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When did you start getting drunk?

  • When I was around 14

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When I was around 17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • When I was around 21

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've never been drunk!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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Started drinking when i was 15, me and 4 mates got absolutely shit faced of just the one bottle of jimmy, that was the first time (pretty poor effort on reflection). I had so much fun i pretty much drank every weekend of high school up until year twelve when i actually decided to do some work occasionally. Nowadays i still love a beer, and maybe a few shots, but have slowed down and cant say i miss the piss too much. I have never craved a drink in my life.

That being said the most amazing moments of my life are ridiculously over represented by nights where i have been pissed. I'm not condoning alcohol and understand why people abstain, but believe me i cannot tell that it is all bad and it is not worth it because it is an amazing thing to absolutely maggoted in the right context of course.
I don't get pissed often because I know what comes the next morning... a bloody hangover and being flackered all day.

One of the best feelings though is when you're moderately tipsie!

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Started getting drunk when I was 14 (Year 9) and will drink probably twice a month, get drunk probably once a month and get really messy probably once every 3 months.
In saying this I have never touched drugs, not even a cigarette.

Agree with what others have said about people not liking the taste of alcohol, for me the difference between beer, bourban and vodka is huge.

This. Except my first time drunk was at schoolies and I've smoked 2 cigarettes in my life.
I drink, usually wine, almost every day but have been drunk maybe 3-4 times in the last 15 months and havent been real messy in about 2 years.
I'm off grog for a while after laste time I got on it (B&S ball), decided I was angry and punched my windscreen out. expensive punch.
When I was younger I used to binge drink every weekend, But I have never been the type to end a days work with a beer. I only drank to socialize. I had some scary moments drunk, and did some things I regret.

I had a real bad time when I was 24 and rarely drank after that, only maybe 4-5 times a year, but would be binging.

I've had one light beer since July last year I reckon, but one thing I do know is that I'm definitely over getting drunk, seriously what is cool about that. It leads to more bad than good. You aren't who you want to be when you are drunk anyway, and what respect do you think you get from people being drunk. Its all good and well if everyone else is drunk. Look at the fights at the footy, can bet you nearly all of them are drunks. I question what is more dangerous, Pot or Alcohol?

I get really annoyed when I don't drink and I get told 76 Million times that I need to have a drink, that I'm stupid, have no idea, don't know how to have a good time. This is the chief reason I don't go to pubs, or Hotels anymore, along with putting up with drunken idiots starting fights.

The cost of Alcohol is a total waste of money, I know people who spend 7K every year on Booze, and have done for over TEN years. Add that up, what a bloody waste.
The wasted time, you get drunk, what does it cost you? a whole day, a whole day wasted feeling like crap.

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No alcohol for 9 years+. I'd drink if i could but for some reason in my early/mid-twenties i developed the 'art of the hangover' where if i literally had half a light beer i'd be sick the next day. It's funny how when you first have beer, i know it's true for a lot of ppl, you don't like the taste but after a while it becomes your favourite drink. and when you give up you can be desperately keen to have one but after a few months all alcohol desire is gone.
I greatly respect those of you who have drunk, know how fun it is, but abstain due to the negative health consequences that come with drinking to excess. I admire you. Perhaps one day I will be like you.

I am impartial to those of you who do not drink due to not liking 'the taste'. Seems odd that out of the plentiful selection of things to drink, you can't find even one that you like, but whatever. This is probably just a poxy excuse used by those who fit into the following categories...

I do not respect those of you who do not drink due to cost. Goon costs $9-13 for 4L. HTFU.

I especially do not respect those of you who do not drink due to some words written by some guys hundreds or thousands of years ago (that is, religion).

Some of the best moments in my life have been due to alcohol

Absolutely. Of course, some of the worst moments have been, too. But I could say the same of playing local footy/cricket. You take the good with the bad in all walks of life; alcohol should be no different.
I guess when I was younger I just wanted to drink to get drunk, but I'd never just have one or two drinks, I never saw the point in it. I'd rather have a soda, or something. So once I saw the stupidity in getting drunk, the health problems, the hangovers, the idiodic behavior, I stopped.

For me I can't see a reason for drinking. I've always used alcohol to socialize, to be more sociable, to get out of being too quiet. But I feel if you are drinking for those reasons, you aren't really being yourself then are you. I'd rather be myself, be real. I think a lot of people are trying to escape from reality by drinking, so they don't have to face up to it.
l ticked the 14 years of age box,Not that l really started drinking at that age but l used to go to the pub with my uncles and they would buy me a few beers or Shandy's.But l ready started drinking at 15/16 years of age binge drinking style Jim beam,southern got the taste for beer few years later.drunk at lot at one pub they gave me a job free beer:).And after moving to geelong l went out all the time thur to Sunday routine but last 3 or so don't drink so much just the odd beer after cricket and when we go out for tea.l really don't mind being off the piss and l have more money for other things
One thing the poll suggests to me is that if you haven't started getting drunk by the time you're 21, you've "missed the train" and don't end up being someone that gets drunk (regardless of whether you later quit or not).

So, generally-speaking, the age of binge-drinking and continued binge-drinking is during your teenage years, which although is no surprise in itself, is a surprise when compared to people in their early 20's, who if they haven't been drunk yet then won't get drunk, or already have been drunk (rather than initiate binge drinking at this age), purely going by this poll.

This observation would be killed though if some/all of the "ex-bingers" who don't get drunk anymore (basically have 'quit'), incorrectly voted in the "I've never been drunk!" category. Such incorrect voting wouldn't surprise me:rolleyes:
I greatly respect those of you who have drunk, know how fun it is, but abstain due to the negative health consequences that come with drinking to excess. I admire you. Perhaps one day I will be like you.

I especially do not respect those of you who do not drink due to some words written by some guys hundreds or thousands of years ago (that is, religion).
Both reasons are fairly similar, though. The reason that some religions (and really, I can't think of any bar Islam) forbids alcohol is due to the adverse affects that come with it. Islam acknowledges that there is some benefit in alcohol but that it is far outweighed by the harm.
Both reasons are fairly similar, though.

I understand what you are trying to say, but it is a little more complex than that.

I have no respect for anybody who does/abstains from things purely because of what is written in a religious text. This goes for alcohol, sex, gambling, etc.

I have plenty of respect for somebody who has given something a try and then made up their own mind about what is best for them.
I have plenty of respect for somebody who has given something a try and then made up their own mind about what is best for them.

^One example.

How about if someone who is educated on and wants to try crack cocaine, enjoys the effects, and then decides they enjoy their perceived benefits over the risks, so therefore decides to continue using the drug (potentially becoming addicted).

Plenty of respect still, compared to someone who avoids it in the first place, that also has an awareness of the drug's risks?

Serious question, no condescending tone intended.

I say this because I have little to no respect for people who do such things, when the risks are clearly known to that person beforehand. If they suffer the consequences of the act they have previously decided was best for them and don't whinge about it, then I am impartial, but if they do whinge about it, then I find it hard to have respect for them.
How many of you don't drink because of health risks/stupid behaviour, bad hangovers etc but still smoke?

I drink every weekend and there is no end in site, why would there be.

And ofcourse drinking changes how you act, if being yourself means your to quiet and hardly go out why not have a few and loosen up.

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