Random NON FOOTY thoughts not worthy of a thread: Edition II

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Very pleased to see these posts.

Look, I'm not going to go on about this. I keep my life private. But there is a Mrs H2H at home. We have been together for 18 years (just a bit longer than I have been on Bigfooty, which is forever) and we have two beautiful boys. Today the older one was in tears about crap he has heard at school as a result of this "respectful debate".

For thousands of Australians, this is not an intellectual discussion. Knowing the majority believe in our equality, and reject the awful lies being told daily, would mean a lot. The opposite outcome on this survey would be heartbreaking. If you don't vote, or boycott, that counts as a no to change and progress and acceptance.

I'm not debating this. I am too angry and sad and tired. But if you think it doesn't matter to anyone you know, maybe think about whether you know me and would like to make my usually lovely life a bit happier in a few weeks' time.

Back to talking trades.
sorry to hear you've had to go through this crap H2H. In 2017 FFS

I feel confident the right outcome is on its way.

Unfortunately the biggest enemy is probably apathy, and I'm imploring people to send their votes in. You can be assured the people who care enough to vote "no" will.

The general consensus in my world seems to be that most under 50s are embarrassed we are so far behind the rest of civilised society on this issue, and I'm sure that there enough of us to get it over the line.

Hopefully it's over and done with soon. All the best. x
Hearts to hearts said:
Look, I'm not going to go on about this. I keep my life private. But there is a Mrs H2H at home. We have been together for 18 years (just a bit longer than I have been on Bigfooty, which is forever) and we have two beautiful boys. Today the older one was in tears about crap he has heard at school as a result of this "respectful debate".
Thanks for sharing H2h.

I may have been guilty, over the years, of referring to a Mr H2h and, if so offer my sincere mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa for assuming this to be the case.

In my defence, you did at one point ask me to marry you, but I see now that was only because you were denied the opportunity to do so yourself. :p (It is now even clearer that I'll have to stop my wife running off with Ben Brown!)

But in all seriouslyness, another couple of "yes" votes in this household.


(Note, however, there is no black and white (stripes) there H2h!! :sternlook)

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Well, my MLB teams AAA affiliate won the PCL Championship today, that's one positive for my sport life in the last couple hours at least.

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Thanks for sharing H2h.

I may have been guilty, over the years, of referring to a Mr H2h and, if so offer my sincere mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa for assuming this to be the case.

In my defence, you did at one point ask me to marry you, but I see now that was only because you were denied the opportunity to do so yourself. :p (It is now even clearer that I'll have to stop my wife running off with Ben Brown!)

But in all seriouslyness, another couple of "yes" votes in this household.


(Note, however, there is no black and white (stripes) there H2h!! :sternlook)
No need for any apologies - my choice to play the pronoun game and keep it private! Thanks for the sentiments. Sorry about the proposal thing but, to be fair, I think I have suggested it to a number of my favourite posters over the years.
No need for any apologies - my choice to play the pronoun game and keep it private! Thanks for the sentiments. Sorry about the proposal thing but, to be fair, I think I have suggested it to a number of my favourite posters over the years.
If there was ever a perfect forum name to explain it, Yours is it H2H.

It's about what 2 hearts want, not what comprises our meat bag bodies.

Some of you may remember the death of my cousin a month or so back, she realised she was gay in her early teens, was never an issue for the family, she absolutely loved weddings and it saddened her it's not something she could have under the current structure of Australia.

Then obviously there was the mess when she passed away and her partner could not really help with proceedings while direct family were flying over from England.

It's not just about a bit of paper that shows that you love each other, there's so much more importance in the law change being successful. Basic human rights and the right to be a part of the life of the person you love in not just the good times, but the horribly bad, and to be allowed the decency to attend them as M/F married couples are allowed.

Probably doesn't come across in my ramblings, but most of you will know what I mean.
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I live in a society , where people wish for a property collapse because they can't afford to buy themselves within a 15km CBD radius. I live in a society where my kids learn about ancient indigenous games in class. Guilt forced upon them for something that occurred well before their families migrated to the country.
A system where boys are encouraged to wear a dress to school if they feel like it.
An equal place where every one is a winner and scores arnt kept in children's sport. We don't want to hurt anybodies feelings and make them feel inadequate.
A society that takes away people's livelihood penalizing them for doing 2km over the speed limit in the name of revenue generation.

Political correctness forced down our throats and people who wish to vote no, are socially condemned and humiliated for their views and painted with the same brush as a racist, homophobe and sexist.

End rant.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
From Tim Minchens Facebook.
Not sure if allowed to post but I know Tim wouldn't mind!

Morning Aussies. I have a question about this Equal Marriage Survey: Is there anyone out there who has close gay friends or family members that is voting "no"? (Other than Tony Abbott, obvs).

I believe the only reason you could possibly think LGBTQI people don't deserve everything straight folk deserve is that you don't know any! In fact, whenever I hear an argument against Marriage Equality, I picture the person arguing their point in front of one of my gay friends.

I imagine a dude saying to my gorgeous (handsome, rich, loving) mates who have kids, "I think you two having children is a form of abuse."

I picture a lady standing at stage door after Matilda, & saying to one of our actors,"Your performance made me cry, but you shouldn't be allowed to marry your partner of 20 years."

I just don't think they would do it. They wouldn't.

Surely therefore an intellectually honest and humble on-the-fence voter would say to themselves, "Well, if everyone who knows some gay people thinks they should be allowed to be married, then logically I suppose *I* would also support Equal Marriage if I had gay friends." ... and act accordingly!

Anyway. Man. I find this shit really, really upsetting. OK. Big breath.

Look, if you're a potential "no" voter and are still reading, thank you. Honestly. And can I ask you to stay with me for one more minute.

You know that whatever happens with Equal Marriage law, the vaguely related debates about sex education, religious privilege, parenting, "political correctness" and what have you will rage on. This won't stop social progress. Conventions change. We constantly update our understanding of what is moral. We have many times updated our definition of marriage! We tweak. We improve. We try to take into account the wellbeing of the less powerful. Of minorities. And so on.

And sure, perhaps it's moving too fast for you. I get it. I do. I have loved ones who find it all just too much.

But I beg you to accept the facts: There are probably a couple of million LGBTQI Aussies.
There are hundreds of thousands of gay couples.
And thousands of family with same-sex parents!
THEY EXIST whether you are ready for it or not.

So please ask yourself only one question: Do I want to play a part in making those people feel more accepted? Or do I want to hurt them more?

Because whatever our beliefs, and whether it is our intention or not, that will be the effect of this survey. It WILL send a message to LGBTQI people. And that message will say one of two things: That the country sees them as equal. Or that we officially see them as lesser.

The survey has already done terrible damage by unleashing the more bigoted anti-gay voices. Let's end it now. Please. Please? Please.

And this...

Good morning Aussies. Today I want to beg any of my followers & friends who are professional / elite sportspeople to please "come out" in support of Same Sex Marriage.

Your hard work and passion have earned you a place as leaders and role models, and as such, your voice matters. Not only in helping win this mad plebiscite, but because it shows young LGBTQ sports fans that they have legendary allies.

It may seem like a small issue, but I reckon it says a huge amount about who we are - and where we are - as a nation. Please speak up and let your fans know that love is love.
I live in a society , where people wish for a property collapse because they can't afford to buy themselves within a 15km CBD radius. I live in a society where my kids learn about ancient indigenous games in class. Guilt forced upon them for something that occurred well before their families migrated to the country.
A system where boys are encouraged to wear a dress to school if they feel like it.
An equal place where every one is a winner and scores arnt kept in children's sport. We don't want to hurt anybodies feelings and make them feel inadequate.
A society that takes away people's livelihood penalizing them for doing 2km over the speed limit in the name of revenue generation.

Political correctness forced down our throats and people who wish to vote no, are socially condemned and humiliated for their views and painted with the same brush as a racist, homophobe and sexist.

End rant.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
Equality is not political correctness ffs.
1 I live in a society , where people wish for a property collapse because they can't afford to buy themselves within a 15km CBD radius.
2. I live in a society where my kids learn about ancient indigenous games in class. Guilt forced upon them for something that occurred well before their families migrated to the country.
3. A system where boys are encouraged to wear a dress to school if they feel like it.
4. An equal place where every one is a winner and scores arnt kept in children's sport. We don't want to hurt anybodies feelings and make them feel inadequate.
5. A society that takes away people's livelihood penalizing them for doing 2km over the speed limit in the name of revenue generation.

6. Political correctness forced down our throats and people who wish to vote no, are socially condemned and humiliated for their views and painted with the same brush as a racist, homophobe and sexist.

End rant.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
I've numbered your rant for ease of reply:
1. How is this in any way related to the rest of your points?
2. What's wrong with learning the culture that was in the country before we were? How is it related to the "something that occured before their families migrated"?
3. They're not "encouraged" they're "given the option", what's wrong with dresses? Scotts make fair use of them.
4. Only point I mildly agree with, the sports score keeping anyway, don't see the point of it.
5. Rules are supposed to leave no wiggle room. Theres no such thing as "maybe you'll be penalised if you break the law" If you break the law you leave yourself open to punishment.

6. Finally, theres nothing wrong with Voting no, there is a problem with voting no and basing it on incorrect views such as it somehow being linked to the safe schools program etc.

Nothing you've touched on here is actually related to the issue of Gay marriage, all completely unrelated topics.
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Of course at the end of the day the politicians can still ignore any result.
The vote is to gauge how the general pop feels, it won't and can't change anything.

Which is why it's seen as such a waste of money.

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Equality is not political correctness ffs.
Stuff like that always reminds me of that line:

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.'

Although in regards to the op I'm not sure it's a negative thing to teach pre-colonial indigenous history in school, or about the genocide perpetrated by the settlers. In fact, that curriculum should be compulsory.

And I'm not sure how fining people for speeding (which regularly takes lives) or concerns about housing affordability is representative of political correctness? :drunk:
I agree on the speeding thing. The rest not so much.

I would love to know why you'd vote no RF ?

I got the letter today, ticked yes, put it in the envelope and can't wait to post it on the way to work in the morning. I really don't get what people think would happen if the change goes through?
Anyone who read Tas's post a few pages back about trying to change his parents old school views well i and alot of us are in that exact situation. My parents and siblings background and culture are way to ingraned that it's almost impossible to change the way they think.

I tried to explain a few things to them about equal rights/marriage and making things better for the parents and families also but to no avail. Anyway i voted yes and posted them the same day.

Most old school people like my parents and others are almost impossible to crack if you know what i mean it's pointless even trying. But the younger generation will tick yes no worries. It's a joke that politicians here have been to busy arguing about it that it took so long to finally go to a vote, whatever comes of it i don't know.
I agree on the speeding thing. The rest not so much.

I would love to know why you'd vote no RF ?

I got the letter today, ticked yes, put it in the envelope and can't wait to post it on the way to work in the morning. I really don't get what people think would happen if the change goes through?
I never Said I'd vote no. I'm undecided and trying to read both yes and no views.
The no camp has no way of expressing itself without vitriol thrown at it.

I'm annoyed that there's a vast and aggressive sentiment thrown toward the opposing views.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
If you vote no then by definition you are a homophobe. Or at least someone who thinks they have the right to interfere in someone else's life to a significant degree on the basis of ... well who cares. What gives you the right to stop other living their lives with the same freedom everyone else has?

If you want to deny people the same rights as the rest of us on the basis of their sexuality you deserve whatever tar you get painted with.

And if you are gonna do that at least own it. Seriously - whinging about other people not liking your bigotry is piss weak.
Stuff like that always reminds me of that line:

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.'

Although in regards to the op I'm not sure it's a negative thing to teach pre-colonial indigenous history in school, or about the genocide perpetrated by the settlers. In fact, that curriculum should be compulsory.

And I'm not sure how fining people for speeding (which regularly takes lives) or concerns about housing affordability is representative of political correctness? :drunk:
it's the vibe of the thing? :S 6995110-1x1-700x700.jpg
I never Said I'd vote no. I'm undecided and trying to read both yes and no views.
The no camp has no way of expressing itself without vitriol thrown at it.

I'm annoyed that there's a vast and aggressive sentiment thrown toward the opposing views.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
It's not vitriol to debunk positions or arguments, it just so happens that there isn't a single argument on the 'no' side that is from a position of logic and that can't be refuted.

In any case, people are worthy of respect - if they've earned it - but not all ideas are if they can't be logically supported. It's a common misconception, and a deliberate misdirection, in the whole 'limiting freedom' approach that the no campaign is running with. That they are expressing their opinion is evidence of their free speech, but that doesn't exempt them or their views from criticism and rejection.
I never Said I'd vote no. I'm undecided and trying to read both yes and no views.
The no camp has no way of expressing itself without vitriol thrown at it.

I'm annoyed that there's a vast and aggressive sentiment thrown toward the opposing views.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
It's actually gone both ways.

On the flip side, Yes voters have been accused of promoting paedophilia and wrecking kids lives with their beliefs.

I find the rebuttals by the no side far more aggressive and unfounded.
It's actually gone both ways.

On the flip side, Yes voters have been accused of promoting paedophilia and wrecking kids lives with their beliefs.

I find the rebuttals by the no side far more aggressive and unfounded.
And LBGTIQ+ people have been subject to persecution and institutional discrimination for centuries. It's ****ing mind-boggling that it's the no side that has the temerity to complain about 'bullying.'
I will stand for whatever progresses us as a society the fastest.

People who love each other and wanna get married, let em.

Don't agree with it? Don't marry them.

The best quote I have read so far on the topic is:

Marriage equality will make nobody less married or more gay.

IMHO the entire debate is tiresome a lot of money for no guaranteed action for something that shouldn't even really be a question.

On the flipside it is of course a chance for Australia to show the world how backwards we are.
I never Said I'd vote no. I'm undecided and trying to read both yes and no views.
The no camp has no way of expressing itself without vitriol thrown at it.

I'm annoyed that there's a vast and aggressive sentiment thrown toward the opposing views.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app

Seriously if the no camp just owned it and said. "Gay people make us uncomfortable, we don't know why but we don't like it (and neither does God)." Instead of spreading a sack of bullshit and lies then crying like children that other people don't like their attitude, then people might not be as sick of them.

I know plenty of people who will vote no but don't bang on about it like they're martyrs. Its their choice but ironically most of them hate the idea of other people having that level of control and interference in their own lives.
It's actually gone both ways.

On the flip side, Yes voters have been accused of promoting paedophilia and wrecking kids lives with their beliefs.

I find the rebuttals by the no side far more aggressive and unfounded.
The stupidity of the no voters sentiment toward the yes vote, in that example gains no traction . It's clearly moronic.

The yes voters cliche of equality is not political correctness is more tactful but equally as ineffective from an influential perspective.

I'm just so sick of the overall level of forceful political correctness in general.

On EVA-L09 using BigFooty.com mobile app
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