POLL: Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

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Mr Brown, Mr Pink, Mr White, Mr Orange, Mr Blonde, Mr Blue & Mr Purple

Mr. Pink: Why can't we pick our own colors?
Joe Cabot: No way, no way. I tried it once and it doesn't work. You get four guys, all fighting over who is going to be Mr. Black. But they don't know each other, so no one wants to back down. No way! I pick! You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.
Mr. Brown: Yeah, but Mr. Brown, that's a little too close to Mr. Shit.
Mr. Pink: And Mr. Pink sounds like Mr. Pussy! How about Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me, I'll be Mr. Purple.
Joe Cabot: You're not Mr. Purple. Some guy on some other job is Mr. Purple! You're Mr. Pink!
Mr. White/Larry: Who cares what your name is?
Mr. Pink: Yeah, that's easy for you to say: you're Mr. White. You have a cool sounding name. Look if it's no big deal for you to be Mr. Pink you wanna trade?
Joe Cabot: Hey, nobody's trading with anybody. This ain't a goddamn city counsel meeting you know. Now listen up Mr. Pink. There is two ways you can go on the job: my way or the highway. Now what's it gonna be Mr. Pink?
Mr. Pink: Jesus Christ Joe, forget about it. It's beneath me you know. I'm Mr. Pink. Let's move on.

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Why do people think that David knows anything about Browne's plans?
There is no evidence that the men have had anything to do with each other. David appears to have acted alone to initiate the petition, although this has made Browne's job easier. He now has the signatures necessary and according to Caro last night, his ticket is complete.

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Well if no one is telling me and it does go to an EGM I will vote against a spill of the board.
I think we are in the position of having only a choice between a non optimal decision and a bad decision sadly.

From my experience this will take a while to heal enough to where full recovery becomes possible.
They’ve signed enough now. Suck it up princess.
Why are you being so condescending? You've presented that you have inside information, people asked what it was, and you're getting annoyed at them?

If you're not at liberty to share what you know then just don't mention it, otherwise it screams that you just want to show off that you're 'in the know'.
We might have to hold it on zoom.

It’d be an interesting dynamic if it was on Zoom. It’d take a lot of the emotion out of it, there’s be no whipping up of the crowds.

I reckon that would probably favour the incumbents.

This year’s AGM was on Zoom. It felt a bit perfunctory.
When it goes to a vote you will find out

One of the key things that many folks led by Hatly are complaining about the club, is lack of transparency. But folks aren’t really getting that with the new ticket(s) either, are they?

The new ticket(s) aren’t putting themselves out there, they’re not putting out their ideas for consideration, review, or for open debate.

Maybe that’s their plan? Maybe they believe it’ll help their cause by limiting open discussion? But is that what folks really want?
One of the key things that many folks led by Hatly are complaining about the club, is lack of transparency. But folks aren’t really getting that with the new ticket(s) either, are they?

The new ticket(s) aren’t putting themselves out there, they’re not putting out their ideas for consideration, review, or for open debate.

Maybe that’s their plan? Maybe they believe it’ll help their cause by limiting open discussion? But is that what folks really want?
Total agreement 76 none of the aspirants are standing up and showing themselves as willing to serve the membership.

I'm getting more worried as this goes further - having lived through the new magpies and the chaos that ensued - I'm having flashbacks to that horrible time that plunged our club into freefall.

No aspirant that refuses to have a detailed plan IN WRITING that opens the board up to both scrutiny and censure for incompetence or worse will have my support.

Our club is in crisis because it has wandered away from it's duty.

It must stop.

No aspirant that refuses to have a detailed plan IN WRITING that opens the board up to both scrutiny and censure for incompetence or worse will have my support.

The club are obliged to run an independent audit of the books. The club do appear to take this seriously: before Jodie Sizer (PWC consulting) joined the board the club changed auditors from PWC to EY. The club then do publish and circulate this annual report to the members. It’s not totally transparent - for example it could not be seen from the annual report how the Star Athletic brand was performing for the club ... but it did give the general top level insight into whether the club was flush or broke or whereabouts in between.

And as much as people do like to complain and be conscientious objectors about aspects of the financials ... there’s been far far more speculation about how well we are / aren’t doing, than there is discussion around the actual numbers in the annual report when it’s released.

The club do run an AGM where all the board turn up, and all the voting members can ask questions of the board. A minority of members do waste their question on frivolous enquires (IMO). But there are also questions that generate insight too (IMO)

Our club was the first to establish a members forum. Not going to please everyone, but most folks who have attended those would reasonably feel like the club was being as open and candid as they could be taking into account privacy and confidentiality issues.

I have always found that when the club are either one-on-one, or in the privacy of the members, they are very open and candid.

Our club is in crisis because it has wandered away from it's duty.

We’re 16th on the ladder. If we had an ageing list, and hadn’t debuted 8 players by round 12, and hadn’t given games to four additional newbies, and didn’t have a handful of more prospects on our list, and didn’t hold two picks at the MSD, and didn’t have one of the most respected footy bosses in the league recently join the club ... then yeah, I’d agree our football department would be n crisis, but that’s not the case.

And the on field issues are clearly not systemic club wide (unlike Carlton of around 3 years ago) because our other teams are doing much better.

If our club was broke, then yeah, we’d be in crisis, but we’re far far away from being that.

If our facilities were derelict, then yeah, we’d be in crisis, but that’s not the case.

The club is dealing with the Do Better report, which some might describe as a crisis - but the club led by the board and a working group of around a dozen people are dealing with that and reporting progress back to members every three months. IMO the club seem to handling that as well as can be - and can’t see at all that a club led by a different board would be doing any better?

The only candidate for ‘crisis’ I see is that a portion of the membership feel disconnected from the club.