Player Watch Pick #12 (2018) - Zak Butters

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Itll keep happening till Connor proves himself.
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine Connor being out there today. Ask yourself, would he have done what JHF and Butters did to get us the win.

I’d love to think he would, but I have major doubts.

He’s a fantastic footballer when everything is humming along. He needs to make sure there are no more midfield fade outs when he is in the centre square. He needs to show us he can be counted when the odds are against him.

Over to you captain.
Hopefully Butters sees that he can help win games off of his own hard work, play and example.

It was against an average side at best but it was a momentous turnaround.

That kind of play can instill confidence going into finals.

A great captains game albeit for the last quarter.
Rewatched the first half this morning and the way Butters' grins whenever he lays a big tackle, or vice versa.

It's downright diabolical, it looks like he gains energy from it

Butters = Goku

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Can someone tell me why he starts on the bench every now and again. happened against, st kilda, essendon, north melbourne and freo.

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Close your eyes for a minute and imagine Connor being out there today. Ask yourself, would he have done what JHF and Butters did to get us the win.

i couldn't help but picture this


It was a throw away comment but I'm not convinced Rozee has the hunger to be a great or carry the club on his shoulders. Family life does different things to different people, for someone like Powell Pepper it's likely focused him, for Rozee I'm not sure that it will not be a distraction and that the winning of games and silverware will be much lower in his list of priorities. And perhaps I'm just getting old, but to be engaged at 23 and to have a first child at 24 just seems very young. Good luck to him, he's a nice kid, but give me Butters and JHF leading us out of the race any day of the week

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