Patrick Smith caught out again

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As President he sets the example. Simple fact of life.

It is not just a matter for the courts and thats the end of it. By that logic, you could have Carey or Ablett as your President. By that logic, you could have Vizard as president. By that logic, you could have Chopper Reid as president.

You can have all the gratitude you like for what Pratt has done for Carlton but the simple fact of life is he has been found guilty of the biggest cartel in our history. And contrary to the case made a few posts back , that IS stealing OUR money....and in massive quantitys.

I state again, if Pratt is allowed to go unpunished at the football level, then it is open slather. You cannot punish ANYBODY. If that is the precedent the AFL or Carlton want to set, then fine. If not, then he must GO.


I am sure that if it was someone of a lesser stature, like Rod Butterrs or Ray Horsburgh etc, they would be long gone.

Pratt has done a lot of good for Carlton, but what he did was inexcuseable and he should GO.


How about you go and we keep Pratt ???
Richard Pratt has been tremendous for the Carlton FC.

I don't expect Carlton to sack him. Clubs are perennially and notoriously self serving.

On the other hand, the AFL are an independant body running the biggest sporting business in the land. And that business( AFL footy) belongs to the people. The people of 16 clubs. The same people that Richard Pratt ripped off.

If the AFL do nothing about Pratt, they surrender the right to pontificate about anyone or anybody.

The AFL is all about public image. It is a big business. Pratt knows all about big business. It is a tough game.

He got caught. He must go.

But you didn't answer my question. Do you believe we should give back the millions of dollars Dick has poured into the club? Are you willing to accept his money, even though you believe it is ill-gained?

You sound like Patrick Smith! Is that your real identity?
Certainly fixed his little red wagon.

May or may not be Patrick (think it would be), but what sort of name is TerryWallet.......obsessed.

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Made me wonder every time I saw it.

A troll or not a troll?
A moderators dilema! :cool:
I strongly suspect it.

Not because of the stance being adopted (anyone is entitled to that opinion) but more the veracity of the argument, the overuse of emotion and emotive analogies and the fabrication of "facts" (challenges to which were completely ignored).

It looks very much like the debating style of an opposition supporter to me.

Of course, that is only my opinion, I certainly wouldn't state something as fact when I can't prove it. :)
If the AFL do nothing about Pratt, they surrender the right to pontificate about anyone or anybody.
No they don't. They still have the right to deal with AFL employees including players. The AFL can not do anything about Pratt anyway, they have no legal right to do so. You sound just like all the other ignorant opposition supporters who think the AFL can pluck a rule out of the air to deal with Pratt.

The AFL is all about public image. It is a big business. Pratt knows all about big business. It is a tough game.
Funny, I thought the AFL was all about the game with marketing of the game secondary to the sport itself. Naturally if the marketing of the game was affected by an individual they might have something to say ... but and consider this carefully when you choose to repeat the same rubbish ..... Pratt's business practices have done ZERO to the AFL. Not one sponsor lost, nothing. Pratt's businesses practices have done nothing to Carlton, record members, record sponsorships, star players joining us.

Perhaps through all of your posturing, you can give one concrete example of how the AFL has been adversely affected by all of this?
The latest rant by this absolute tosser:,25197,23299187-16957,00.html

Standards slide in retaliation

Patrck Smith | March 01, 2008

THE AFL does lots of things wrong. The fact that The Price Fixer remains president of Carlton is the latest example of poor judgment.
It leaves the broad community with the perception that someone who manipulates the Australian population - some experts say to the stunning figure of $700m - is an appropriate person to represent a club in the biggest code in the country.
Blind parochialism is something that has always intrigued me and something i will never understand.

*Some* carlton supporters will defend Pratt till the death no matter what he did because....he is OURS

its like *some* Indians will support Harbijan till the death because...he is OURS

its like *some* Americans will support Bush till the death because...he is OURS.

people should be treated on their merits and actions , irrespective of parochialism.

Pratt has been terrific for Carlton.


What he did was reprehensible and the AFL should not tolerate him as one of its 16 presidents.

It is the people's game. The same people Pratt defrauded.

People are so ignorant and apathetic of white collar crime. If he held up a bank for $200,000 i wonder if peoples reactions would be different.
You are the biggest shit talker I have ever heard.
I couldn't give a rat's ass about how much we have all been ripped off.
Dick can even rip my clothes off to if he likes, as long as he keep's doing what he has been doing for The Mighty Blue Boy's.
THE AFL does lots of things wrong. The fact that The Price Fixer remains president of Carlton is the latest example of poor judgment.
But BIG FAT CHUCKER, I thought the AFL wanted to get rid of him? Good work on your facts there BIG FAT CHUCKER.

What's that sound? It's the sounds of BIG FAT CHUCKER backtracking after being owned by Swann.

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I saw we arrange to meet him at a phoney sausage sizzle held at the MCG on the eve of our game vs the Tigers ....

and then WHACK ... we roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge - as Homer would say !
I saw we arrange to meet him at a phoney sausage sizzle held at the MCG on the eve of our game vs the Tigers ....

and then WHACK ... we roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge - as Homer would say !

Looks like my new avatar is going to come in handy :)

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Patrick Smith caught out again

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