stop embarrasing yourself you clown, you have NFI about anything related to the EFC or even the AFL. I'll remember this post when Arrowsmith forges a carrer in the AFL through sheer hard work, determination and leadership, but then again you wouldn't have the foggiest idea about arrowsmith because i highly doubt you have seen him play or gone down to Windy hill to watch him train in the few weeks he was there. He was a player that should have been picked ahead of Atkinson.
BTW it's Robertson not Robinson.
Why should he have been picked before Atkinson? In the end Atkinson fills a need we have, and I think he was a decent choice in the PSD to be honest. Arrowsmith may forge a career at the WCE, but he has a lot of work to do. My feelingwhenI have seen him (and i have seen him more than once) is that he goes soft too often, and I just think we have WAY too many outside players anyway. There would not be a place for him in our lineup. So again why would we pick a player who is soft on more than one occassion and a player whom we lready have enouh of his tpe of plyers on our list!