bit bemused at this comment though......

Schwass said, "Where does this leave North Ballarat?" JB said that was a Labor party initiative.

I was hoping for a little more positive speak on this front.
Yeah, nah I don't think that represents our true attitude to Ballarat. His comment is, of course, grounded in fact too.

If anything, I think what JB is doing and what I think we've been doing well on a PR front is to paint others (governments, political parties, Cricket Tasmania) as the suitors of the NMFC, not the other way around. It doesn't necessarily mean we're not keen, but rather as the ups and downs of 'Will we?' or 'Won't we?' have gone on with Tassie and Ballarat, it blunts the view that we're desperate as we're simply responding to invitations and offers.

Just on these ups and downs, troll or not, ontheinside has a point about the negative impression these exercises can give. We all know that things are different under JB and Eugene, but to the more casual North supporter or to those outside the club, particularly those inclined to be antagonistic, it doesn't play well. We may not like it, we may not agree with it, but until the deals get done and until we show a longer term commitment to an area, it will feed into the old stories unfortunately. This is why I like JB's comment about it being a Labor initiative. It's them, not us who proposed the deal.

One other point; the money might be more than for Canberra etc. but regardless, what I'm more than confident about is that Eugene will make the dollars count! If we can turn profits with what we've been given thus far, I look forward to serious debt reduction and even more competitive football dept spends with some decent revenues.
From memory, Gold Coast was $400k per game whilst the offer from Canberra was for $320k.

Nothing is over the line here yet though, and at current its no more than $600k:
North Melbourne wrote to Cricket Tasmania advising that it was seeking a net return of $750,000 from each match played at Bellerive.

Estimates have each game generating $600,000 through gate takings, corporate hospitality, catering, signage and game sponsorships

Still good for our coffers, and only playing 2 games doesn't give the relocationists in the media much to run with.

Kimbo, good point on the PR perspective (i.e. us not appearing desperate). I've been calling for that kind of stance in our dealings for a while. Glad to finally see it.
Still good for our coffers, and only playing 2 games doesn't give the relocationists in the media much to run with.

Not if Cowro & David "Im not bitter" King have anything to do with it.
David "im not bitter" King will no doubt, say that "this is disastrous for the club" while of course ignoring the fact that Crapmond, Bulldogs, Port Adelaide, Demons, Dawkthorn all play games interstate. In fact, Cowro will probably rehash some of her old articles, change a few dates etc..
It'll be a fantastic deal for us if, no, when it goes ahead. I'm not worried about two games in Tassie and the $1.5m per year will be handy.

I reckon the City of Hobart should chuck in $150k a year to make up the shortfall (if there is one? - I'm relying on Tony Shibeki for this possibility:eek:).

Hobart stands to gain the most from our presence.
This is what I was thinking.

If they really do make $5.5m per game, what the hell are we waiting for? It's a win for all parties. Surely, the state Government aren't stubborn enough to reject that just to appease Dawk supporters.

I gotta say though, I'm a bit peeved at the prospect of not seeing us smash those Dawks in Melbourne twice a year for the next 5-10...
If they really do make $5.5m per game, what the hell are we waiting for? It's a win for all parties. Surely, the state Government aren't stubborn enough to reject that just to appease Dawk supporters.
I think the $5.5M is the assessed economic benefit to the area/city, rather than what any one entity 'makes'.

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Yeah, nah I don't think that represents our true attitude to Ballarat. His comment is, of course, grounded in fact too.

If anything, I think what JB is doing and what I think we've been doing well on a PR front is to paint others (governments, political parties, Cricket Tasmania) as the suitors of the NMFC, not the other way around. It doesn't necessarily mean we're not keen, but rather as the ups and downs of 'Will we?' or 'Won't we?' have gone on with Tassie and Ballarat, it blunts the view that we're desperate as we're simply responding to invitations and offers.

Very good point Kimbo. :thumbsu:
2 games good money, hope it gets done,

to idiots like "ontheside", all clubs will be looking to play games at other venues with the expanded comp, not to mention the clubs that already do it
2 games good money, hope it gets done,

to idiots like "ontheside", all clubs will be looking to play games at other venues with the expanded comp, not to mention the clubs that already do it

He'll read that but won't be responding mm, as he's now ontheoutside of the North Board, where he belongs.
didnt want a response mate was happy to hear of a hopeful 2 game deal though,
would you want to use one of the games up versus the hawks, ? would rather play interstate clubs in hobart myself.
On the Hawks vs North games, what does everyone think will be best?
1) Hawks v North (Launceston)
2)North v Hawks (Hobart)
3) both.

1) means we would play 2 interstaters in Hobart.

2) means we wouldn't travel to Tassie for an away game, though would probably end up in Perth or Cairns anyway.

3) Means a possible North v Hawks overload. Derbies are all good and well when they're 2 of a combined 22 games on show. But if your derbying up a storm 2 times out of 6 you'd have to wonder how long this could last.

Judging by JB's comments we'd be looking at either option 2 or 3.
Probably 1 derby game a season with a rotation on the homeside I reckon, Errol.

A nice little annual grudge match could build up some genuine excitement and would be something to look forward to rather than playing eachother twice in the one season on the map.

The other game versus a Freo, GWS, GC, etc...
There's no doubt Hawthorn have dug 'emselves in down there, it will be interesting to see the kind of support we are able to muster up, and how the club divies up it's resources between Hobart, Ballarat and the motherland in terms of gaining long term supporters. Ideally for me, it would be to go hard with Ballarat and the western corridor.

If we can brush off the negative crap then this whole thing can come together nicely.

Great work by everyone involved.
Yeah let's play a home game on the Map against Hawkthorn but play the Gold Coast or any other interstate side we draw poorly aginst at Idiot Stadium instead. Makes perfect sense to me.:thumbsu:

Ideally you would push for Hawks to host the grudge match, that gives us 3 games down there, we could play the three year in year out.

Why do you think JB is putting it straight out there that 1 of the games will be against the hawks? He must have reasoning, maybe it's the icing on the cake to get the deal through. I would have thought we'd be better served keeping Hawks right out of Hobart.
Yeah let's play a home game on the Map against Hawkthorn but play the Gold Coast or any other interstate side we draw poorly aginst at Idiot Stadium instead. Makes perfect sense to me.:thumbsu:

I don't particularly like it either Zondor tbh, but I reckon that's what they'll do.
Ideally you would push for Hawks to host the grudge match, that gives us 3 games down there, we could play the three year in year out.

Why do you think JB is putting it straight out there that 1 of the games will be against the hawks? He must have reasoning, maybe it's the icing on the cake to get the deal through. I would have thought we'd be better served keeping Hawks right out of Hobart.
I made the same point as Zondor re Hawks game. Financially not the most ideal on a 'per game' basis.

However, from a marketing point of view, if we do this deal and it's for a few years, then we have to convince the market there is a 'product' worth seeing. I imagine only teams like Freo, GC, Port, GWS will convey a message we're only in it for the cash.

Playing the Hawks there - I'd prefer to rotate the home game each year between Hobart and Launceston - will pull the crowds in given the Hawks have already developed a following and there is a chance to build on the rivalry from the 70s (and more recently in the 'Battle for Tasmania'). Also, this becomes a moot point if we can transfer some of the other games to Eureka in due course.

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North Melbourne seals Tassie deal

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