Toast Our Gun Negotiatiors- Harper and Noble

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I've negotiated with lawyers, and I can safely say that some are shit at it. Go and look at any law degree, there are no negotiation units in the curriculum. Why? Because they are LAWyers not negotiators. The point was that being a lawyer didn't automatically make you a good negotiator. Neither does having an MBA (I have one). That doesn't mean that either can't be good at negotiating, it means nothing, and I suppose that's my point.
Agree. Also agree about shuffling people about rather than selecting on required skills.
The fact that Jesse White hasn't been announced formally gives me some hope that this trade wont go ahead. On that basis I think it is fair to reserve some judgement on both Nobes and Phil Harper... who have been dealt a rubbish hand. I think supporters were justified in expressing some anguish at the prospect of 22+White as the trade... given it hasn't yet eventuated it's not fair to judge.

Hysteria has exploded exponentially and it's not fair to pass judgement especially if the trade doesn't happen. Both guys would be justified in questioning some supporters reaction to what has happened in the last 48 hours.

Having said that... if 22+White is the deal... the screw em both and bring in the pros next year.

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Agree. Also agree about shuffling people about rather than selecting on required skills.

Yes, unfortunately I saw a company nearly crash and burn doing this. It came back to one thing; soft management who were all friends and couldn't make tough calls. It was turned around at the death knell by slashing and burning useless managers.

I don't know the ins and outs of the AFC, or anyone's capabilities, no one outside of the club does. However, I have never seen a tough call made on internal AFC employees. That means one of two things;
  1. Everyone is good at their job
  2. Management are as soft as a shit sandwich
I've negotiated with lawyers, and I can safely say that some are shit at it. Go and look at any law degree, there are no negotiation units in the curriculum. Why? Because they are LAWyers not negotiators. The point was that being a lawyer didn't automatically make you a good negotiator. Neither does having an MBA (I have one). That doesn't mean that either can't be good at negotiating, it means nothing, and I suppose that's my point.

Sorry cm but while there aren't any topics called 'negotiations' or 'negotiating' as such, I can assure you that it is certainly extensively covered and taught throughout the degree - at least it was when I went through. Negotiating skills is also offered as a CPD topic from time to time through the Law Society. 95% of matters settle prior to trial - due to negotiation.
This thread is just as bad as some of the junk junolism that people are over reacting to

Let's wait and make a judgement based on actual facts rather than nail people to the cross on rumor and gossip

I laugh at those who on one hand believe Rucci's trash but on the other hand think that they have the ability to pass judgement

Let's divorce facts from fiction before we publicly hang our own
The acts of sabotage this pair have inflicted upon the club in the last 2 weeks goes very close to undoing all the good work they did in the preceding 40 weeks or so.

As I said in the other thread.. it's almost as if they know they will be sacked for incompetence when they return to Adeliaide, so they're sabotaging our list now in a form of pre-emptive revenge.

Sorry it's late in the discussion but "wow".

Noble and Harper can only do so much. I'm afraid the current days problems lay in other people hands, no David Noble or Phil Harper. So they haven't been acting as a saboteur.
We are sending ex footy players to negotiate with Lawyers. You do the Math..

And it isnt just trade week. It is players contracts. We need professionals looking after this...

Think I am wrong? I bet in 3 years every club with have Lawyers negotiating contracts. Like West Coast, a club ahead of the game, have been doing for 2 years.

I agree with Fred, but I feel you instead of an individual negotiating effort - it will be a team effort.

Noble, Harper et el will look at the playing side of it and make recommendations on whom to trade for and what a good fit a player would be for the playing list and a lawyer will negotiate the terms.

If a lawyer doesn't look over contracts and trading strategies already, within 3 years they certainly will be.
BACCS, I love your passion and posting:thumbsu:

Are you happy how things are looking? Do you think their is a nasty trend over the last 2 years of players wanting out or am I just a buffoon:D

I think though FB, there have been extraordinary circumstances come to play that artificially change the landscape? If we'd lost Danger, Mackay, Sloane, etc etc, then yes I'd say there was some real concern. But listening to those boys declare their love of the Club, and of Sando, and the excitement they have for our future as a Club, I can honestly say I think we are going to be ok.
Sorry cm but while there aren't any topics called 'negotiations' or 'negotiating' as such, I can assure you that it is certainly extensively covered and taught throughout the degree - at least it was when I went through. Negotiating skills is also offered as a CPD topic from time to time through the Law Society. 95% of matters settle prior to trial - due to negotiation.

I stand corrected.
West Coast Eagles have a bloke named Craig Vozzo doing their negotiations. From my understanding he is a South Australian Lawyer who also was a player manager...
I have heard he is a bloody good, hard nosed negotiatior...

What has Harper done but a media course at tafe and 5 years of getting coffee for the boys at West Lakes?
How about Noble? Sports science degree maybe?

Im going to think outside the square. Why not target someone with bugger all football knowledge who is a professional negotiator to be our trade guru/spokesperson? How about a 35 year old female Lawyer?

The West Coast Eagles are a truly professional club.. We are a feeder club
Their trading has been pretty weak lately though. Wellingham for 18, Ebert 28 and Stevens for not very much. Only real 'steal' in recent times is Hill for #49, but he was going to be delisted anyway. Not trading Mitch Brown wasn't really 'tough' - he was contracted anyway and will walk out next year for nothing when he realise that Glass's gold ticket is of the permanent variety.
The fact that Jesse White hasn't been announced formally gives me some hope that this trade wont go ahead. On that basis I think it is fair to reserve some judgement on both Nobes and Phil Harper... who have been dealt a rubbish hand. I think supporters were justified in expressing some anguish at the prospect of 22+White as the trade... given it hasn't yet eventuated it's not fair to judge.

Hysteria has exploded exponentially and it's not fair to pass judgement especially if the trade doesn't happen. Both guys would be justified in questioning some supporters reaction to what has happened in the last 48 hours.

Having said that... if 22+White is the deal... the screw em both and bring in the pros next year.

Haven’t you heard, White failed the medical test. No man jewels.

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Don't really understand why Harper's name is in this thread. As far as I can tell he's done his job very well so far.

As for Noble, I think I'll wait to see what actually happens before I start crucifying the bloke. You'd think after the 1000th rumour proved false people would learn to stop jumping the gun, but it doesn't ever seem to happen.

If we end up with, say, 11 + 23 and Graham for free out of trade week, we've been able to do alright. Not great, but no disaster either, which is no mean feat considering the situation we were in.

If we end up with 23 + Graham + White/nothing then by all means, dump a bucket on Noble.
I've negotiated with lawyers, and I can safely say that some are shit at it. Go and look at any law degree, there are no negotiation units in the curriculum. Why? Because they are LAWyers not negotiators. The point was that being a lawyer didn't automatically make you a good negotiator. Neither does having an MBA (I have one). That doesn't mean that either can't be good at negotiating, it means nothing, and I suppose that's my point.

right on the money

my entire career has been in commercial roles for major ASX listed companies and I have been fortunate to now be in a Senior Executive Commercial role

rule #1 to commercial negotiations is that Lawyers should be contained to providing legal advise only, they do not lead commercial negotiations.

the main reason for this is because the law is black & white and lawyers are educated to think this way however commercial negotiations can be grey with trade off's for consideration and it is here most lawyers that I have worked with have strugglde with the shades of grey

Im expecting a lawyer to object to my post, but I'm yet to be convinced
I'm just glad that there isn't a forum where people can go and bag me out continually just for doing my job.

Can't believe there's going to be another week of speculation and rumours. This time next year when graham is up on the podium with the rest of the team holding the cup everyone will send apology emails to the AFC?

Just had a listen to Nobes and he sounds like he's been through the wringer. All the BS and lies that have been put up this week, by Rucci and the Trade Radio Team has surely had an effect on him.

I have to say it was the best interview the two Muppetts have done for a long while.
Sounds like GWS are still in the mix in some form and we are going to play hardball all the way up to the deadline.
Doesn't sound like White is coming or Smack going.
Graham is that insurance for Sauce that we need and he seems enthused about getting another chance at it and has some upside.

Still think Sydney are trying to screw us over, but hopefully now that the FA compos have been finalised something might happen early next week and this whole nightmare will be over.
I'm just glad that there isn't a forum where people can go and bag me out continually just for doing my job.

Can't believe there's going to be another week of speculation and rumours. This time next year when graham is up on the podium with the rest of the team holding the cup everyone will send apology emails to the AFC?
Will be the first in line.
right on the money

my entire career has been in commercial roles for major ASX listed companies and I have been fortunate to now be in a Senior Executive Commercial role

rule #1 to commercial negotiations is that Lawyers should be contained to providing legal advise only, they do not lead commercial negotiations.

the main reason for this is because the law is black & white and lawyers are educated to think this way however commercial negotiations can be grey with trade off's for consideration and it is here most lawyers that I have worked with have strugglde with the shades of grey

Im expecting a lawyer to object to my post, but I'm yet to be convinced

In the objection I am sure they will cite a precedent that must be followed as a matter of procedure.
Act of sabotage??

That's horrible from a 'mod'. I would have expected better..

The carryon regarding what has turned out to be nothing but rumour and innuendo is pretty disgusting. The same people that throughout the season smash Rucci for his opinion are now taking his word as gospel. Make your fricking mind up!
I'm just glad that there isn't a forum where people can go and bag me out continually just for doing my job.

Can't believe there's going to be another week of speculation and rumours. This time next year when graham is up on the podium with the rest of the team holding the cup everyone will send apology emails to the AFC?
Na. They will still find something to whinge about. Its the internet after all...
After hearing Noble speak I can't help but feel sorry for him. Its looks like he has to choose between a douche and a turd sandwich. I don't see any way he can get us a good deal here.

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Toast Our Gun Negotiatiors- Harper and Noble

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