Toast Presidency and The Board

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Thank you 76woodenspooners

One of BigFooty’s all-time-favourite posters, Reykjavik , was all across the board level stuff. He once posted a list of the responsibilities of a Not-For-Profit board like that of Collingwood …


NFP board responsibilities
Specific responsibilities of a not-for-profit (NFP) board include:

  • Driving the strategic direction of the organisation
  • Working with the CEO to enable the organisation to obtain the resources, funds and personnel necessary to implement the organisation's strategic objectives
  • Implementing, maintaining and (as necessary) refining a system of good governance that is appropriate for the organisation
  • Reviewing reports and monitoring the performance of the organisation
  • Regularly reviewing the board's structure and composition, so that these are appropriate for the organisation
  • Appointing – and managing the performance of – a suitable CEO
  • Succession planning for the CEO
While the above points are also applicable to for-profit boards, NFP boards also face a unique range of issues, such as:

  • Difficulties in defining and measuring organisational effectiveness
  • Transgression of role boundaries
  • The negative impact of the structural compositions of some NFP boards, including those arising from representative models
  • Funding dependencies and constraints

In practice, the role of the board is to supervise an organisation's business in two broad areas:

  1. Overall business performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements strategies and supporting policies to enable it to fulfill the objectives set out in the organisation's constitution. The board delegates the day to day management of the organisation but remains accountable to the shareholders for the organisation's performance. The board monitors and supports management in an on-going way.
  2. Overall compliance performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements systems to enable it to comply with its legal and policy obligations (complying with statutes such as the Corporations Act 2001, adhering to accounting standards) and ensure the organisation's assets are protected through appropriate risk management.

Link to original post …

I am centre left but Dan Rosen's political leanings mean nothing to me in a football sense (unless you are Geelong FC ten you get massive stadium development).

Also knowing the family a little I know Dan is Triple A+ as a person and as a business mover and shaker.

I suspect Conno is the same having read his comments for over 20 years and at times not having agreed with him - cant agree on everything.

Nothing at all to do with Geelong being the biggest regional city in Victoria, the 12th largest (and climbing) in the country (bigger than Hobart and Darwin) and therefore deserving of equivalent stadium investments to other similar centres across Australia, and everything to do with a Geelong FC bias of course.
Sean, I have a question as a non-voting casual interstate allocate resources to answering as appropriate...

There was talk that the board was reluctant to contract de goey again because of his "image" issues. Should the board impact on football decisions like this?

Board is there for governance purposes. What media reports and what actually happens sometimes can vary. I would expect all football decisions are debated and prepared to present by the football department much in the same way boards sign off on significant project initiatives in regular business. As my background is not in football, I would lean on the recommendations of Graham Wright and football director Paul Licuria.

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Out of interest …

… last election Jeff Browne did say that he would reach out to unsuccessful candidates to see how they could contribute.

Did that happen?

No, I reached out post-election and a few times during the season, but we didn't connect.

We chatted a few times at club functions but nothing groundbreaking from those chats.
Nothing at all to do with Geelong being the biggest regional city in Victoria, the 12th largest (and climbing) in the country (bigger than Hobart and Darwin) and therefore deserving of equivalent stadium investments to other similar centres across Australia, and everything to do with a Geelong FC bias of course.
Sure. That may be part of it.
Thanks Jen2310

I've updated my site with info on me and I'll be adding to it to answer key issues - Get to know Sean Callanan - Collingwood Board Nominee

Happy to take on questions here or via my socials

I will be asking the club to host a member forum to allow more people to know the candidates and I will be asking for results to be released to improve transparency on the voting process.

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I thoroughly agree with you re the treatment De Goey received after the storm-in-a-teacup that was the Bali “incident”.

He was hung out to dry, to appease the ‘woke mob’. Was so disappointing, especially when he made that press release that someone else obviously wrote for him.

If a club as big as Collingwood can’t stand strong against that external pressure, what hope for anyone at smaller clubs!?
I thoroughly agree with you re the treatment De Goey received after the storm-in-a-teacup that was the Bali “incident”.

He was hung out to dry, to appease the ‘woke mob’. Was so disappointing, especially when he made that press release that someone else obviously wrote for him.

If a club as big as Collingwood can’t stand strong against that external pressure, what hope for anyone at smaller clubs!?
Can you please explain what you mean by woke?

On SM-G981B using mobile app
We don't need a board that is woke or asleep. We don't need a board that is divisive or divided. We don't need a board that makes a name for itself or its members. We need a board that will ensure good governance of the multi-faceted enterprise that is the CFC. We need a board that will establish and monitor the appropriate processes and evaluations to run an AFL club. Boards and presidents do not win premierships in the current era. The right collective of staff and players, at the right time, do. Boards can shape that. What we don't want is psuedo politicians, elected on a platform and on a periodic basis trying to make their imprint. My observation over decades is the win now at all costs so often fails to build.
I like what you stand for and the pile on with degoey was outrageous, it wasn't a great look from jordy and he made a bit of a fool of himself but that's it and the media pile on and the beat up from the woke mob was plain disgraceful and the club should've supported him against this, no more hanging our players out to dry or trial by media or caving in to the twitter lynch mob again, you'll have my vote.

- Punters like you and me don’t really know the full story of what is really going on inside the club. We might see a little in the media but fair chance the club have to deal with so much more behind the scenes than what we see. (As we usually discover years later in biographies or interviews)

- I’m not suggesting the club’s reaction was right or wrong. I am suggesting that we very likely just don’t know the full extent of what the club was dealing with, so worth cutting them some slack. Especially with a player who has a lengthy rap sheet that we do know about (trashing rental properties, breaking hand and lying to the club about it, DUI, riding a motorbike without a helmet, etc, etc) and unlikely the fan base would be so forgiving of a less fancied player.

- DeGoey re-signed despite having choice, so he can’t have felt too hardly done by.

- I get that candidates need to differentiate themselves and appeal to the membership. Last year Browne‘s platform was based in a large part by criticising the club’s handing of the trade period that saw us lose Treloar, Philips, Stephenson and Atu. But that didn’t stop the club under his Presidency from trading out Grundy and Henry.
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Can you please explain what you mean by woke?

On SM-G981B using mobile app
As far as I can tell, woke is a term mostly used by white men, who seem to think they are being discriminated against by people who think minority groups should get a fair go.

They have held a number of conventions in recent times. The most notable on Capitol Hill. We’ve also had our own smaller conventions outside parliament.

As far as the board goes, I’m leaning towards Sean C because he promised to get decent beer for the Legends Bar.
As far as I can tell, woke is a term mostly used by white men, who seem to think they are being discriminated against by people who think minority groups should get a fair go.

They have held a number of conventions in recent times. The most notable on Capitol Hill. We’ve also had our own smaller conventions outside parliament.

For me, I’d add that it’s a term of derision used against people who try to impose their ‘greater good’ values on a society that values freedoms. Kinda like a secular form of proselytizing.

Take a superpower like the US, with a lot of very proud individuals who feel like they’ve evolved to be the top of the food chain …

… and try to tell them that they should modify their behavior because of climate change, or because people are dying from gun violence, or that meat consumption is unsustainable, or because there is some overblown ’China virus‘ killing a few elderly folks who were about to die anyway, or any other cause that takes away their perceived freedoms …

… and hey presto they’ll vote for anybody who is against that. Even Donald Trump. Or MTG. Or anybody who will oppose those who want to take away their god given freedoms by trying to impose some judgey holier-than-thou miserable vegan tree hugging w***er-coffee hipster-beer lifestyle on society.
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Either way, "woke" as it's being used is overkill for the footy discussion at hand. It's just extremist arguing.

I think we simply need to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, which involves us being a ruthless 'survival of the fittest' footy club at all times, whilst having sufficient regard to our social and corporate responsibilities at the same time.

It's never an easy balance!
For me, I’d add that it’s a term of derision used against people who try to impose their ‘greater good’ values on a society that values freedoms. Kinda like a secular form of proselytizing.

Take a superpower like the US, with a lot of very proud individuals who feel like they’ve evolved to be the top of the food chain …

… and try to tell them that they should modify their behavior because of climate change, or because people are dying from gun violence, or that meat consumption is unsustainable, or because there is some overblown ’China virus‘ killing a few elderly folks who were about to die anyway, or any other cause that takes away their perceived freedoms …

… and hey presto they’ll vote for anybody who is against that. Even Donald Trump. Or MTG. Or anybody who will oppose those who want to take away their god given freedoms by trying to impose some judgey holier-than-thou miserable vegan tree hugging w***er-coffee hipster-beer lifestyle on society.
Just to add, woke carries an anti-intellectual connotation too. That whole movement is riding on the backs of the biggest loser's out of globalization - western working class - who've had all the factory jobs disappear to foreign lands.

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Toast Presidency and The Board

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