Autopsy Round 23, 2023 : Hawks fall to the Demons

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"Phogiston" isn't. Man, from a someone who jumps on spelling errors, you sure don't seem to care about your own. "Heroine", now "phogiston". Also, "You were the one that brought up" should read "You were the one who brought up." Get your grammar right, fella.

Phlogiston, on the other hand, is a discredited theory of chemistry, eg Antoine Laurent Lavoisier The Chemical Revolution - Landmark - American Chemical Society

That's how's it related to chemistry. I trust you can make the causal link. Look, I know it's psychologically important for you to have the last word, so go for it, knock yourself out. I won't reply and bore everyone else here. And you can feel good about yourself.

For everyone else here, I thought Hustwaite played really well on debut. We are building some fabulous stocks of large bodied midfielders. Exciting times ahead!
That 70S Show Burn GIF by PeacockTV

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Autopsy Round 23, 2023 : Hawks fall to the Demons

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