Heavens above!!! I thought I was a Negative Nellie!! I'm a Positive Pete compared to you.
I hope someone has hidden all the sharp implements at your house.
They're legitimate questions, considering how the club threw our players under a bus, that's gonna make FA's think twice before coming here. I know I would be.
The lack of depth in the list when you look at the competition.
The media around the do better report, taking on a bunch of young men inadvertently under the spotlight just by being at the club. How it is effecting them?, yet another challenge for any prospective coach - mentoring young players that the club has put under unnecessary pressure.
Every coach loves a challenge but this is much more to tackle than just our on field woes.
Given that, what makes us more attractive for a coach that can deliver a cup wanna come here? If there are other choices, which there will likely be, then on face value you'd pick other clubs first wouldn't you.
This project is much much more than just on field potential for any coach to sink their teeth into, all the other guff that could've been avoided that the club as a whole is guilty of maybe just a bridge too far.
My money is that no one of note is gonna put their hand up, so we're stuck with Nathan or an untried and unknown.