Premium Platinum
You're right, I wasn't there... I was here in Sydney when we got our own team! And it was sensational!!!There are plenty of other anniversaries to celebrate. This one marked the victory of Murdoch, Pratt and Aylett.
You were not here. You do not know how dire it was. You were not in tears like players and fans.
The notion of celebration is grossly offensive.
After 15 years of struggle, and hanging on by a thread, ridicule and revilement, and without much in the way of assistance from the AFL, we emerged as a true club and a valued part of the competition. We've missed five (5) final series since 1996... that's five out of twenty six years the Swans haven't played finals. The Swans left Victoria with less than 3,000 members, and now we regularly have 50,000+. We are a respected, and held up to the competition as a cultural, financial and social success. Out of the ashes of South arose the phoenix in the shape of the Sydney Swans! And I find it grossly offensive that you don't want us to celebrate that...
Nobody is celebrating the death of South, we're celebrating 40 years of the Sydney Swans! And it's worth celebrating!!!