Robert Walls - You are Disgraceful!!

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There were countless little bitchy comments and when Archers son was boing Port, he was saying well done and shiz like that, (I think it was him, may have been Blight)

it was walls.

this is what i mean, all game he had all these little petty bitchy anti-port comments.
walls didnt say to many bad things about port, except being old school he didnt like the celebrations. All about what blighty used to say and the football gods, but apart from that he praised port for about 85% of the game.

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Just watching the replay on tape.......he said the fast track will suit the Roos !!

BWAHAHAHA !! :D:rolleyes:
There's another thing. He said pre-game that the conditions suited the Roos. The sunny and bright and fine conditions suited the Roos, while we were the faster, more-flowing team. If it was raining, it would've suited the Roos too. You just can't f*cking win with that d!ckhead Walls. Lets hope he does have to run around the mall naked, although if anyone from Channel 10 saw him naked, that would be his commentating career over.
Cool, then Tredrea continues the tradition or arrogance!
He IS arrogant and that's all I'm saying.

You've agreed with me.

Mark Williams was arrogant when he used to do that shotgun stuff after a goal. Dermie was arrogant full stop.

btw Victoria's actually not a bad place to live - ask John Platten, Darren Jarman and Tony Hall :thumbsu:

All i'm going to ask is what's wrong with arrogance if you back it up with superlative performances and play better when you have that arrogance?

Buddy pointing to the crowd with a smirk on his face after every goal he kicks is arrogance aswell, what's the big deal?

btw Victoria's actually not a bad place to live - ask John Platten, Darren Jarman and Tony Hall :thumbsu:

Where are they living now then you twat??

BTW I have NO problem with players celebrating goals when you are 60 points up in a Prelim Final.

FFS Walls is a tool of the highest order. One who couldn't even coach Brisbane to a Grand Final. He has a major case of sour grapes and Pe*** envy. :rolleyes:'re a little sensitive guys. Yes Walls is an idiot but his comments re Tredrea and Cornes were supported by Blight. Why hasn't anyone mentioned that?

Personally I don't think Cornes was that bad. You see that sort of celebration every game. Tredrea's bow on the other hand just made him look like a real tool. Similar to his "phone me" gesture of a few year's back. I personally thought it was somthing Williams would rather not see...regardless of what he siad in his press conference. It was a gesture that was all about Tredrea rather than the team. Not a hanging offence but not something you like to see.
Personally I don't think Cornes was that bad. You see that sort of celebration every game. Tredrea's bow on the other hand just made him look like a real tool. Similar to his "phone me" gesture of a few year's back. I personally thought it was somthing Williams would rather not see...regardless of what he siad in his press conference. It was a gesture that was all about Tredrea rather than the team. Not a hanging offence but not something you like to see.

I liked it.

The guy's about to become a dual premiership captain. He has the score on the board and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
I liked it.

The guy's about to become a dual premiership captain. He has the score on the board and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Hey I understand that Port supporters will love this stuff. I'd probably think the same if it was my own team. From an unbiased observer of the game however, he looked a real tosser. Perhaps the last couple of minutes of a grand final is understandable. Not the third quarter of a prelim.
my faeces from 1999 > walls.

Your not giving your faeces enough credit there.

Power Kings faeces from 1999 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> walls

There fixed it for you.
Hey I understand that Port supporters will love this stuff. I'd probably think the same if it was my own team. From an unbiased observer of the game however, he looked a real tosser. Perhaps the last couple of minutes of a grand final is understandable. Not the third quarter of a prelim.

See, the whole point that you miss is that what you think simply doesn't matter.
I laughed when I saw the replay at home and heard Walls say in the first quarter that both Port and North having a loose man in defense was playing into Dean Laidley's hands. Ten minutes later when we'd rattled on three quick goals he suddenly said that Laidley having a loose man was playing into Port's hands. No acknowledgement whatever that he'd changed his mind. :rolleyes:

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BTW did anyone after the game catch Malcolm Blight's slip of the tongue when he said it was "a great win by the Maggies" ? The other commentators payed him out a bit too.
BTW did anyone after the game catch Malcolm Blight's slip of the tongue when he said it was "a great win by the Maggies" ? The other commentators payed him out a bit too.

I like to think it was deliberate. If so, Blighty went up in my estimation. :)
Walls wasn't being a commentator, he was being a Kangaroo supporter

'nuff said

got it wrong it's

"Walls wasn't being a commentator, he was being a Victorian supporter"

Wallsy mate, do your bit for football in general and stop being so ****ing biased, thats all i ask!!!
Walls . . . this is the same spanner who thought it would be a great idea when he was Brisbane coach to order the players to beat the crap out of one of their team-mates?
Honestly, the guy is a complete toss. I look forward to his pants down episode. He better rumage through his drawers for his pump so he wont be too embarrassed!
We were sitting in the northern grandstand at the game and the TEN team were doing something right in front of us so I took the opportunity to let wallsy know we would be waiting for him in rundle mall next week and i know he heard coz he looked up when I said it and after the last twelve months Tredreas had I'm sure he deserves to celebrate a little after kicking such a great goal.
Something that crapped me off a bit was the whole commentary team's verdict that when Archer confronted Motlop after he'd taken that mark in the first quarter and chested him to the ground that Motlop had conned the umpires. Guys when a player has taken a mark you can't come in late and make contact. Motlop was going back to take his kick. Archer walked toward him and stuck his chest out.

Then to top it off Walls was demanding a fifty metre penalty against Ebert simply because he gave away a free for in the back while pushing a North guy over the boundary line.

That's when it became clear to me how much of an emotional stake Walls has in us losing.
No, I think Mark Williams showed what he thought of it when the camera's went to him.

No, I think you just beleived what Robert Walls was making up. Walls was on a mission and basically was using his medium to inspire hatred against a non victorian team. You just fell for it.
Walls has had it in for us for years. I reckon us stopping Brisbanes run in 04 cut him deep. He seems to have this deepset hatred for us where he struggles to give us any respect or acknowledgement no matter how well we play.

This came to the fore in 2005 against Richmond here where the crowd booed him before the game as he was walking across the oval and he spent the entire match making snide remarks and was openly barracking for Richmond in the commentary box.

Even taking away his hatred for us the guy is an arsehat. He regularly contradicts himself, changes opinions on the fly and loves to state the bleeding obvious.

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Robert Walls - You are Disgraceful!!

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