North Melbourne seals Tassie deal

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Recent Email Exchange between Onip, myself and Artichoke.

Onip said:
Hey Z what's the go - we are now playing 2 games in Hobart in 2012. A guaranteed $750k.

I reckon if we played 2 games in Hobart and 2 games in Ballarat it could work out very well - best of both worlds.

Imagine this works and we manage to get an extra say $2m to play 4 games (2 in Hobart and 2 in Ballarat) that would be great.

Also in years to come if we maintain our Melb mship at 30k/35k and get 5k/10k members in Hobart and 5k/10k members in Ballarat for a total of anything between 40k to 55k it could be a win on all fronts.

Zondor said:
The deal has to be agreed to by the State Government of the Map.

They haven’t done so as yet.

$750K per game is a good deal as long as it stays at 2 games.

Having said that Hobart aint the long term answer.

Which place is next cab of the rack for an AFL side? The Map.

Why would you want to build a supporter base in a place that could be taken away from you? That or be forced into some horseshit relocation?

I hope that Ballarat is still on the North radar. Long term Ballarat is the best place to build a secondary market.

Artichoke said:
U have ponting who is the #1 supporter and hails from tassie.

Stars are aligning

Zondor said:
How about if we got a star picket to align with your arse?
JB wanting us to play Hawthorn their suggests that this will be a long-term arrangement. If it was a grab for cash then we would only play interstaters their - for financial reasons. Playing Hawthorn in Tasmania signals intentions to create a rivalary and bring one team that South Tasmanians would want to beat more than any other - allinging us with the locals.

I wish the Ballarat deal had of gone through but all options must be considered. I hope this shows that we are looking long term. Growing our supporter base should be our number 1 priority and you don't do that by flying in and out of places.
However, from a marketing point of view, if we do this deal and it's for a few years, then we have to convince the market there is a 'product' worth seeing. I imagine only teams like Freo, GC, Port, GWS will convey a message we're only in it for the cash.

Which is exactly why we will play the Dawks at least once a year down there.

Apart from fuelling a rivalry in Tassie, it also takes care of having at least one Vic "powerhouse" club making an appearance. That would kill two birds with one stone and not leave the locals feeling shortchanged by playing some mob that nobody on the map could give two shits about.

There is no way I can see this scenario not happening from a marketing point of view.

The flipside is The AFL may still turn around and shitcan the whole idea simply to stick it to the Tassie gubberment for screwing with the grand plan.;)

Who knows what goes through the head of the egomaniacs at AFL Castle?

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Just reading through some of the comments from the Herald Sun website. People are just plain dumb! It really aggrivates me!

They just make me laugh mate, JB and Euge have answered many of those ridiculous comments time & time again. They are either stupid or just don't read the paper?

Most people on this board, will be very surprised at the following North Melbourne has down here.............. R#5 v Hawthorn @ Aurora Stadium should have been proof enough.

We have to do this right! And don't worry about the TCA, very good people, they will look after us, as long as we look after them!

Looks like I'll be needing that couch again Dark Phoenix :p
Sport 927 did Breakfast in Hobart this morning and there was an interesting discussion between 7.30 and 8am. Participants were Scott Wade (AFL Tassie), someone from TCA, the ex-Premier (who sounds like he might be our consultant) and the current Minister for Economic Development (O'Byrne?).

There was clear tension between Wade and the Minister. Wade said there were bridges to be mended between the Tassie Govt and the AFL and the Minister said funding needs to be provided by the local community because the Govt wasn't chipping any in. The Govt however has to sign off - as does the AFL said Wade.

Our guy suggested the deal should be sealed by March next year and the Minister more or less told him to F off we're running the show and we'll set our own timetable.

Wade sounded like someone who is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants the deal done but he represents the AFL, not Hobart.

It sounded like a powerplay between the AFL and the Govt with us, TCA and AFL Tassie caught in the middle.

I'm sure it will be sorted eventually but there may be some ups and downs along the way.
Some 'strong-arming' going on? How's that going to work exactly?

Tassie Govt saying it wants the best deal for the entire state, not just for Hobart/the south.

AFL saying whatever they choose to say.

Lots of chest beating.

JB is confident it will all be sorted in time.
Wade sounded like someone who is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants the deal done but he represents the AFL, not Hobart.

Wade represents Clarence and that's it. He wants games at Bellerive because it is Clarence's home ground, he mobed finals to Bellerive instead of the more popular North Hobart (which is not suitable for AFL level football) becaus eit is Clarence's home ground. The guy, along with assistance from others, has made Tassie footy a complete shambles.

As for Paul Lennon, he is quite simply the worst premier the state has ever had. And that's saying something, as the current government is worse than NSW Labor. At least Bartlett is merely incompetent swimming in a sea of incompetence, as opposed to incompetent and corrupt like Lennon.
There could not be two worse people to have on your side, though Wade normally gets what he wants, much to the detriment of all involved. The only thing he hasn't got so far is for Hawthorn to leave Launceston and go to Hobart.

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Meaning 'not spending any money'?

There's a shortfall of about $150k between what the TCA can find and what North wants.

Plus it sounds like JB wants the deal 'underwritten' by the State Gov't.

I don't know what else I can tell you Kimbo. The shortfall is loose change but this may not be the sticking point. There may be no sticking point, depending on the stances taken by the two raging bulls.
I will be buying a North Melbourne membership and going to the games if we get 2 a year in Hobart and I know of other people who don't support North who will be doing the same.
Hobart people are praying that this gets ovet the line this time.
I will be buying a North Melbourne membership and going to the games if we get 2 a year in Hobart and I know of other people who don't support North who will be doing the same.
Hobart people are praying that this gets ovet the line this time.

Wow...Surprise No 1....

I never thought scenario's like this would be part of the equation..

Bring on Hobart ASAP is what I say..

Will hold you 2 it BBlue !!!!:thumbsu::thumbsu:
I will be buying a North Melbourne membership and going to the games if we get 2 a year in Hobart and I know of other people who don't support North who will be doing the same.
Hobart people are praying that this gets ovet the line this time.

Contact your local state member of parliament and demand a fair go for Hobarts AFL fans.

If enough people get up off their clackers and write letters, send emails and make calls, then it will happen.
I will be buying a North Melbourne membership and going to the games if we get 2 a year in Hobart and I know of other people who don't support North who will be doing the same.
Hobart people are praying that this gets ovet the line this time.
Great to hear :thumbsu:

Its sad theres so much politics and chest beating in the way of something thats obviously a positive for all involved.
Wow...Surprise No 1....

I never thought scenario's like this would be part of the equation..

Bring on Hobart ASAP is what I say..

Will hold you 2 it BBlue !!!!:thumbsu::thumbsu:

Certainly not a surprise to me, many of Hawthorn's "Tasmanian Members" don't follow the club, they sign up with the Hawks for the reserved seats, common knowledge, and good luck to them I might add. :(

I've had many a text over the last few days, from mates who support other clubs, saying that they to will buy membership if it goes ahead, just to secure seating! It's a smart way to go! :thumbsu:
nahh they are just setting up tommorows headline..

Roo's still deal still in limbo yadda yadda, somehow making it look like it was North who claimed the deal was over the line in the first place.
You might be onto something there! ;)

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North Melbourne seals Tassie deal

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