Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 4: Ophidian Old Boys v Coney Island Warriors @ Spotswood Oval

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His tentacles?

Let's just say, "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going" does not apply at Spotswood.

Decorum rules.

[resisting urge to post "Dream Of The Fisherman's Wife" images...]

oh hell

The Warriors are in for a treat when they see the Swamprats and Raz the Sweet FA's brand new posting machine.:laughv1:

He notched up over 700 posts in our thread with them last week. A nice guy though and i think he's been a brilliant addition to the league.

Well i presume he is human and not some AI programmed spambot!:laughv1:
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I would like to make a donation of 50 Euros towards Over The Post collection plate.


I'm sure you should have no trouble getting it converted into whatever the equivalent amount in Australian dollars is at the bank.

May your blessings continue to fall upon the OOB's amen.:praying:
View attachment 2078976

Hit 'em with your hurling stick!
Hit 'em! Hit 'em!
Hit 'em with your hurling stick
Hit 'em slowly
Hit 'em quick
Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em!

(not too hard, they still have to play on Sunday)
There was this story someone told before about how a friend of his was nearly mugged in New York.

Anyway there was some Irish guys playing hurling in a nearby park. They heard the commotion and actually chased the would be muggers away.

The cops found and arrested the muggers anyway but one of them says to the cops, these crazy Irish guys started chasing us with their giant wooden egg spoons.:laughv1:

I don't know if this actually happened but it's still a funny story anyway.:laughv1:
Probably not even a Carlton supporter mate, just a troll.
I think he's genuine mate. He's just acting a bit overly melodramatic. I wrote a reply telling him politely to pull himself together.

We survived the Pagan and Malthouse years after all! With the right changes in the off season this Carlton team will be back in 2025 as a major contender.

Who knows we might lift and still win a game or two in the finals this year as well. The flag is an open race this year but injuries just seemed to crush our year.

We're either a very unlucky club or our fitness staff are doing things drastically wrong.
Latest round of Veggie Tales...

I've always wondered did any Dockers fans support the West Coast Eagles pre the Dockers entry into the league?

There was someone on Reddit who said they supported the Eagles, before jumping ship to Fremantle when they came into the AFL.
Kenney is apparently away on other business, well if he's not here to post the camel pics then i'll do it instead.


It's all under control kenneyswarriors i got this.:D

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Time for a Dirty Vegas tune folks.

Crap! I thought that said Vegan lol

Here’s a bad vegan joke anyway!

A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first?

Who wins?

Society 😬
Crap! I thought that said Vegan lol

Here’s a bad vegan joke anyway!

A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first?

Who wins?

Society 😬
Dear god i'm a carnivore myself but really vegans and veggies are all good as well.:laughv1:
Crap! I thought that said Vegan lol

Here’s a bad vegan joke anyway!

A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first?

Who wins?

Society 😬
Ha ha ha that band will forever be known as Dirty Vegans now.:laughv1:
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Official Match Thread Season 38, Round 4: Ophidian Old Boys v Coney Island Warriors @ Spotswood Oval

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