Premier A 2014

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One of the better games of amateur footy today at Dairy Bell.

It's a long time since I've seen an amateur side apply the sustained tackling pressure the La-La's applied in the first quarter today. The telling stat was on Rock's coaching white board at quarter time - of the 16 turnovers the La-La's had caused 14.

Problem with the La-La's is they are short people which might tell as the year goes by. A positive is they don't stuff around with the ball to the degree they have in by-gone years. Using the foot to greater advantage.

Quite impressed with what I heard of their coach at quarter time too. Disappointed they got over the line though.;)

Compared to last year they are veritable giants! The hardness and endeavor cannot be faulted but we just lack the polish of the better teams.

You are correct – the coach is an absolute ripper. With nearly 30 blokes who played seniors last year missing for various reasons it is great effort to have remained so competitive. Had we not dropped a game we should have won last week we would be comfortably clear of the relegation zone (for now anyway). However depth remains an issue. Like everyone we have had our share of injuries but really need to keep our better players on the park each week to remain competitive.

Very tight comp this year and you need to be right on your game every week. Bernies are a good side and after 5 on the trot they were probably due for a loss.
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When was the last time the two teams that played off in the previous year's Premier/A Section Grand Final got relegated to Premier B/B Section the following year?

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It'll be interesting to see how Old Xavs respond to the threat of being relegated to Premier B. What is the difference between this current team and the side that destroyed St Bedes Mentone Tigers in last year's Premier Grand Final?
It'll be interesting to see how Old Xavs respond to the threat of being relegated to Premier B. What is the difference between this current team and the side that destroyed St Bedes Mentone Tigers in last year's Premier Grand Final?
Xavs have 15 of their best 22 injured at the moment and playing a 2nds side.]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee

an interesting read

it is funny how all of a sudden xavs are on the decline the league/the 'old xavs boys club' at the vafa has to defend them. the article is pretty much just making excuses for the poor start to the year

(i do agree that 45 players in seven rounds will hurt any club no matter who you are and it is a big reason as to why xavs are struggling)[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=06&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee

an interesting read

it is funny how all of a sudden xavs are on the decline the league/the 'old xavs boys club' at the vafa has to defend them. the article is pretty much just making excuses for the poor start to the year

(i do agree that 45 players in seven rounds will hurt any club no matter who you are and it is a big reason as to why xavs are struggling)

What a remarkably insightful and interesting basis for an article on our much vaunted website - save for the fact I did the exact same analysis for the Division 1 clubs no more than a week ago on this very forum (well the Division 1 thread).

I called it the Stability Ladder

Mere coincidence?[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=06&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee

an interesting read

it is funny how all of a sudden xavs are on the decline the league/the 'old xavs boys club' at the vafa has to defend them. the article is pretty much just making excuses for the poor start to the year

(i do agree that 45 players in seven rounds will hurt any club no matter who you are and it is a big reason as to why xavs are struggling)

Unbelievable. Can be no doubt about who is pulling the strings at HQ now. Despite being stone motherless they have 6 players in the rep squad and now this. De La used 51 players up to the mid season point a few years back. Don’t recall any such pleasantries being afforded the bellers. Likewise Old Carey used similar numbers by this stage last year - any sympathetic website articles from Shollywood? Not bloody likely. Xavs by choice also bringing in an out about 4 or 5 VFL listed players from week to week. This is a luxury few clubs have but can lead to a lack of stability.

If you want a hard luck story try being the new De La coach who has had to try and remain competitive despite 28 blokes who played senior footy in 2013 not being available this year for various reasons. They also did not /do not have the much-vaunted depth of Old Xavs.
For what it's worth.......

Dear Premier Section Presidents & Coaches (except Old Xavs)
CC: Old Xavs
By now you would have noticed that the mighty Old Xaverians football club are last on the ladder in the Premier Section competition (I know we find it hard to believe as well). We were hoping the first couple of losses were due to the boys coming back a bit tired from their Easter break at Sorrento, but it appears we were wrong.
You would notice a fine piece of journalism on today’s VAFA website penned by Andrew Leonard (at gun point) highlighting the terrible plight they have faced so far this season.]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee
You will agree that what has happened to them is totally unfair and has never happened at another football club in the world.
I want to assure you that we are taking steps to improve their situation to ensure that they will play finals in 2014. The Board are committed to ensuring that their continued run of sustained success is not comprised due to a lack of depth, poor form or injuries.
I therefore apologise that you are not losing to Old Xaverians as you would like and we take full responsibility for the position the club is in. As such, the Board have come up with several ideas after a brainstorming session was held with the Old Xaverians Committee at the Orrong Hotel. These include:
- Picking the best 6 players from each opposition team and giving them to Old Xaverians;
- Introducing a “lucky loser” concept, that will provide automatic entry into the Grand Final for the team with the most losses;
- Providing Old Xaverians with 6 points for every loss they have;
- Abandoning the season.
We will be in touch over the Queen’s Birthday weekend with our decision, oh hang on we will be in Brisbane with the Old Xavs rep side, I mean Big V, so make that in due course.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the above we will not be able to answer them.
Thanks and regards
VAFA Board
For what it's worth.......

Dear Premier Section Presidents & Coaches (except Old Xavs)
CC: Old Xavs
By now you would have noticed that the mighty Old Xaverians football club are last on the ladder in the Premier Section competition (I know we find it hard to believe as well). We were hoping the first couple of losses were due to the boys coming back a bit tired from their Easter break at Sorrento, but it appears we were wrong.
You would notice a fine piece of journalism on today’s VAFA website penned by Andrew Leonard (at gun point) highlighting the terrible plight they have faced so far this season.[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=06&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee
You will agree that what has happened to them is totally unfair and has never happened at another football club in the world.
I want to assure you that we are taking steps to improve their situation to ensure that they will play finals in 2014. The Board are committed to ensuring that their continued run of sustained success is not comprised due to a lack of depth, poor form or injuries.
I therefore apologise that you are not losing to Old Xaverians as you would like and we take full responsibility for the position the club is in. As such, the Board have come up with several ideas after a brainstorming session was held with the Old Xaverians Committee at the Orrong Hotel. These include:
- Picking the best 6 players from each opposition team and giving them to Old Xaverians;
- Introducing a “lucky loser” concept, that will provide automatic entry into the Grand Final for the team with the most losses;
- Providing Old Xaverians with 6 points for every loss they have;
- Abandoning the season.
We will be in touch over the Queen’s Birthday weekend with our decision, oh hang on we will be in Brisbane with the Old Xavs rep side, I mean Big V, so make that in due course.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the above we will not be able to answer them.
Thanks and regards
VAFA Board

:thumbsu: 24 carat :thumbsu:

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For what it's worth.......

Dear Premier Section Presidents & Coaches (except Old Xavs)
CC: Old Xavs
By now you would have noticed that the mighty Old Xaverians football club are last on the ladder in the Premier Section competition (I know we find it hard to believe as well). We were hoping the first couple of losses were due to the boys coming back a bit tired from their Easter break at Sorrento, but it appears we were wrong.
You would notice a fine piece of journalism on today’s VAFA website penned by Andrew Leonard (at gun point) highlighting the terrible plight they have faced so far this season.[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=06&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee
You will agree that what has happened to them is totally unfair and has never happened at another football club in the world.
I want to assure you that we are taking steps to improve their situation to ensure that they will play finals in 2014. The Board are committed to ensuring that their continued run of sustained success is not comprised due to a lack of depth, poor form or injuries.
I therefore apologise that you are not losing to Old Xaverians as you would like and we take full responsibility for the position the club is in. As such, the Board have come up with several ideas after a brainstorming session was held with the Old Xaverians Committee at the Orrong Hotel. These include:
- Picking the best 6 players from each opposition team and giving them to Old Xaverians;
- Introducing a “lucky loser” concept, that will provide automatic entry into the Grand Final for the team with the most losses;
- Providing Old Xaverians with 6 points for every loss they have;
- Abandoning the season.
We will be in touch over the Queen’s Birthday weekend with our decision, oh hang on we will be in Brisbane with the Old Xavs rep side, I mean Big V, so make that in due course.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the above we will not be able to answer them.
Thanks and regards
VAFA Board
That is very funny however
1 Im sure our mirth will be flattened somewhat when they do escape the drop
2 If they dont, heaven forbid playing them in B grade next year- We have seen what Uni Blues are doing to the B grade comp- Xavs will be worse
3 We wont be playing at Prahran next year... Wait, no that is a positive.
For what it's worth.......

Dear Premier Section Presidents & Coaches (except Old Xavs)
CC: Old Xavs
By now you would have noticed that the mighty Old Xaverians football club are last on the ladder in the Premier Section competition (I know we find it hard to believe as well). We were hoping the first couple of losses were due to the boys coming back a bit tired from their Easter break at Sorrento, but it appears we were wrong.
You would notice a fine piece of journalism on today’s VAFA website penned by Andrew Leonard (at gun point) highlighting the terrible plight they have faced so far this season.[year]=2014&tx_ttnews[month]=06&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=1418&cHash=33f360514fee37139bef33a969100cee
You will agree that what has happened to them is totally unfair and has never happened at another football club in the world.
I want to assure you that we are taking steps to improve their situation to ensure that they will play finals in 2014. The Board are committed to ensuring that their continued run of sustained success is not comprised due to a lack of depth, poor form or injuries.
I therefore apologise that you are not losing to Old Xaverians as you would like and we take full responsibility for the position the club is in. As such, the Board have come up with several ideas after a brainstorming session was held with the Old Xaverians Committee at the Orrong Hotel. These include:
- Picking the best 6 players from each opposition team and giving them to Old Xaverians;
- Introducing a “lucky loser” concept, that will provide automatic entry into the Grand Final for the team with the most losses;
- Providing Old Xaverians with 6 points for every loss they have;
- Abandoning the season.
We will be in touch over the Queen’s Birthday weekend with our decision, oh hang on we will be in Brisbane with the Old Xavs rep side, I mean Big V, so make that in due course.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the above we will not be able to answer them.
Thanks and regards
VAFA Board

I'd be eyeing off the clearances, as there's sure to be some late and interesting transfers into Xavs team before the deadline.

Interesting as i scrolled through them this morning that one D.Lynch has transfered from Xavs to the SFL just a week or so ago.
I'd be eyeing off the clearances, as there's sure to be some late and interesting transfers into Xavs team before the deadline.

Interesting as I scrolled through them this morning that one D.Lynch has transfered from Xavs to the SFL just a week or so ago.

No doubt about that. And just our luck we get them after the bye when their stocks will be topped up with players returning from injury, suspension and reality TV shows.

While finals might be stretch I just can’t bring myself to right them off.
No doubt about that. And just our luck we get them after the bye when their stocks will be topped up with players returning from injury, suspension and reality TV shows.

While finals might be stretch I just can’t bring myself to right them off.

No wonder OX have won so many premierships, they have everyone beat before they get on the ground!

They've got 1 win and people are still worried to write them off.
Ironic, he was the saviour in 96.
They hired the wrong bloke, should have hired James Walker, perhaps the committee should sack themselves too.

Pretty hard to go past the reigning premiership coach. And I'm not sure Walker would've done much better with the side that rolled out on Saturday.
Coach gone as well. Rooster, you guys are really up against it now!

Yep just our bloody luck. As well as supposed big name player returns they will all want to run through brickwalls to impress the new coach. Maybe they will get a few injuries when the Old Xavs take on ALF QLD in their traditional mid season rep game this weekend.
Listen to you blokes, you should be rubbing your hands with glee and wanting to stomp all over them whilst they are down, man up lads and send them back to Premier B.

Will you ever be able to got over your jealous obsession with Old Xavs Brian?

Suggest you concentrate your efforts on getting your boys up from Premier B where they have been very comfortable for quite some time!
god love you brian!!
Bit harsh on Dom Berry I believe as he is regarded very highly. Have a look at the players below who have not played or played very few games this year... This side of unavailable players due to injuries and suspension would beat all other Premier A sides comfortably and this is not including Handley, Prowse, Louis Tiernan, Dynon, Allan, Skeene.
























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