Norm Smith Medallist
Hawthorn Player Sponsor - Downie and O'Hara '22
Hawthorn Hawks - Conor Nash Player Sponsor 2021
Hawthorn Hawks - James Cousins Player Sponsor 2021
Hawthorn Hawks - Conor Nash Player Sponsor 2020
Hawthorn Hawks - James Cousins Player Sponsor 2020
Hawthorn Hawks - Conor Nash Player Sponsor 2019
Hawthorn Hawks - James Cousins Player Sponsor 2019
Looks like WCE will maintain their +100 free kick ratio over the rest of the comp. Buddy gets scragged to the ground way to easily. WTF do I keep supporting this game. We keep winning but at the end of each game I am peed off. Why is that?
The passion.......<shakes head>
I can tell you now for a fact my 'passion' will not be seeing me feeding financially or otherwise football at any level unless that contribution is congruent with my values.