Reflections on Adelaide

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I spent today in sunny Adelaide.

I was sledged by a woman with no teeth.

I discovered that everyone I met with a job barracks for the Crows.

The sign on the toilet door at the airport reads:

'Adelaide toilets are flushed using recycled water. Please do not drink.'

Oh - and the game, the stadium, and everything related to it, sucked.

How was everyone else's day?

Worst supporters I have ever had the misfortune to run into. And I have stood in the outer at Vic Park and Windy Hill.

The ferals behind us started bagging Vozzo before the ball was even bounced.

Even in the last quarter they were booing us when we had one or two shots for goal. Including Glenn Archer. I was so enraged that I was very close to belting the idiot sitting in front of me. Who incidentally hadn't had a wash for a week or two. Very unpleasant stench.

At half time when I went to see if I could get something to eat, there was nowehere to move in the back of the stand. An unbelievable crush.

If the Australian Army ever needs a spot to undertake some target practice, then they could do a lot worse than knock over AAMI stadium, preferably with the ferals from Port Adelaide in there.

Oh and as for that ad. That was the worst ad I have ever heard. And their have been some shockers come out of Ballarat TV over the years let me tell you.

To cap the day off I broke a tooth on, you've guessed it, one of the pizza's ordered from that pizza shop in the ad - I didn't realise it was that shop until after we had bought it.

Then this morning we got up to leave and we had a flat tyre, courtsey of an Adelaide nail, took us two hours to get it fixed.

Apart from all of that we had a simply splendid time.::mad:

Worst supporters I have ever had the misfortune to run into. And I have stood in the outer at Vic Park and Windy Hill.

The ferals behind us started bagging Vozzo before the ball was even bounced.

Even in the last quarter they were booing us when we had one or two shots for goal. Including Glenn Archer. I was so enraged that I was very close to belting the idiot sitting in front of me. Who incidentally hadn't had a wash for a week or two. Very unpleasant stench.

At half time when I went to see if I could get something to eat, there was nowehere to move in the back of the stand. An unbelievable crush.

If the Australian Army ever needs a spot to undertake some target practice, then they could do a lot worse than knock over AAMI stadium, preferably with the ferals from Port Adelaide in there.

Oh and as for that ad. That was the worst ad I have ever heard. And their have been some shockers come out of Ballarat TV over the years let me tell you.

To cap the day off I broke a tooth on, you've guessed it, one of the pizza's ordered from that pizza shop in the ad - I didn't realise it was that shop until after we had bought it.

Then this morning we got up to leave and we had a flat tyre, courtsey of an Adelaide nail, took us two hours to get it fixed.

Apart from all of that we had a simply splendid time.::mad:

Duly noted.

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going into AAMI stadium looked like we were going into the showgrounds as the outside bit and the food outlets looked very 70s.

I hate to break it to you but it is still the 70's in SA.
No offence to our SA Roo fans...but Adelaide is a ****ing shithole. Everything you've heard about it is true.

You drive into Adelaide and the first thing your greeted by is a giant bill board of "fitzy" advertising Instant Coffee. That's how bad it is.

There city centre isn't even noticeable. The buildings don't rise above 3 stories. I've never seen a place more dead then Adelaide on a Friday Night.

On the footy, Port fans are by far, the most feral in the league. Hands down.

I got challenged no less then 3 times to fights by Port supporters about twice my age. ****ing heroes.

These people are so dumb that they have the words to the national anthem written on the big screen. I even heard a few of them start up an "Archer's a shit captain" chant after he sprayed a shot at goal. Yes, they're that stupid.

All in all, I've never been so thoroughly abused then what i copped yesterday. A shit weekend of football in the shittest city in Aus.
Another thing I noticed....

The single worst ad I've EVER seen in my life, it came on at every break.

Something about a restaurant and everytime the meal came up, the voiceover goes "Spaghetti Napolatina (or whatever).....5 secs later.....$9.90 (takes him about 5 secs to say $9.90)

Repeat process another five times.

Jeeze it was horrible, the Roos supporters around me were bagging it out too.


That guy was a terrible, terrible actor.

That in itself isnt noteable, plenty of ads are. But I do wonder why you need to act in the first place when all you are doing is talking up your food and saying how much it costs.

"Pretty good, eh?"

WTF was that ad featuring the trains? I still don't get it. I thought ads in rural victoria were bad.
What do you guys want when you come over? A ****in foot massage and herbal tea at the bus depot? You go to a game, in SA, surrounded by 45000 Port fans. What did you expect. We don't want you here, ever. Not last saturday, not next year, not ever. You're lucky you made it back :cool:

Don't like it? Earn a home prelim.
What do you guys want when you come over? A ****in foot massage and herbal tea at the bus depot? You go to a game, in SA, surrounded by 45000 Port fans. What did you expect. We don't want you here, ever. Not last saturday, not next year, not ever. You're lucky you made it back :cool:

Don't like it? Earn a home prelim.

You should let people know before they come then. Most assume SA has invented civility by now.
What do you guys want when you come over? A ****in foot massage and herbal tea at the bus depot? You go to a game, in SA, surrounded by 45000 Port fans. What did you expect. We don't want you here, ever. Not last saturday, not next year, not ever. You're lucky you made it back :cool:

Don't like it? Earn a home prelim.

The suburb says it all. p*** off back there troll.
I spent today in sunny Adelaide.

I was sledged by a woman with no teeth.

I discovered that everyone I met with a job barracks for the Crows.

The sign on the toilet door at the airport reads:

'Adelaide toilets are flushed using recycled water. Please do not drink.'

Oh - and the game, the stadium, and everything related to it, sucked.

How was everyone else's day?

Ahahahaha, sums up alot of the people in that state in one comment. I share your pain, i went over as a Cats fan, thankfully though when we played Port at AAMI this year we belted them.
Well, I'm clearly suddenly engulfed by State pride, because yes being a North Melbourne supporter at AAMI Stadium sucked on Saturday but even with all the lunacy on this board over the last 2 days, nothing has made me angrier than this thread.


BTW - SA born and bred and never heard the word "Bevin" before - we use bogan or feral.

Cheap shots at South Australians and Port supporters make us look as bad as the "bogans" we're complaining about.

DISCLAIMER - As you can tell, I'm still rather upset and grumpy (and have become ill) so I've been looking for a chance to vent.

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I had a great day Saturday from my living room in Melbourne.

Anyhow, hopefully now the media and some roo fans can put this bogey team business to bed. The Roos are not Port's bogey team.
Well, I'm clearly suddenly engulfed by State pride, because yes being a North Melbourne supporter at AAMI Stadium sucked on Saturday but even with all the lunacy on this board over the last 2 days, nothing has made me angrier than this thread.


BTW - SA born and bred and never heard the word "Bevin" before - we use bogan or feral.

Cheap shots at South Australians and Port supporters make us look as bad as the "bogans" we're complaining about.

DISCLAIMER - As you can tell, I'm still rather upset and grumpy (and have become ill) so I've been looking for a chance to vent.

Yes I know, it's a bad thread, I started it in anger on Saturday night, and it's a perfect example of why you should never post in anger.

And as I said before, it was no worse than Vic Park in the old days.

And the sign on the toilet door is funny.

But it's wrong to take out my anger on a whole state. And unreasonable. And I'm sorry - and I hope you are feeling better. :eek:
Well, I'm clearly suddenly engulfed by State pride, because yes being a North Melbourne supporter at AAMI Stadium sucked on Saturday but even with all the lunacy on this board over the last 2 days, nothing has made me angrier than this thread.


BTW - SA born and bred and never heard the word "Bevin" before - we use bogan or feral.

Cheap shots at South Australians and Port supporters make us look as bad as the "bogans" we're complaining about.

DISCLAIMER - As you can tell, I'm still rather upset and grumpy (and have become ill) so I've been looking for a chance to vent.
I understand how you feel Roobunny. However I don't know that Kangalicious was necessarily bagging the whole of SA, rather the behaviour of Port supporters more than anything else..

I do not take back anything that I said about Port's supporters. Yes it is unfair to bag all of them on the behaviour of those immediately behind and in front of me. Unfortunately 10 out of 10 behaving inappropriately is a fair sample and rightly or wrongly I made my judgement on that.

Their comments about a number of North players were not required. And to boo Glenn Archer in the final minutes of his career, when their side was winning by 13 goals, was a disgrace.

In opposite circumstances if it had have been one of their all time favourites in his last game, I would have been willing him to kick the goal and would have cheered him for what his contribution to the game has been.

Glenn Archer deserved more that that and the Port fans remain condemned for their booing.

They did however generally have the good grace to clap him off the ground at the finish and that must be acknowledged..
In the first qtr Archer got the ball in the back pocket and a lot of Port supporters booed him, which prompted quite a few supporters including me to question why they would be doing that. Not everyone should be tarred with the same brush. I agree, Port do have a feral element, but I would not think it is any more or less than a lot, if not all, other clubs.
I was glad that Archer got the standing ovation he deserved at the end, and I for one was actually hoping he kicked that goal in the last quarter as the game was over and it had no bearing on the outcome.
Originally Posted by Horace
They did however generally have the good grace to clap him off the ground at the finish and that must be acknowledged..

This comment you made, and which I agree with, was THE ONLY element of the experience of the day at AAMI which saved me from certain "trouble" at the end.

The day went by in a flash..................leaving Melbourne on the 9am Virgin flight,and returning on the 8pm one. It was surreal, and nightmarish in some ways.

I've been to plenty of Roos v Port games at AAMI but never a final. I walked down Magarey Drive or Avenue towards the ground wondering how different it'd be from the previous trips there.

I discovered pretty quickly, as we walked through the carpark where the BBQ's were in full swing with the port punters drinking and eating away in the warm sunshine. As we passed one group, which looked like a casting call for the movie "Chopper", one beer gutted Port sleeveless jumper clad beer swiller announced "Let's here it for the umpires!!!!!!", referring to us in our North gear. What he was trying to convey with that comment was lost on me but assume he was saying that we get preferrential treatment from them so they may as well be in our colours :confused:

It was packed outside the ground.............much moreso than previous visits for Port games.

A few South Aussies who weren't Port supporters made encouraging comments like "Good luck today mate", and "You blokes have had a great year", or "I have massive respect for the Roos" etc. Lots of pats on the back and the odd bit of friendly banter pre game, even once in the stand (Row A, section 234............front row above the aisle).

Then the game started........................


We were in a North section, yet most of the area in front was staunch Port. The aisle in between was jam packed with Port fans, middle aged down to late teens, all sporting the same short hair with mandatory rats tail at the rear, as well as a goatee or handle bar mo', and a few earrings or other symbols of the 80's. That was fine of course, as I knew that they had a cross section of passionate supporters which included alot from Elizabeth and Salisbury where they are real working class probs. That is until they kicked their first goal.............................

To a man, every single one of the neanderthals in the aisle turned and started chanting and shouting obscenities...................none of it "friendly banter" and certainly none of it remotely "witty". It was personal, disgusting, and threatening.......................simple as that! A guy around the age of 20 would turn and swear back in our direction, in a drunken drawl, and the older blokes around him would laugh and add their own diarhoea laden version of public speaking.............all of which was monosyllabic and in the form of "F" words and "C" words. I couldn't tell who the misguided youth among them was or who the parents were, but for the greyness in some of the mo's and beards. It was absolutely pathetic!!!! It was also a real bloody shame............

At halftime a few amongst them came up to us out the back and apologised "for the others' behaviour" etc, which was nice enough, but those doing the swearing and threats were a serious caricature of 80's footy in suburban Melbourne..................a time long past!!!!

WESLO security did a good job keeping things in check.................with the threat that they'd toss out anyone THEY caught swearing etc. I was really impressed with them actually.

Yep, they boo'd Arch even when the game was well and truly over :thumbsdown:

As Arch walked off I think everyone around us had tears welled up in the eyes, really struggling. It was then that one of the Hells Angel looking Port bokes who'd been swearing his head off all day turned to me emotionally and said in a soft voice:

"He's a bloody champion Archer...............I'm really sorry to see him retire.......absolute bloody champion and a top shelf bloke. Bad luck mate and all the best for next year eh!! You'll be better next year I reckon and us Port members have great respect for North".

Well, you could've knocked me down with a feather at that moment. I was speechless, apart from shaking his hand back and saying "Thanks mate......good luck next week". I wondered why they were so feral throughout the game.............and I was very appreciative of the respect they showed at the end for Arch. It made it even more emotional actually. Every one of them clapped vigourously above their heads the entire time as Arch walked off.

I was silent the whole way back to the car and back to the aiport for the 8pm flight out. The flight back was like a bloody hearse! The Geelong coaching staff took up Row A. I could still hardly speak, I was in shock and depressed.

I tortured myself, as I always do, by watching the entire replay once I was back home that night in Melbourne, and have hardly slept since.

What a way to end the year, and what a way to send off Arch :thumbsdown:

Bring on 2008!!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to sleep again by then.................

It's rumoured that our skills coach is moving on to bigger and better things.

He's going to became head of the Adelaide Tourism Authority.

His first priority is to replace those silly, outdated signs in the toilets with a picture of a person on hands and knees drinking from a toilet bowl, in a circle with a red line through it.

If anyone is 'handy' with the technology he's looking for designs. You can post 'em on here and he'll 'get back to you.'
This comment you made, and which I agree with, was THE ONLY element of the experience of the day at AAMI which saved me from certain "trouble" at the end.

The day went by in a flash..................leaving Melbourne on the 9am Virgin flight,and returning on the 8pm one. It was surreal, and nightmarish in some ways.

I've been to plenty of Roos v Port games at AAMI but never a final. I walked down Magarey Drive or Avenue towards the ground wondering how different it'd be from the previous trips there.

I discovered pretty quickly, as we walked through the carpark where the BBQ's were in full swing with the port punters drinking and eating away in the warm sunshine. As we passed one group, which looked like a casting call for the movie "Chopper", one beer gutted Port sleeveless jumper clad beer swiller announced "Let's here it for the umpires!!!!!!", referring to us in our North gear. What he was trying to convey with that comment was lost on me but assume he was saying that we get preferrential treatment from them so they may as well be in our colours :confused:

It was packed outside the ground.............much moreso than previous visits for Port games.

A few South Aussies who weren't Port supporters made encouraging comments like "Good luck today mate", and "You blokes have had a great year", or "I have massive respect for the Roos" etc. Lots of pats on the back and the odd bit of friendly banter pre game, even once in the stand (Row A, section 234............front row above the aisle).

Then the game started........................


We were in a North section, yet most of the area in front was staunch Port. The aisle in between was jam packed with Port fans, middle aged down to late teens, all sporting the same short hair with mandatory rats tail at the rear, as well as a goatee or handle bar mo', and a few earrings or other symbols of the 80's. That was fine of course, as I knew that they had a cross section of passionate supporters which included alot from Elizabeth and Salisbury where they are real working class probs. That is until they kicked their first goal.............................

To a man, every single one of the neanderthals in the aisle turned and started chanting and shouting obscenities...................none of it "friendly banter" and certainly none of it remotely "witty". It was personal, disgusting, and threatening.......................simple as that! A guy around the age of 20 would turn and swear back in our direction, in a drunken drawl, and the older blokes around him would laugh and add their own diarhoea laden version of public speaking.............all of which was monosyllabic and in the form of "F" words and "C" words. I couldn't tell who the misguided youth among them was or who the parents were, but for the greyness in some of the mo's and beards. It was absolutely pathetic!!!! It was also a real bloody shame............

At halftime a few amongst them came up to us out the back and apologised "for the others' behaviour" etc, which was nice enough, but those doing the swearing and threats were a serious caricature of 80's footy in suburban Melbourne..................a time long past!!!!

WESLO security did a good job keeping things in check.................with the threat that they'd toss out anyone THEY caught swearing etc. I was really impressed with them actually.

Yep, they boo'd Arch even when the game was well and truly over :thumbsdown:

As Arch walked off I think everyone around us had tears welled up in the eyes, really struggling. It was then that one of the Hells Angel looking Port bokes who'd been swearing his head off all day turned to me emotionally and said in a soft voice:

"He's a bloody champion Archer...............I'm really sorry to see him retire.......absolute bloody champion and a top shelf bloke. Bad luck mate and all the best for next year eh!! You'll be better next year I reckon and us Port members have great respect for North".

Well, you could've knocked me down with a feather at that moment. I was speechless, apart from shaking his hand back and saying "Thanks mate......good luck next week". I wondered why they were so feral throughout the game.............and I was very appreciative of the respect they showed at the end for Arch. It made it even more emotional actually. Every one of them clapped vigourously above their heads the entire time as Arch walked off.

I was silent the whole way back to the car and back to the aiport for the 8pm flight out. The flight back was like a bloody hearse! The Geelong coaching staff took up Row A. I could still hardly speak, I was in shock and depressed.

I tortured myself, as I always do, by watching the entire replay once I was back home that night in Melbourne, and have hardly slept since.

What a way to end the year, and what a way to send off Arch :thumbsdown:

Bring on 2008!!!!

Hopefully I'll be able to sleep again by then.................


There's been some ripper posting by you heroes of the trip to the Port Adelaide massacre.

Twinkletoes, your's most definitely deserves to be published somewhere. It is one truly magnificent read.
But it's wrong to take out my anger on a whole state. And unreasonable. And I'm sorry - and I hope you are feeling better. :eek:

Lest we forget this is where the Adelaide Football Corporation have their base.

You have nothing to apologise for & when we are not playing Port we can love them because as we all know our enemies enemy is our friend.
I'd still rather go to 100 Port Adelaide V North games at AAMI stadium than 1 against the Crows.

Sure the Power fans were there in big numbers and more "primed up" than usual but this was a Prelim Final and a big occasion for them.

I still say that we have had more problems / abuse and slagging from Crows fans at home and away games than that what was experienced on the weekend.

Most regular attendees of matches as an opposition supporter ast AAMI would agree it is far worse when we play the Crows.
Good read TT.

From my couch i was pi$$ed off with the Archer booing (that wasn't the only reason i was pi$$ed off) - WTF!! Had NRL loving friend and her daughter watching with me who didn't know Arch from adam who teared up with me at the end.

If I was feral i'd say "file it away for future reference and dish it out when they next play us in Melbourne".

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Reflections on Adelaide

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