Player Watch Pick #49 (2020) - Ollie Lord

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Surprised to hear any suggestion that Todd would ask for a trade. He’s close to SPP, Drew, Charlie and Esava. The club has been supportive of him throughout his career, and his hometown is a long way from any other AFL club.

Why would he want a trade?

Close to Esava? From before he came here 5 minutes ago?

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Close to Esava? From before he came here 5 minutes ago?

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Probably from the TAC Cup days I'm assuming.

Murray Bushrangers IIRC.
Didn’t he only sign the extension to 2024 during last season? I wonder if he is seeing more game in the near future.

Great signing, but will be interesting to see how Marshall, Dixon, Finlayson, Georgiades and Lord fit into 1 forward line….

1 ruck territory I suspect.

We’re definitely only playing 1 ruck.

None of rucks are well suited to playing as a kf, and soldo, probably being the best option to be second ruck would have come here to play 1st ruck and that’s what we would have planned too.

You named 5 kfs for 3 likely spots, but Georgiades is going to be on the comeback trail and at best only pushing for a spot mid year, Dixon is always injured, and finlayson is neither here nor there. He’s good enough to play first 22 any week we need him, but I’m comfortable to send him back to the sanfl any week we don’t need him. I think he’s at peace with that as well.

Todd’s the only kf who is any chance to play 22 games next year regardless of who is available to pick.

Marshall & Lord are definitely forward 50 players only. Finlayson & Georgiades are more flexible and can play forward or defense when the need arises. Lord & Finlayson could also pinch hit in the ruck where required. But all 4 players cant all play forward all at once.

Strange call.

Todd is excellent up the ground around chf. There’s really not a forward we want delivering the ball inside 50 more, hell there’s barely a player on our list we want with ball in hand 70 out more than Todd.

Lord and Georgiades are the deep only players.

I like Ollie and think Todd will ask for a trade so this signing is important .Love big game players. Would be happy to never see two cents Charlie in the side again.

He's out of contract end of 2024.

He’s not asking for a trade, he’s a free agent end of this season.

A lot of teams will enquire with his manager but I would be fairly shocked if he left.

He seems deeply rooted here, seems to love the players and club. His hometown fairly smack bang in the middle of nsw / sa / vic so no hometown pull.

Teams will likely offer him a bit more than us (you have to in order to pry out free agents much less to another state) but while I see teams being very keen I don’t see anyone willing to make him a can’t refuse mega deal.

But until he signs I’ll be somewhat nervous. Players move clubs all the time. Just takes a club saying the right things and putting a good deal in front of the right money hungry manager.
I am not entirely sold on Ollie yet. Good that he has re signed but he needs to do a bit more and more often.
Time will tell, I do like his spirit the guy plays with, I have a feeling he will go ok.

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I heard he still won't get a game ahead of the desiccated corpse of Charlie Dixon
The face you make knowing you are going to pick Dixon as long as he is capable of walking unsupported
The fact that you think thats the limit of Charlie's selection shows how little you know.

The water bottle carrying trainers will be helping Charlie walk to position. He'll then use his opponent as a support in standing.

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