Official List Management Thread

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Brownlow Medallist
Sep 17, 2007
AFL Club
Other Teams
Magic, Sturt, Ravens, Duke
I for one aren't really dissapointed with our season, I am dissapointed we lost to the filth, but these things happen.

Lets not go calling for heads again in our little knee jerk reactions, please see the dear Chris Knights and please not Bock threads. We wern't a top 6 team coming into this year and we're not one now. We've still exceeded expectations IMO and we aren't in need of a full list clean out but there is most definatley work to do.

I'm going to list all of our players and give a quick evaluation to their current and longstanding possitions at the club, if I think they have one that is.

Who should be in our team next week?

Who should be in our team next year?

I'll start with a run down of the players on our list.

#1 Nick Gill
Nick was a mature age draftee in the 06 draft and was seemingly drafted as an insurance player for us in the next couple of years. He has been doged by injuries throughout his short career andat present, even after an impressive 7 goals in the SANFL this week, I don't see him in our team for the remainder of the season or next year. He could play ou whats left of his career as a depth player for the club. Does have X factor but his lack of general skills let him down, puts in good effort though.

#2 Brad Moran
From what I saw from Moran today I was somewhat impressed, especially with his second half. He has a nice leap and is pretty mobile, hasn't developed much footy IQ as yet and sometimes seems to lack a killer instinct and just stands around. He has a good size to him though and the jury should remain out on him for a little while. I see him in our squad for the remainder of the season and I would like to see him spend a little time both down back and up forward just to see how he goes.

#3 Kris Massie
He didn't impress today. I like his blue collar workman style gameplay but lacks both the pace and awareness to play as the rebounding defender. He isn't fast enough or strong enough to be a backman as he got shown up by that clown Motlop today. I don't see Kris in our long or short term team.

#4 Kurt Tippett
I saw 3 leads today by Tippett and he got it all 3 times (I was watching on TV so he may have lead a LOT more but I only get shown his leads when we kick to them). I would like to see more of this as our gameplan now is boot it long and high and Kurt will make a contest, which he does but we have only Richy Douglas as a rover for him so that won't work until we get some magic in there crummbing. He is a shinning light in our team and it would be good to give he a little more free reign around the ground in the remainder of the season.

#5 Scott Thompson
Doesn't matter if he's having a dirty day or a day out, he's the man. 100% all the time, one of the few players who will make an opposition players feel the tackle he lays. He is a walk in to our 22 and will be for a long time.

#6 Jon Griffin
A lot of people mentioned he would tire and that was the main reason for holding Maric back....Well he did. He started the season superbly but his light frame was worn down. He must put on a lot of bulk and gain some more endurance for next year. he has the potential to be Cox like but potential gets you nowhere. When up and going he's in our short and long term team.

#7 Nathan van Berlo
VB is a good leader around the club and played well today. He goes about it and has gotten better as the season has come on but he has to start being more damaging to the opposition and take the next step. Is a good defensive player but to be the start we want him to be he has to kick goals and rack up some 30+ possie games. In our long and short term teams.

#8 Nathan Bassett
Probably our best today, or at least int he first half. Wears his heart on his sleave and I love him for it, plus he ironed out Pearce legaly. He is in our team for the remainder of the season but next year is a maybe. His injuries are catching upto him and his body is taking punishment and showing it. Regardless he's a good role model at the club. Retiring at the end of this or next year.

#9 Tyson Edwards
Not bad today but if he was younger he would have been very good today with the same game. He lacked a little burst of speed on a few occasions which saw him caught or his kick altered. In our team for this year but as with Bassett, hard decissions will have to be made come years end.

#10 Jarrhan Jacky
He was thrust into the Seniors with no great form to suggest he deserved it earlier this year. Why? Because we're dieing for a small forward like him, but he's not ready. Next year sometime he will be but not yet, still seems out of his depth in the AFL and isn't making massive strides in the SANFL but the foundation is there. Not in this years squad but will push for selection early next year and throughout.

#11 Michael Doughty
Up with Bassett, Symes and Knights as our best today. I was a critic of him at the start of the year but it seems as though he's had a wake up call and is getting on with it very well. What you see is what you get with him. He isn't going to dominate a game but he'll put in 100% and leave it on the field. In our team this year and is 50/50 to survive a harsh year ends management.

#12 Robert Shirley
Bobwas having a dirty year until he tagged Judd well and is in good taggin form but remains not danger to the opposition on the other end. Always looks to handball as his kicking is suspect and doesn't run off enough. Questionalble for the reaminder of this year and will be delisted come years end.

#13 Taylor Walker
For gods sake, he may only be 18, he may be a little underweight, he may kick ost of his goals in spurts but he bloody kicks them. Bring him in Craigy, enough stuffing about. He shows flair and a very high footy IQ. Good on the lead and at ground, should thrive by Kurts side. In the team this years and 10 years after at least.

#14 David MacKay
This youngster was a regular fixture in the crows team earlier this year showing great poise and quality skills for a young man. Has been good without being great in the SANFL and another years preseason should have him with a bit more bulk that should give him the extra push. In our team next year.

#15 Brad Symes
Showed true class in the Port game. He is a very passionate player and that can mask his tendancy to be a little slow with the ball. Good tackler and throws his body in. In our team this and next year.

#16 Ken McGregor
A depth player that should be traded or delisted come years end.

#17 Bernie Vince
Has come along leaps and bounds this year. Has a penetrating right foot and can be damaging. If he works on his endurence we should see him in our middle for a long time to come.

#18 Graham Johncock
Played an absolute shocker today. He has been in pretty good form this year but his down on his kick in confidence (not easy to do when noone is moving) and his game has suffered because of it. None the less he's a walk in this and next year, be good to see he shed some KG's in the offseason.

#19 Patrick Dangerfield
Got a winner here. Blistering pace with a sense for the goals. Can play almost every possy on the ground and could be a true star for the club. In next years 22.

#20 Ivan Maric
True heart of the club beats in the #20. Plays with Croat passion and emotion. Not the most talented and gets caught trying to do too much but he puts in, goes after everything and has shown an ability to kick goals. In our best 22 this and next year.

#21 Chris Knights
Stepped up big big big time this boy has in the last two games and showed the form he had before his injury. An absolute magnet for the pill and has shown he's worked on his kicking. Decission making can still improve along with a touch more speed but he's a fixture of our midfield ATM, in the best 22 this and next year.

#22 Andy Otten
An absolute SANFL killer. Looked out of depth for the 30 odd minutes e got of AFL and seems to find the ball easily. Can play forward and back and is a prototype utility midfielder. In our best 22 next year.

#23 Andrew McLeod
Hopefully todays game isn't what he'll be like in the future few games. A shocker from the star. In our team this year and may call it quits from injury, if not and he's back to eveen 50% of his former self, he's in next year too.

#24 Brett Burton
Was in some form before the injury, could very well be the end for the great bird man. Age and injury could have caught up with his high flying crazy game style. I hope it's not it but I think it could be. All said and done for the great man.

#25 Ben Rutten
Has been solid without being great ths year. Can be a little too hesitant with his decision making and can lack some pace on the defensive lead. None the less he's a cornerstone of this club and will be for a while. PS Tredrea is still his bitch.

#26 Richard Douglas
He's improved this year Richie, showing good goal sense, although he must improve his stamina to go into the midfield and get more footy. If get can go that then a walk in to our club for a while. In this and next years team.

#27 Scott Stevens
Good game today by Scott. He'll never be a damaging player but he puts in. He is however slow and panics sometimes. I see him being kept at the club as a future depth player. In the 22 this year, in the back ups next year (22-40).

#28 Aaron Kite
From all accounts we've picked up a gem in Kite. Fast, hard at it with very good defensive accountability. Runs with a very hunched back but is lightning for his size. In the best 22 next year.

#29 James Sellar
Everybody's favourite son Jimmy. I like th elook of him. He's deceptively quick and goes hard at it. He needs at least another preseason and i'm glad he's at least getting time for the reserves. I see him in the 22 mid to late next year and pushing for it early.

#30 Juke Jericho
Very soft today but i've come to expect it. If only we could mesh him and Campbell together as number 30 and 1/2 and we'd have a gun. All the talent no aplication or go. I saw Justin "Napolean Dynimite" Westhoff even feel confident roughing him up. Trade at years end, if not offers, delist.

#31 Bryce Campbell
Can't knock the effort from Bryce, goes at it full tilt, except his lack of AFL pace and polish leave him unfortunatly as a very good SANFL player. Shame he wasn;t born with Jericho's talent. Delist at years end.

#33 Brent Reilly
Injuries have plagued him for a while now. He looks all class on the field and has stepped up leadership as well after being dropped from the leaderhsip group. In our best 22 when fit and NOT tradable.

#34 Greg Gallman
Injury city in this boy. I haven't seen nearly enough from him to make an intelligent judgement but I would imagine he would want to get fit and have a couple of good SANFL games before the years end. Borderline come years end.

#35 Rhett Bigland
Unfortunatly for him I think enough is enough. Poor guy has gone through a lot and it's good to hear he's running but due to age and injury I would say he's done at years end.

#36 Simon Goodwin
An up and down year from the captain and he can't seem to find great form. Was tries in a Roo role up forward but after a promising start it faded. Will be in our best 22 this year and should play on next year.

#37 Trent Hentschel
I want to see him back before the end of the year. Rowdy was looking very promising before his injury and would like to see him reach those lofty standards again. Could be a welcome leading forward in our 22. Maybe back this year and injury and body permitting, in next years 22.

#38 Tony Armstrong
People say he oozes class, looks like a long term prospect and would be good to see him play some SANFL league side before the years out. Not in our best 22 nbext year regardless but a keeper.

#39 Mike Cook
Could be anything, haven't seen enough and looks like he needs a good preseason under his belt anyway. Not in next years 22 at the moment but could push.

#40 Jason Porplyzia
Class Class Class Class Class Best 22 for another 10

#44 Nathan Bock
Our new top defender. Provides rund and carry and is a very good one on one defender. Best 22 for a while.

The Rookies

#41 Brodie Martin
Wouldn't know enough about Brodie to comment, doen't seem to be making a push for upgrade this year but could very well be retained.

#42 Jared Petrenko
Does seem to be pushing for selection and could be our replacement for McLeod. Looks quick and shows a lot of dash of half back. I like. In ou best 22 next year.

#43 James Moss
Haven't seen enough of him either. Not sure if he's been good or not. No comment.

#45 Ed Curnow
Ed and his Helment seem preety good although showing pretty good form in the Magoos is struggling getting into Glenelgs good League side. Has very good endurance and hopefully he can get better at general footy smarts.

Next week

Massie, Jericho, Campbell and McLeod (if still sore) to come out.

Walker Definatly in. Otten, MacKay, Kite, Hentschel, Sellar and Gill to fight it out for the remaining places.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Jericho sealed his fate today.

I'd also delist Biglands, Burton, Bassett, Edwards, Shirley, McGregor.

Jury out on Campbell. I've had a soft spot for him which i almost lost after last week but looked good today and I'd love to see him get a permanent spot with greater game time for the rest of the year.

Jury also out on Massie. May stay due to Bassett's departure but certainly not safe.

Gallman another interesting one. Pity he missed much of this year. Probably haven't seen enough of him just yet to delist.

I'd keep Gill and Doughty (despite his age, we will need his grunt and leadership and, importantly, he is making a consistent contribution to go with it).

Short Term:

Gill in. Jericho out permanently.

Trial new taggers.

Walker in.

Hopefully Hentschel can get his 2nd debut out the road this year.

Johncock FP, McLeod BP.

Moran to stay in for rest of year.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

#1 Nick Gill
Nick was a mature age draftee in the 06 draft and was seemingly drafted as an insurance player for us in the next couple of years. He has been doged by injuries throughout his short career andat present, even after an impressive 7 goals in the SANFL this week, I don't see him in our team for the remainder of the season or next year. He could play ou whats left of his career as a depth player for the club. Does have X factor but his lack of general skills let him down, puts in good effort though.

I'd can't see the point in keeping Gill, he hardly plays due to injury/fitness, when he does if he gets the ball he can't kick it. If he was getting Buddy Franklin type 12 shots on goal and kicking 5-7 fair enough, but he gets 6 shots and kicks 1-4 and 1 out on the full. If he's part of our future then we're stuffed

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Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Jericho - Has never been up to this standard.

Gill - Hopefully the last time, in our desperation to find a forward, we take a mature aged forward from the SANFL. I would rather we recruited a kid.

Bassett - Retire.

Biglands - Retire.

Gallman - Doesn't appear to be in the AFC's plans.

Campbell - Showed some signs today.

I hope we don't delist Burton but apparently NC is going to be ruthless. If that's the case will he also delist one of Macca/Edwards/Goody who have all, for one reason or another, had probably their most inconsistent years. Or will one of the mature aged 2nd/3rd tiers such as Shirley/Doughty/Massie be delisted.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Jericho sealed his fate today.

I'd also delist Biglands, Burton, Bassett, Edwards, Shirley, McGregor.

Would be a shocking decision if they delist Burton. Many, myself inlcuded, would lose alot of respect for the club and especially NC. I don't care how deep this draft runs, you don't delist a very good player just after he has done his knee. Would put a huge dent in the culture of the club.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Next Week

Lets bring some young guys in.

In: Hentschel, Gill, McKay, Walker,
Out: Johncock, Jericho, Campbell, Massie
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Would be a shocking decision if they delist Burton. Many, myself inlcuded, would lose alot of respect for the club and especially NC. I don't care how deep this draft runs, you don't delist a very good player just after he has done his knee. Would put a huge dent in the culture of the club.

Brett Burton = Forward Coach 2009
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Need some new blood and flair in our support coaching team....

D. Noble.....marching orders

P. Hamilton......marching orders

Replace with Mark Ricciuto and Nathan Basset.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Jericho sealed his fate today.

I'd also delist Biglands, Burton, Bassett, Edwards, Shirley, McGregor.

Jury out on Campbell. I've had a soft spot for him which i almost lost after last week but looked good today and I'd love to see him get a permanent spot with greater game time for the rest of the year.

Jury also out on Massie. May stay due to Bassett's departure but certainly not safe.

Gallman another interesting one. Pity he missed much of this year. Probably haven't seen enough of him just yet to delist.

I'd keep Gill and Doughty (despite his age, we will need his grunt and leadership and, importantly, he is making a consistent contribution to go with it).

Short Term:

Gill in. Jericho out permanently.

Trial new taggers.

Walker in.

Hopefully Hentschel can get his 2nd debut out the road this year.

Johncock FP, McLeod BP.

Moran to stay in for rest of year.

are you ****ing kidding me??
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

:D We're running out of jobs for disgruntled ex-players. - Lavatory Management Consultant.


But in this case it would be an inspired choice...clearly Burton has become a respected leader of the club, runs the forward line on-field already, an intellectual with a background in Sports Science so be on the same page as Craig.

I'll go one further and suggest that Bassett should be given the Backline job as soon as it's open.

Not sure whether Hart should remain, i don't know enough re the ins and outs of his performance but of our backs only Bock and Doughty have improved, and as a unit we certainly aren't the force we once were. It's more a comment on how great Bassett would be.

Hamilton will likely move on (just my guess) but if he doesn't then get him back into midfield coaching as i rate his work more than Noble's.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why


are you ****ing kidding me?? i'm not.

He hasn't played poorly lately but neither is he playing brilliantly. He is one of a few average to good footballers who are getting towards late 20s. Certainly no star. Why so incredulous that i would suggest delisting him?
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Our list conatins too many avearge mature aged Footballers:


Macca, Edwards, Bass, Burton, Goody are also on the way out.

We're in trouble.

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Re: List Management - Who What and Why

I wouldn't drop Johncock, just tell him to cut out the cigarettes and never let him do the kick in again.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Our list conatins too many avearge mature aged Footballers:


Macca, Edwards, Bass, Burton, Goody are also on the way out.

We're in trouble.

Aggressive List Management this year?


? Massie
? Gill
? Gallman
? Campbell

I am thinking about 9 to go.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Need some new blood and flair in our support coaching team....

D. Noble.....marching orders

P. Hamilton......marching orders

Get some young blood in the box.

As far as list management goes;we can afford to be ruthless with the likes of Bassett etc but some pay cuts would be in order to. Theres some bigname players in need of less $ until they perform consistently well.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why


But in this case it would be an inspired choice...clearly Burton has become a respected leader of the club, runs the forward line on-field already, an intellectual with a background in Sports Science so be on the same page as Craig.

I dont like it when a coach chooses too many of HIS ex-players to be his assistants. You get a situation much like the one at Port Power at the moment, whereby you have your head coach surrounded by a bunch of YES men. With Hart and Clarke, the AFC are on the way to already having enough ex-afc players alongside NC.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

I think we have to all realise that we're not a top team this year and not a threat.

With all our youngsters coming through, we'll have to make some hard calls year end.

Team 2009:

Stiffy - - - - Rutten - - - Kite
Symes - - - Bock - - - - McLeod
Vince - - - Thompson - - Dangerfield
Hentschel - Sellar - - - - Porplyzia
Jacky - - - Tippett - - - Walker
Maric - - - van Berlo - - Reilly

Goodwin Knights MacKay Douglas


Moran Petrenko Otten
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Aggressive List Management this year?


? Massie
? Gill
? Gallman
? Campbell

I am thinking about 9 to go.

So you will delist Edwards for sure, yet haven't even got Goody or Mcleod as ? when you are thinking 9 will go! Rachel McLeod an co. must post on here, its the only explanation.

this year Edwards > Goodwin > Mcleod
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

So you will delist Edwards for sure, yet haven't even got Goody or Mcleod as ? when you are thinking 9 will go! Rachel McLeod an co. must post on here, its the only explanation.

this year Edwards > Goodwin > Mcleod

he wasn't too flash yesterday but he has definately been more consistent than Macca and just as good as Goodwin.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

Thinking now to trading...who are our untouchables? Those we would be loathe to trade (unless one of the top 5 in the league was on offer of course).

For mine, the present untouchables are:


All those players either are top shelf (Bock and Thompson) or have the potential to be.

van Berlo and now Maric are possibly deserving of a mention also given their stature and leadership for the next generation, and quality ruckmen don't grow on trees (Maric has converted me this year...i was a little skeptical previously). Thirdly, have we ever seen an 18 yo so consistently dominate the SANFL and carry his club in Otten...must keep, and Mackay also could be absolutely anything...would have to be given the world to part with these three blokes.

So there are 11 blokes I'd be loathe to trade.

The next rung down are Reilly (still too young to trade given his potential upside imo), Knights (purely because of disposal but i reckon he should be the next Ling so i wouldn't trade but not quite untouchable), Johncock (who I'd also wouldn't trade despite his poor form...should have been an AA back pocket and i believe his future lies as our best ever small forward!), is here i would see what we can get because he is blue-chip and you have to give to get and he is not as good as he was.
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

#25 Ben Rutten
Has been solid without being great ths year. Can be a little too hesitant with his decision making and can lack some pace on the defensive lead. None the less he's a cornerstone of this club and will be for a while. PS Tredrea is still his bitch.

That is why Tredders beat Rutten last night and beat him easily
Re: List Management - Who What and Why

So you will delist Edwards for sure, yet haven't even got Goody or Mcleod as ? when you are thinking 9 will go! Rachel McLeod an co. must post on here, its the only explanation.

this year Edwards > Goodwin > Mcleod

You know i was just reflecting on that this morning...and you are right re this years performance. Edwards is also proving to have the most resilient body.

I think Goodwin is first to keep due to his goalkicking ability and i reckon he's a little down primarily due to injury.

Conversely McLeod has been down because either thru work ethic or injury he just cannot break a tag, so imo he must be played back pocket. Edwards was tagged yesterday and had reduced output but still contributed, including 7 tackles.

Edwards can play back but not as well as McLeod. McLeod can play forward but not as well as Edwards imo. Both can play midfield Edwards is more resilient to the tag. Both are leaders at the club, with McLeod likely an important leader for the younger indigenous lads, but Edwards is in the leadership group which may lose Burton and Bassett.

I reckon one must go for list management because we don't wanna lose all 3 at once. McLeod has 6 weeks to prove he can overcome his injury and perform because reputation is not enough.

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