Northern Football League Division 2 - CLOSED

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Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Oh who coaches the Rep team in Div 1 - thats the Plunkett from Heidelberg who coaches in Div 1.

Who coaches the rep team in Div 2, is it a coach from Div2 looking after Div 2 players. NO NO NO surprise surprise its Wayne HARMES for a set of steak knives where does he cum from?
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Sad but true.
Spun a massive load of bullshit to get Hennessey done.
Wonder if the NFL will talk players who saw what happened during the game and the players who saw what happened in the rooms after the game or if they will just fob it off
Kanga Court - we shall see! As they say its the size of the fight in the dog that matters, not the size of the dog!

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Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Kanga Court - we shall see! As they say its the size of the fight in the dog that matters, not the size of the dog!
are you a bit upset Factual?? half a dozen posts on both the divy 1 and divy 2 threads in 20 min having a crack at Macleod.... maybe you need a Bex and a good lay down....
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Funny joke I heard HENNESSEY reported for headbutting Jayden WENDT in Round 1.

I seen both incidents, on the field and in the rooms, hennessy did not head butt wendt, wendt headbutted hennessy and proceeded to push hennessy, and then threatened hennessy in the club rooms after the match, and i have heard both storys and seen the truth, and wendt is rolling in the lies, hennessy did not headbutt trip or anything else of that matter, AND for the tribunal to report/suspend whatever the outcome is, on a players statement, and nothing more, is ridiculous. He gets headbutted and gets reported for being headbutted, seriously wendt all your doing is fueling whittlesea, and next time you might be off the ground even earlier.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

I seen both incidents, on the field and in the rooms, hennessy did not head butt wendt, wendt headbutted hennessy and proceeded to push hennessy, and then threatened hennessy in the club rooms after the match, and i have heard both storys and seen the truth, and wendt is rolling in the lies, hennessy did not headbutt trip or anything else of that matter, AND for the tribunal to report/suspend whatever the outcome is, on a players statement, and nothing more, is ridiculous. He gets headbutted and gets reported for being headbutted, seriously wendt all your doing is fueling whittlesea, and next time you might be off the ground even earlier.

Unknown, didn't you used to have West Coast listed as your team supported. That would be who hennesy supports. Your not Mr Hennesy trying to disguise himself are you? Hoping the NFL people read this forum perhaps?

Correct me if I'm wrong, is that Wendt bloke the guy with the headband that pays the ladies price for a haircut. Didn't headbands go out after about 1974 Wimbledon, or was it after Bruce Doull's retirment???
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Surely commen sense can prevail, from my experience when the umpire relates to players they get a lot more respect. Many can be down right rude - authority driven and i believe that has come from the top passed down to the NFL, just look at the stupidity and arrogance of the AFL.

Umpires neally need to conduct themselves like a good manager - good managers are generally understanding but firm and will generate respect, bad mangers are dictators and power driven which generates hatred and disrespect.

I know it's easy to have a go at umpires, but a little understanding and a little less ego searching and we will have alot more good umpires than what there are.

For the record I have come across very good umpires in the NFL.

Fair assessment. Snorta you would have seen how often they were blowing the whistle in the Lower/Parkside game a couple of weeks ago. They seemed hellbent on showing that they had control of the game, but went over the top, giving free kicks when the game should have been left to flow and paying 25m penalties for very minor incidents. It is these things that infuriate players and create a wedge between players and umpires. We were running out onto the ground at the start of that game and the whistle blew and the umpire told us that if he heard anyone swearing again they'd be off. Now that is just having no idea about how the rules should be applied and taking your authority to your head!!!
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Don’t want to take away Watsonia good performance win on the weekend but our umpiring was absolutely shocking, it's good to know that we weren't the only team treaded badly from umpires, apparently we had an umpire from the old Melbourne north League, and gave us nothing, it also rubbed off on the other umpire ? Didn’t get there names but I hope we never get those umpires again. Our coach did instruct our players on what instructions give at that meeting from the NFL, we’ve tried very hard has have other teams im sure on being discipline on trying not to say anything to umpires.
Saturday was the worst exhibition of umpiring I’ve ever played in or witnessed. We are in trouble if we get those umpires again, you’ll might as well put your self’s down as a win it would be pointless even starting the game. Its part of my job to tell guys to settle down when umpires make mistakes and it was hard to find reason and justification to do that on the weekend.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

The same bloke complaining that punched an Eagle in the head twice, didn't take the set penalty and still only got the minimum penalty of 2 weeks! HAHAHA the new NFL showing signs of the old days!

Oh thats right he plays for Macleod! I think that Macleod got 45 free kicks to 20 against the eagles that day and still lost by 7 goals.

Factual, sounds like you are a little fired up with all your posts. but you are right, the nfl board is run by heidelberg people, with more to join soon and the administration is run by macleod people. independence? nuf said.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Unknown, didn't you used to have West Coast listed as your team supported. That would be who hennesy supports. Your not Mr Hennesy trying to disguise himself are you? Hoping the NFL people read this forum perhaps?

Correct me if I'm wrong, is that Wendt bloke the guy with the headband that pays the ladies price for a haircut. Didn't headbands go out after about 1974 Wimbledon, or was it after Bruce Doull's retirment???
Incorrect in both statements in the first paragraph. He's not a WCE fan and its not Hennessey.

And the start of your line about wimbledon sounds very familar...:p
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Surely commen sense can prevail, from my experience when the umpire relates to players they get a lot more respect. Many can be down right rude - authority driven and i believe that has come from the top passed down to the NFL, just look at the stupidity and arrogance of the AFL.

Umpires neally need to conduct themselves like a good manager - good managers are generally understanding but firm and will generate respect, bad mangers are dictators and power driven which generates hatred and disrespect.

I know it's easy to have a go at umpires, but a little understanding and a little less ego searching and we will have alot more good umpires than what there are.

For the record I have come across very good umpires in the NFL.
Snorta its good to see that you finished of well there.
Part of making a good umpire is the repore that is made with players,i for one make it given to the best of my ability to explain a decision (when possible)
We are in a no win situation here, we make a decision & 1/2 the crowd accept the other 1/2 disagree.
i dont want to sound as if im whinging here i have a tough skin & believe that supporting your team & its endeavours to win at all costs is premium.
Respect is a 2 way street,both players & officials need to earn it.
A test for all posters on here lets get a list of umpires you believe do a good job (descriptions will be fine)
Finally i acknowledge that we are not afl standard but neither is some of the footy being played.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Fair assessment. Snorta you would have seen how often they were blowing the whistle in the Lower/Parkside game a couple of weeks ago. They seemed hellbent on showing that they had control of the game, but went over the top, giving free kicks when the game should have been left to flow and paying 25m penalties for very minor incidents. It is these things that infuriate players and create a wedge between players and umpires. We were running out onto the ground at the start of that game and the whistle blew and the umpire told us that if he heard anyone swearing again they'd be off. Now that is just having no idea about how the rules should be applied and taking your authority to your head!!!

Yep did matchwinner and they were pretty similar. The wedge will only get bigger if this continues.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Snorta its good to see that you finished of well there.
Part of making a good umpire is the repore that is made with players,i for one make it given to the best of my ability to explain a decision (when possible)
We are in a no win situation here, we make a decision & 1/2 the crowd accept the other 1/2 disagree.
i dont want to sound as if im whinging here i have a tough skin & believe that supporting your team & its endeavours to win at all costs is premium.
Respect is a 2 way street,both players & officials need to earn it.
A test for all posters on here lets get a list of umpires you believe do a good job (descriptions will be fine)
Finally i acknowledge that we are not afl standard but neither is some of the footy being played.

Also remember, that when an umpire does not pay a free kick, and calls for a ball up, or whatever it may be, he is infact making a decision.
It becomes quite annoying when crowd comments are directed at umps to 'make a decision', when in fact that is exactly what they are doing for the entire game. Some are paid as ball-ups, some as 'play-on' and some of those decisions are paid as free kicks. Not to mention the fair play that they need to consider during each and every contest during the game. I would presume that players make approx 100-150 decisions a game. I would say umps would make about 3-5 times that. (including the pure mental ones that neither player or ump exhibit) Now that's a hard gig, by anyones definition!
I do however agree that the yellow/red card happy umps, or those who warn players not to swear (which in a competitive, physical sport is a riduculous expectation), does not help with the nurturing of the player/ump relationship. Work with the players, allow the players to be dictated by the rules of the game, and pull them up once they infringe, or continue to infringe upon these rules and the spirit of the game.(For this to work effectively, both the rules and the spirit of the game need to be well known to the officiating Umpire)
Swearing should only be warned against a player, if it is audioable to the crowd. Juniors, most women, and even some men do not need to hear a players disgust expressed with swearing, while watching the game. However the players playing the game, and the Umps, I am sure are more tolerable of swearing, when in the competitive environment of an AFL match.
I would suggest that the over-reaction of Umps shown in terms of cards and warnings to players, is a direct result of K Smiths' request that most mildly threatening behaviour shown by a player toward another player, or more importantly to an Ump, will not be tolerated at all. I suspect this is born through the depletion of Ump ranks, and the continual endeavour of NFL to recruit. They need to make it a less threathening enviroment for Umps, in hope that they continue Umpiring the following year (retention), or begin in the first place(recruitment). Catch 22 for the league, which has in effect been transferred to disgruntled players, clubs and club officials.

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Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Snorta its good to see that you finished of well there.
Part of making a good umpire is the repore that is made with players,i for one make it given to the best of my ability to explain a decision (when possible)
We are in a no win situation here, we make a decision & 1/2 the crowd accept the other 1/2 disagree.
i dont want to sound as if im whinging here i have a tough skin & believe that supporting your team & its endeavours to win at all costs is premium.
Respect is a 2 way street,both players & officials need to earn it.
A test for all posters on here lets get a list of umpires you believe do a good job (descriptions will be fine)
Finally i acknowledge that we are not afl standard but neither is some of the footy being played.

Maybe Kevin Smith could invite 3-4 coach's of clubs at a time along to umpires meetings and get there feedback. I'm sure they would have to have one at least once every week or two weeks.

Not for a b!tch session but to give constructive feedback to the umpiring fraternity - similar to what i have given on a previous post.

We had an umpire - Jason (who coincidently was the older umpire on Sat) that came to Parkside last year to talk to the players about different interpretations of the rules. One thing i took out of that that there was never an offering for the players to explain what may work better for them. Thinking about it though a senior umpiring official would need to be there to take on board the feedback.

There is an umpire that is great for the 2's, maybe early 40's dark hair, roughish sort of a bloke, not the fittest.... He does an excellent job because he can communicate with the players extremely well, if players ask a question he tells them straight out what he saw. Another good aspect is that he doesn't just blow the whistle because he hasn't blown it in a while. Always sticks around for a beer and is happy to chat to players.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Maybe Kevin Smith could invite 3-4 coach's of clubs at a time along to umpires meetings and get there feedback. I'm sure they would have to have one at least once every week or two weeks.

Not for a b!tch session but to give constructive feedback to the umpiring fraternity - similar to what i have given on a previous post.

We had an umpire - Jason (who coincidently was the older umpire on Sat) that came to Parkside last year to talk to the players about different interpretations of the rules. One thing i took out of that that there was never an offering for the players to explain what may work better for them. Thinking about it though a senior umpiring official would need to be there to take on board the feedback.

There is an umpire that is great for the 2's, maybe early 40's dark hair, roughish sort of a bloke, not the fittest.... He does an excellent job because he can communicate with the players extremely well, if players ask a question he tells them straight out what he saw. Another good aspect is that he doesn't just blow the whistle because he hasn't blown it in a while. Always sticks around for a beer and is happy to chat to players.
Snorta That guy is a great umpire totally agree only seen him a few times but he seems to have the game under control communicate well and gets most decisions correct, thats all we can ask !
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Saw what was arguably one of the matches of the season so far between the Bears of Lower and the Bears of Thomastown.
After a first quarter arm wrestle the game opened up in the second quarter and Thomastown played some of their best footy for season 2008. Who would have thought at half time we would have been treated to the contest that unfolded. Lower did to Thomastown what they had just been served in the second quarter and this would have arguably been their best quarter of football for some time. Much like the first quarter, the last term was again an arm wrestle but Lower's momentum carried through to help them record a remarkable victory. Best players for Lower were Flannery, Knee and Tenace. Whilst for Thomastown, their better players were Calafiore, Abela, Spewroski and Capelli.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Saw what was arguably one of the matches of the season so far between the Bears of Lower and the Bears of Thomastown.
After a first quarter arm wrestle the game opened up in the second quarter and Thomastown played some of their best footy for season 2008. Who would have thought at half time we would have been treated to the contest that unfolded. Lower did to Thomastown what they had just been served in the second quarter and this would have arguably been their best quarter of football for some time. Much like the first quarter, the last term was again an arm wrestle but Lower's momentum carried through to help them record a remarkable victory. Best players for Lower were Flannery, Knee and Tenace. Whilst for Thomastown, their better players were Calafiore, Abela, Spewroski and Capelli.
ghostwriter you gay thomo lover, have you any idea about football or what. if you were at the game only abela out of those mentioned played well. calafiore, spiroski and capeci all were mia in 2nd half. your clearly from within thomo, spewy and cap have been average at best thus far..:D:D
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Unknown, didn't you used to have West Coast listed as your team supported. That would be who hennesy supports. Your not Mr Hennesy trying to disguise himself are you? Hoping the NFL people read this forum perhaps?

Correct me if I'm wrong, is that Wendt bloke the guy with the headband that pays the ladies price for a haircut. Didn't headbands go out after about 1974 Wimbledon, or was it after Bruce Doull's retirment???

No i am not hennessy, hennessy barracks for north melbourne, he only loved judd from west coast. I have changed my team names and suburbs on 3 occasions if i remember, but no just a friend.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

Coach slams Mustangs
Laura Jolly


HOW a team can go from an outstanding first-round win to crashing and burning against a so-called average team like Hurstbridge is anyone's guess, but that is the question Reservoir coach Anthony McGregor will need to answer this week.

In Round 3 of the Northern Football League Division 2, Reservoir was humbled to the tune of 47 points, but it wasn't so much the margin, more the way the Mustangs went about the game that had the coach most concerned.

For half the game the Mustangs were unaccountable, paid little respect to their opponents and spent most of the time chasing tails around the oval. The game was all over at half time, with Hurstbridge up by 44 points.

And although Reservoir made some inroads early in the second and would end up losing the half by three points, the damage was well and truly done.

Despite a raft of senior players on the injured list, McGregor said he was at a loss to explain what happened.

"The first half was terrible, very very ordinary," he said.

"There was just no accountability, they just let them go.

"It's fair to say I had steam coming out of my ears at half-time.

"We improved a bit in the second half, but the horse had well and truly bolted. Yes, we've got eight or nine on the injury list, but we thought we'd give some players a go. Clearly they weren't up to it. We had three players that went in hard all day, but that was about it."

After defeating the Fitzroy Stars in the opening round, Reservoir was no match for the powerful Epping in Round 2 but they were expected to bounce back against Hurstbridge which fell to Thomastown by 116 points the previous week.

"We were probably over-accountable in the first game if there is any such way you can be. We were just awesome," he said. "Epping were just a better side, but this time there was none of that.

"I sat the players down after the game and asked them where they honestly thought we were at and most of them thought we were in the top half.

"On that performance I said there was no way we were that good."

It doesn't get any easier for the Mustangs, with an Anzac Day clash against Thomastown.

"It's going to be a huge test for us but we have to get back to accountable football and go with them all the game."

In other matches, Whittlesea proved too strong for Parkside while South Morang, Macleod and Mernda were also winners.

Lower Plenty held off Thomastown in a remarkable game by 17 points, 25.14 (164) to 22.15 (147).

Thomastown led by 45 points at half-time after booting 11 second-quarter goals only to see Lower Plenty turn it around in the third quarter with 12 of its own.

Thomastown tumble


In a match where 47 goals were kicked, Thomastown led by 55 points at half-time before Lower unleashed a goalkicking frenzy to win 25.14 (164) to 22.15 (147).
Thomastown coach Dean Sinclair said his young side had relaxed after half-time.
"They might have thought their job was done.
"Lower Plenty jumped us in the third quarter and caught us flat-footed," he said.
"But that is something for us to work on this week, to make sure we can go on with it in the future. Lower are a side we knew would also be pushing for the top six and if we had beaten them we would have had a two-game break.
"But the third quarter proved to be the difference."
Topping the goalkickers list for Thomastown were Robert Nedelkovski and Anthony Calafiore with four apiece, while Christopher Vitiritti was its best player.
Dylan Flannery topped the goalkickers for Lower Plenty with six, while Jarrod Shaw booted four.
Thomastown clashes with Reservoir at Crispe Park on ANZAC Day.

Epping's promising form in Round 2 was quickly halted by South Morang on Saturday. They lost by 14 points.
Whittlesea smashed Parkside, winning 16.22 (118) to 3.5 (23), while a strong final quarter handed Mernda a 17-point win over Panton Hill.
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

JUDDS: Not sure what "expertise" you come from but what I write is my "opinion". Noone should take my best players and selections as being gospel. I just write what I feel and hope that it causes some debate. Did you want to contribute your "opinion" on better players or just slam everyone elses thoughts?
Have you actually seen all of Thommo's games yourself??
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

JUDDS: Not sure what "expertise" you come from but what I write is my "opinion". Noone should take my best players and selections as being gospel. I just write what I feel and hope that it causes some debate. Did you want to contribute your "opinion" on better players or just slam everyone elses thoughts?
Have you actually seen all of Thommo's games yourself??
you really write a load of shite!!!maybe its those coke bottle glasses your're looking through as i have the feeling you are the old Tsunami...the old thomo secretary who cant get enough of sniffing deanos jock strap.....:D:D
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

ghostw***er : thomos better players were abela, fazzari and hojok. what was put on internet was crap, old club trick to hide better players, even though this never works. flannery good and tennace but a. knee changed game in third term. thomo ran out of options in defence and 4 reg defenders missed game and 2 major injuries in 2nd term did not help. but they still 10 goals up at half time... 6 starting 18 players to return in coming weeks which in turn will strengthen that a fair enough assesment moron....:D:D
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

I seen both incidents, on the field and in the rooms, hennessy did not head butt wendt, wendt headbutted hennessy and proceeded to push hennessy, and then threatened hennessy in the club rooms after the match, and i have heard both storys and seen the truth, and wendt is rolling in the lies, hennessy did not headbutt trip or anything else of that matter, AND for the tribunal to report/suspend whatever the outcome is, on a players statement, and nothing more, is ridiculous. He gets headbutted and gets reported for being headbutted, seriously wendt all your doing is fueling whittlesea, and next time you might be off the ground even earlier.

i saw the incident aswell you goose and your runner did trip our macleod player so before you go shooting your mouth off your runner might wanna have a look in the mirror! maybe our macleod player shouldnt of acted like that in the rooms after the game but the did as a runner is give the message and get off... by the way mate i think i saw your olds on 60 minutes last week you twit!
Re: Northern Football League Division 2

lower plenty have imposed a 3 week ban on nathan llywellen for glassing a team mate at valure lounge on saturday night, they both had words which ended up with the pig breaking a glass over his nameless lower team mate, nathan was also escorted from valure for urinating on a speaker, absolutely disgusting form from nathan and he should be ashamed :thumbsdown::thumbsdown: thumbs down mate
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