News Review into racism at Collingwood

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Listening to the presser, I cannot see that 'affirmative action' - bringing indigenous players into the club because we need to appear to be promoting them - is the response I would want the club to take to rectify its lack of coloured players. They should be drafted on merit and need, not because we feel we need to boost their numbers on the playing list.
Have you been as vocal in the past when policy specifically excluded players of colour despite the fact they merited selection? Strange how when the situation is flipped we become very aware of the discrimination.
Did they just try to simplify this as a "systems and processes issue"?

Not a single journo asked them about the culture or people that fostered an environment that was found so lacking. What about the finding that individuals are bigger than the club?

Blind Freddy knows Ed is tone deaf and Bucks has been in an up hill battle to discover his emotional IQ since day 1.

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I hope this can be a real line in the sand moment and we can all move forward collectively as supporters of this Club, keep the Club accountable for what has been said and become the Club we want off the field as much as we want them To be on the field.

Go Pies, let’s be better.

looking forward to see who replaces Eddie
Please save this for the main board. Leave us be.

I have accepted an invitation to participate in this discussion, and I may continue until a moderator decides otherwise.

I don't read or post on the main board.
Did they just try to simplify this as a "systems and processes issue"?

Not a single journo asked them about the culture or people that fostered an environment that was found so lacking. What about the finding that individuals are bigger than the club?

Blind Freddy knows Ed is tone deaf and Bucks has been in an up hill battle to discover his emotional IQ since day 1.

I don't think that was the intention, but I could be wrong. I think they were just trying to clarify that this wasn't a widespread or regular issue.
Spin. Maguire is a certified shameless fool.
Put him in the same category as Trump.
Never admit you are wrong or accountable.
Claim victory and greatness even in the face (The size of Luna park) overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
This use by date of an ego does our club so much harm.
I say we phone the club with polite messages of dissatisfaction and advise no support until he steps down.
"Expert bias" is a very real psychologically recognized issue that has spawned a lot of research, particularly in legal circles.

In my opinion it's highly likely that there was only one way these "experts" were ever going to report this.

A proper approach would have been to have equal unbiased representatives, and also a secret research report (see below):

View attachment 1049202
View attachment 1049198
View attachment 1049201

No need, I could go the opposite way and state that so they wouldn't be accused of bias could have presented a more favourable report on Collingwood.

I think that by bringing in bias, you are detracting from what is a serious issue in society.

Maybe just accept the report for what it is.
Collingwood opening the press conference by wheeling out our only aboriginal employee... Hmm

Seriously? That's your take, despite it not even being correct? You are simply a muppet of the lowest common denominator.
Maybe 'was' as it seems to me they are trying to do something about it.

I didn't mind what Murphy and Sizer were saying.

Also I don't think we are the only club that has had issues (Richmond/Chol groping), just that we are one of the biggest and fair game for the media and opposition supporters.

Going by Reports lot worse then Tigers

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Spin. Maguire is not a certified shameless fool.
Put him in the same category as Trump.
Never admit you are wrong or accountable.
Claim victory and greatness even in the face (The size of Luna park) overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
This use by date of an ego does our club so much harm.
I say we phone the club with polite messages of dissatisfaction and advise no support until he steps down.

Eddie Trump
The "what it is" is the issue.
I actually I didn't 'invite' you. I just reposted our board rules as a warning to an opposition supporter.

You seem intent on making this about bias, you have made your point and I disagree. Perhaps leave it at that.
Exactly. Equally, why should Ed resign just because the report he commissioned hasn't been released as per the needs of a few BF posters. He's also driven much of those more recent changes.
Fine, except that Eddie has already resigned because of the content of the report. He is however trying to control the narrative and improve the perception of his legacy before he actually finishes up. I don't think he has earned that right. Much of the criticism of the club can be directly sheeted to him. It is a bit of a stretch that he now gets to be the spokesperson for Collingwood now becoming a more inclusive organisation.
“We are not a racist club. Our systems are racist”


The review was into systems and processes, how we've responded to past issues. Not too hard to understand really.
Harry is a flog, I hope he’s never welcomed backed to the club again. If this details our season then everyone can get farmed!

What a disgrace, I’ve been part of these reviews...’the victim’ gets to make outlandish statements, the accused has to provide evidence to defend the claims. Obviously in these situations it’s hard to provide evidence so we were always going to be tarnished.

I’ve no doubt that by today’s standard inappropriate things were said, but that was the norm back then. Doesn’t mean people are racist it means they are politically on and **** off Harry you piece of sht
I've been reading this and 99.9% of your fan base have been so respectful and want the club to do better, but posts like this and talk back comments like this are going to be the one that the media pick up on and share around to make you all look stupid.
Have you been as vocal in the past when policy specifically excluded players of colour despite the fact they merited selection? Strange how when the situation is flipped we become very aware of the discrimination.

Speaking as someone not old enough to have lived through that time I would be incensed if we sacrificed success in order to exclude people. I noted there was a Q on our recruitment of indigenous players how was that one answered?
Going by Reports lot worse then Tigers
Dave, I am not sure what reports you are referring to.

The report I read is that we need to do better. It seems the Club has put in place a number of changes. I am not sure beating the same drum over and over again is going to achieve anything. Eddie has to take some responsibility for his time as President but this seems to go further back than just him.

For me it just another hurdle we have to get over just at the beginning of another football season.

Just once I would love to start a season without controversy.
I actually I didn't 'invite' you. I just reposted our board rules as a warning to an opposition supporter.

You seem intent on making this about bias, you have made your point and I disagree. Perhaps leave it at that.

Absolutely not 'leave it at that' maggie.
You feel threatened by this poster as he challenges your and the world view spawned from the liberal elite/university system.

Snake is not snarcking or trolling and has only provided valid views on confirmation bais/expert bias. He provides interesting insight please let him contribute hes just as worthy as any Collingwood supporters on this topic
You're kidding right?

An issue like this should be addressed as a matter of priority. Most people were back from holidays on January 4 FFS.

Ed himself said in the press conference they've been working very hard on the report since it was received. I'm not sure why a public release changes any of that.

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News Review into racism at Collingwood

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