Preview Semi Final: Hawks vs Sydney Swans, Teams and Discussion

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I have liked Bruest as an inclusion this year. But his intensity was a worry when it came to finals time. After watching him up close against Geelong, i can totally see why he may not play again this year. Was very well below the intensity required...and to be honest it is hard to expect anything else. If there was one thing all year that was probably his weakness it was fearless attack and intensity at the contest. It is a very different perspective sitting close at the games live and watching players leading into contests. I saw the above with Bruest...

Hopefully over time he will build more intensity (more size too, though i doubt it as it isn't in P Burges most pressing factors he feels players need to develop) etc and confidence cos hes a good lil goal kicker.

Keeping him as a sub...maybe, but i think overall you just have to pick the best 22 for the game, and from there pick your sub.

I've been enjoying your insights about our players the last few weeks. Would you have played Changa given his last game and obviously struggling with his body? Do you reckon he's more value int he side than Bresut?

By the way, I don't disagree with what you're saying in general about Bresut, it is something they've been at him about, and I think if Savage was at all 'right' he'd be in the side this week.

Also agree that he needs to put on a bit of bulk and strength. It'll really add to his game and make him quite a difficult customer on the field.
Watching breust last week I can see why he was dropped - just doesn't yet have the intensity required for finals footy.

Am surprised savage is still out of the team - again I think it must be for a perceived lack of intensity that will be exposed in finals footy as to why bateman has been preferred (despite being in horrible form)

Surprised bruce not even listed as an emergency - for all his limitations he would have been a good matchup for goodes or ROK

We seem to have far too many specialised defenders in our side - back 6 + 2 on bench is far too many one-dimensional players - nowhere near enough run/rebound in these 8 defenders. Plus burgs and hodge who also spend time down back. Again, we have very limited outside run - only smith and a very out of form bateman.
Our team balance is a big concern.
I had a feeling Bruest may be under the microscope after a few lame second efforts against the Cats, he really seemed out of his depth. Though with Buddy under a cloud i really didnt expect they would drop one of the best avenues to goal.

Having Savage still on the outer while Changa gets another chance, again wierd. Comparatively speaking, Bateman has made Savages poor form look like champagne football. Savage is also more likely to snag a goal than the 2011 version of Changa.

Stratton in is great, will surely help shore up the defence, and give us a bit more flexibility if Shoe gets another flogging.

If everybody can stay on the ground we will have a huge chance of knocking off the Swans, Bailey and Franklin are the key players, either goes down and we are going to look threadbare. I guess i would like to have seen more faith in the newbs, preferring either Bruest or Savage in for Bateman, other than that, we look good on paper...

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Stratton in is great, will surely help shore up the defence, and give us a bit more flexibility if Shoe gets another flogging.

If Shoe get's 'another flogging' as you put it - it all comes down to the midfield being hammered and he is the first scapegoat - last bloke who should be blamed.

The game was already lost.
Originally Posted by Hawka_de_Haven
Dropping Breust :thumbsdown:
Changa instead of Savage:thumbsdown:
Cheney instead of Whitey:thumbsdown:

Whilst the first 2 I agree with to some extent, I have no idea what you are thinking with WhiteX/Cheney swap :confused: Play very different roles in the side and WhiteX has worked hard all year and desrves his spot.

Well i agree with the sentiment; Savage in for Bateman, Bruest is too dangerous around goals to drop, and Cheney does deserve a game, problem is to get them all in two of the core team have to miss.

Whitex had a really good start to last Fridays game, then tailed off, but has done plenty in the second half of the season and should not be dropped.

Really scratching about for another player to cull, let alone two, maybe Osborne? Suckling? nah..

I think we may be waiting for an injury or two before these guys all get into the team.
If Shoe get's 'another flogging' as you put it - it all comes down to the midfield being hammered and he is the first scapegoat - last bloke who should be blamed.

The game was already lost.

Spot on.

Schoey didn't have the best game, but the amount of blame he has copped around here and in the media has been unwarranted.

The midfielders would be the first to admit that last Friday's loss was as much, if not more, their fault than Schoenmakers'.
If Shoe get's 'another flogging' as you put it - it all comes down to the midfield being hammered and he is the first scapegoat - last bloke who should be blamed.

The game was already lost.

That is exactly how i put it. Shoey has been the 'last bloke who should be blamed' for the past three games. Stratton playing alongside him, or taking CHB, releasing Shoey to a flank may settle him down.
Bateman has done very little for the better part of this season and still gets a game, based on “experience”. No disrespect to Chance but at this stage in his career, Savage or even Bruce are better options. Bruest, who has been fantastic (but admittedly was unsighted against the CATS) is dropped. He has enough credits this year to be given another opportunity. Makes no sense. Select the players who got us to 3rd place!
He can lay a strong tackle, and creates opportunities out of nothing. The last time I checked, goals win games also.
So what you are saying is if you have a strong body you get a game. Look at Lewis, he has a strong body, but what does he do with it? On Fridays form Lewis jumps out of sellwoods way when the hard ball is there to win, but picks him off all game with cheap shots. What is the worth of his hard body?

Breust is a class footballer, not a wippy flanker. Learn what a footballer is and this might help you.

When did I say Breust isn't a class footballer? I'm just questioning if he's ready for finals footy.

As for Lewis, yep had a shocker. But wasn't it 3 weeks ago he smashed Judd? That's what hard bodies do. Speak to any of the players after Sydney games and they will tell you that to beat them you need players that stand up in tackles and don't lose their feet.

I think you need to understand its horses for courses. Might be beyond your comprehension though:rolleyes:
Is anyone else completely flat after last week? Allow me to divulge; I've avoided newspapers, Footy shows, Geelong supporters, strip clubs.. I think I'm depressed, Dr.

If there's anything I've learned this year, it's to never stare a gift horse in the mouth, but also that fortune can change quickly. Moreover, imagine if we put in a brilliant performance tonight; we'd all be feeling confident once more.
we only need to be ahead by one point when the siren blows...........I'd like to see us ahead by 100 or so, but we only need to be one point.

For all the greats and the fans....go Hawks

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we only need to be ahead by one point when the siren blows...........I'd like to see us ahead by 100 or so, but we only need to be one point.

For all the greats and the fans....go Hawks

I understand the sentiment, but I disagree. We need to make an example of Sydney. To show everyone we are a club to be reckoned with. We have had a much better year than Sydney yet most of the scribes on the various footy shows last night have picked the Swans. Not that I give their views much credence, but I'm talking RESPECT. We have to deliver a statement to the football world that has them all standing to attention and respecting, and fearing, the mighty Hawthorn Football Club.

We get into a defensive battle with Sydney, and Collingwood will be licking their lips waiting to attack the leftovers. Nup. Let's work this in our favour. All year teams have struggled to get up the week after the bye (just check out the Hawks and Bombers last weekend for proof) and Collingwood and Geelong have the bye this week. Let's make the Wobbles nervous and unsure of themselves when they tackle us next week. Make them second guess their decisions on the field, wondering if they're about to be thunderstruck by a Cyril tackle, or bustled off the ball by a rampaging Hodgey. Create doubt when the ball comes into their defensive zone - an onsong Buddy freaks out Collingwood more than any other team in the competition.

Time to stand up. Time to announce to the world we WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT. Time to put the smell of fear into the smug expressions of Collingwood and Geelong supporters. Time to smash a minnow trying to be one of the big boys in the competition and make the statement that we are alive and well and are a force to be reckoned with for the 2011 flag. Time to kick some red and white butt!!!!

The age of HAWKAMANIA has returned. Get on board the demolition bus as we plough the fields. Next stop - the 2011 Grand Final.
My wanting Breust in is because he can kick goals. Bring him in as a sub if needs be, but he's worth goals.

Osborne doesn't kick many these days. Rioli is either feast or famine, more famine of late. Burger isn't paying forward. Savage 'aint playing.

Bateman has been a great servant to our club, but for me, I'd prefer having the insurance of a small goal kicker as an option.

Yeah, I agree with this. Our No.1 goal kicker may play (but he may not) and our No.2 has been left out.

Has kicked 30-ish goals from less than a full season with many games playing the sub. Not sure what more we expect from him. Playing Sydney, as long as we bring our best game re: denying them the ball, then I think anything above 12 goals makes it hard for them to beat us.

Same token - I would really love to see Changa have a big one and not sure who else would have been a possible out to allow Stratton to play. I'm not disappointed they've stuck with Shoe.
Bateman has done very little for the better part of this season and still gets a game, based on “experience”. No disrespect to Chance but at this stage in his career, Savage or even Bruce are better options. Bruest, who has been fantastic (but admittedly was unsighted against the CATS) is dropped. He has enough credits this year to be given another opportunity. Makes no sense. Select the players who got us to 3rd place!

Agree......I also cant see any other reason why he was selected. He certainly could not have been picked for his tackling ability........they never seem to stick. Obviously Buddy must be 100% otherwise why would you drop one of the few players in the side capable of kicking a few.

I thought Bateman was one of our best players during 2008. He ran hard and hit our forwards on the tit time and time again. Unfortunately since then I have been disappointed in his performances. I suppose I expected more of the same. Bruce (bigger body) or Savage this week for mine as well. They have contributed more this year to our current position and deserved a shot at finishing the job.
My wanting Breust in is because he can kick goals. Bring him in as a sub if needs be, but he's worth goals.

Osborne doesn't kick many these days. Rioli is either feast or famine, more famine of late. Burger isn't paying forward. Savage 'aint playing.

Bateman has been a great servant to our club, but for me, I'd prefer having the insurance of a small goal kicker as an option.

I felt we had too many small forwards last week. All the talk was that we were too short down back, but I actually thought we were too short up forward as well. Scarlett, Taylor and Lonergan took plenty of marks off our kicks as we were too short.

While Stratton won't directly solve that problem, he does give us greater flexibility. IMO Stratton down back releases Burgoyne either to the midfield or the forward line. If it is to the midfield, that in turn can release Hodge or Lewis to stints in the forward half. Burgoyne, Lewis and Hodge will offer us greater scoring power up forward.

Last week we had 4 small forwards (Osborne, Rioli, Whitecross and Breust)in the team, and 2 midfield runners (Smith and Bateman). It would be a big risk to only go in with Smith (if he gets injured we lose all our midfield run), and of the small forwards Breust offers the least when he is not kicking goals (which he hasn't done much of against top 8 teams).
Is anyone else completely flat after last week? Allow me to divulge; I've avoided newspapers, Footy shows, Geelong supporters, strip clubs.. I think I'm depressed, Dr.

If there's anything I've learned this year, it's to never stare a gift horse in the mouth, but also that fortune can change quickly. Moreover, imagine if we put in a brilliant performance tonight; we'd all be feeling confident once more.

Yeh I feel horrible. Not even 2 dozen assorted Krispy Kremes could make me happy the other night.
I feel Schoey will do well tonight.

Geelong had 69 Inside 50s for 28 scoring shots ... if our midfield can limit Sydney to an average total of 45-50 then we give our defenders a chance.

David Hale is the key for tonight he needs to contest hard as does big Max and give our midfielders first use.

Sydney are a great TEAM and we need to play as a team to beat them.

Go HAWKS !!!! :D:thumbsu:
I suspect the dropping of Breust is more a part of Clarko's mind games. As part of the will Buddy play / won't Buddy play conundrum, Sydney would be uncertain to a degree whether Bud's replacement I(if he's out) is a small (Bruest) or a tall (Lisle) - both named as emergencies. If Buddy does get up, Breust could still potentially come in for Changa (late withdrawal). Buddy's fitness or lack of it is the lynchpin in the whole equation.
I watched that really crap footy show on ONE last night with Anthony Hudson, Scott Cummings and Lloyd.

They all tipped Sydney - the betting agencies are the only ones that rate us tonight. I like that.

I noticed that Scott Cummings, for the second time in two weeks, has decided to highlight Schoenmakers kicking out on the full. Good onya Scotty, hope that feels good.

But what I noticed, and this got me a little excited, is that Schoen didn't drop his bundle - he sprinted straight back to mind his man after the horror disposals. Mistakes happen, and he was bumped off one kick which forced the error, but the focus to get straight to his feet and get to the next contest as soon as possible is what will carry this guy through to his full potential.

I'm looking forward to tonight - I think we're a chance.
I'm looking forward to tonight - I think we're a chance.

Geez, I hope we're a chance. There's a reason we finished 3rd and they finished 7th. :D

I expect that will be shown tonight. We have been quickly written off after a 5 goal loss to the Cats and an injury to Bud. The world will be set right this evening.
I watched that really crap footy show on ONE last night with Anthony Hudson, Scott Cummings and Lloyd.

They all tipped Sydney - the betting agencies are the only ones that rate us tonight. I like that.

I noticed that Scott Cummings, for the second time in two weeks, has decided to highlight Schoenmakers kicking out on the full. Good onya Scotty, hope that feels good.

But what I noticed, and this got me a little excited, is that Schoen didn't drop his bundle - he sprinted straight back to mind his man after the horror disposals. Mistakes happen, and he was bumped off one kick which forced the error, but the focus to get straight to his feet and get to the next contest as soon as possible is what will carry this guy through to his full potential.

I'm looking forward to tonight - I think we're a chance.

Whilst I also like this about Schoey, the continual errors make me more worried.

I think we are a red hot chance this week. Not sure Buddy will play, and I hope that Lisle comes in for him. I doubt we'll get smashed at the stoppages two weeks in a row. a lot played ordinary last week, meaning a lot have a lot to prove this week
I watched that really crap footy show on ONE last night with Anthony Hudson, Scott Cummings and Lloyd.

They all tipped Sydney - the betting agencies are the only ones that rate us tonight. I like that.

I noticed that Scott Cummings, for the second time in two weeks, has decided to highlight Schoenmakers kicking out on the full. Good onya Scotty, hope that feels good.

But what I noticed, and this got me a little excited, is that Schoen didn't drop his bundle - he sprinted straight back to mind his man after the horror disposals. Mistakes happen, and he was bumped off one kick which forced the error, but the focus to get straight to his feet and get to the next contest as soon as possible is what will carry this guy through to his full potential.

I'm looking forward to tonight - I think we're a chance.

Lloyd is an absolute tosser. One of the dirtiest to play our game in 20 years. He hates Hawthorn and is always negative (Just like Tim Watson and Mike Sheehan). He found negativity in the Hawks on the day we smashed Port by 165. Get on you bike you sniper and keep your opinions to yourself. The worst media person on TV. Even worse than Luke Darcy.
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