I am 100% dead against it. Why should we need to have extra capital for a player next year? No one ever trades a pick into next year to have enough for a player. Out of contract means Sydney would just get stiffed and if they didn't want to get stiffed, they can trade this year.
Additionally, there's too much exciting talent at 10 to lose a year of develop basically when the time is ticking for actual results.
The only reason I want us trading it to next year is because your mob value a F1 from Roos higher than 9 or 10 so we can get a service fee being the middle man in getting you and North the pick they want.
Thats fair, I have always had a belief you never trade your future first round picks out for players unless you're getting one back. Haven't thought much about trading current 1st round picks for future first rounders. I guess when you think about it it's just as dangerous because you never know how well or poor the team will go.
Was not a fan of us trading for both Taranto and Hopper at the time.