Trades Round 12 Trades...dedicated to Dots

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Had a great first quarter on debut from memory
Reckon he has a bit of toe

hard team to stay in though at geelong. That delicious mid/fwd Link will be handy for the rest of the year if he can stick around 👌🏻
Need to watch him today. Wont be easy with Scott having a fossil fetish, but he'd be a damn handy pickup for R13/14. I just like him.
Need to watch him today. Wont be easy with Scott having a fossil fetish, but he'd be a damn handy to pickup for R13/14. I just like him.
Yep 100%
He’s too young to qualify for permanent residency in that patch 😂

They are one team who is almost at full strength bar duncan and danger
basically comes down to 1 spot for narkle Holmes close to fight out

Barracking for Holmesy today
Out Scott In Baiano (if he looks ok and holds spot)

Building a war chest for round 13

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You still have more upgrades to do

CJ, Atkins, Cumming all sub premos
All averaging over 80. That’s well and truely acceptable for FWD/DEF. Luxury upgrades later in the year.

Cumming is 23rd highest averaging defender.
CJ 36.
Atkins 31.

(Removing LTI players)
Unless McNeil is rested he needs to go. Dropped 14.5k and will have a high BE. Hoping there is a downgrade target as my upgrade targets are for round 14.
Might keep my powder dry with the Flynn downgrade, depending on how he goes today.

No trades would be nice.

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The temptation to do Flynn to Reeves early is there, just to give myself the option of an extra trade in round 13 (to cover a major injury, to save a donut or to do another upgrade).

I suppose the question is: Was I always going to do Flynn to Reeves in round 13 to fund my upgrades, regardless of whether Reeves was playing or not?

If the answer is yes, then there's no issue doing it, it could actually be a brilliant move.

The flipside is if Reeves isn't named in round 13 and if Flynn scores 100 this week, his BE will be low again and he could make a lot more money, then you may as well hold him for round 14 as well, to cover Gawn and Grundy.

Food for thought anyway.

Depends how Flynn goes I reckon for me too.

If he scores a 70 he can go as his cash gen will stall. 90+ I may have to keep through the byes
All averaging over 80. That’s well and truely acceptable for FWD/DEF. Luxury upgrades later in the year.

Cumming is 23rd highest averaging defender.
CJ 36.
Atkins 31.

(Removing LTI players)
Yeah id be flicking the CJ/Atkins soon.

Super well done on the Cumming start though, been awesome!
Yeah id be flicking the CJ/Atkins soon.

Super well done on the Cumming start though, been awesome!
Maybe. I’ll have 8 trades and 10 rounds left. I’d rather hold trades because I just know there’ll be injuries. Hence luxury upgrades later in the year.

Didn’t start with Cumming. He came in for Young when he was injured. Still a good pickup at that time though for his price.
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