Should Rudd be backed for the UN Sec General Job?

Should the Aust Govt back Rudd

  • Yes, it would be good for the country

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • Not sure/don't care

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters

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And this is why KR should be nowhere near a post like the UN. He doesn't get a job so he ''leaks'' . Now where have we seen this before??

Kevin Rudd
26th Prime Minister of Australia


When he was in his infancy at the PM, iirc, the Americans were pretty unhappy with KR sharing with the Australian public, details of personal informal chats that he had with Bush. Showed a distinct lack of discretion.

For me, it was a look at me, look at me, I'm playing with the big boys now, I'm so clever.
If it wasn't Kevin Rudds motive, that at every opportunity he was stymied, to ''release'' correspondence he might get more of a pass mark from me. The fact that this behavior follows a pattern well established over the years justifies in my mind why he should not have the keys to the UN

Another selfish little tantrum from Rudd; nothing new.
Rudd is an A grade ****stick whom most members of the Labor party despise. I find it rather hypocritical of members of the Labor party who have openly reviled him in the past for his chaotic and megalomaniac style now say that the government should be backing him for such an important world leadership role.

Most would be secretly happy hes not a chance to be UN secretary, if the believe its a worthwhile job which needs a quality person.

Whats with all the ex pms putting up for the job? Its not the usual operational srandard

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Good decision Turnbull.

Petty, my arse.

There's been some comment from Albanese and Plibersek but I haven't seen comment from a number of Rudd's other former colleagues such as:

et cetera....oh wait...

As a staunch "leftie", I think this is the best decision Turnball has ever made.

Rudd is a disgusting human being and doesn't deserve the job.
As a staunch "leftie", I think this is the best decision Turnball has ever made.

Rudd is a disgusting human being and doesn't deserve the job.

Turnbull had the choice of irritating a fair few in his cabinet/party/nation or drawing an angry tweet from Albanese and a rebuke from Plibersek. Not to mention the correspondence file.

Pretty easy choice.

If he 'did' Kevin slow on the way through well so be it.
Rudd shouldn't be backed for any job anywhere. He's proven himself to be a megalomanic, spiteful, psychopathic, disloyal person who cannot be trusted. As soon as something doesn't go his way he switches to "revenge, burn the town to the ground mode". He's terrible and from all reports, he's dreadful to work with.

He basically fkd the Labor party because his ego couldn't handle being outsted. No one person should be bigger than their political party. He needed to cop it on the chin, reflect and grow. He's a disgrace of a person and i'm disappointed that he even has a job.
I felt a bit sorry for the PM here, either way it was always going to be a lose/lose situation. Had he endorsed him he would have incurred the ire of those within his own party, and a good portion of the electorate, having not endorsed him he looks like he's pandered to the conservatives within his own party, wedged Bishop, and left himself open to accusations of playing petty politics about something that should be above that sort of thing.
Good decision Turnbull.

Petty, my arse.

There's been some comment from Albanese and Plibersek but I haven't seen comment from a number of Rudd's other former colleagues such as:

et cetera....oh wait...

There's also video of Jenny Macklin saying what a wonderful, empathetic person Rudd was and how she had never seen the side that some people described. What's your point? People aren't black and white and can be different things to different people. Naturally, factional rivals who stabbed him in the back and were in turn stabbed in the back are hardly like to have fond memories of him.

Rudd's qualified for the job, it should have been up to the UN to decide if he was suitable, it was unlikely he would get it anyway, so it's just pathetic, petty politics from a bunch of cry-baby Liberals. But then, did we expect anything different.
There's also video of Jenny Macklin saying what a wonderful, empathetic person Rudd was and how she had never seen the side that some people described. What's your point? People aren't black and white and can be different things to different people. Naturally, factional rivals who stabbed him in the back and were in turn stabbed in the back are hardly like to have fond memories of him.

Rudd's qualified for the job, it should have been up to the UN to decide if he was suitable, it was unlikely he would get it anyway, so it's just pathetic, petty politics from a bunch of cry-baby Liberals. But then, did we expect anything different.

Excuse me if I don't buy the 'factional rivals who stabbed him in the back' guff.

Rudd was swept to power after a decade in opposition and the ALP chose the hard road of getting rid of him and the opprobrium that went with that decision rather than keeping him.

There is a list longer than my arm of ALP figures who dumped on Rudd from a great height like never before seen.

Have a look at the video, and again if you missed it.

I also think its highly unlikely Rudd would have got the UNSG job either but there is no point leaving these things to chance.

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Excuse me if I don't buy the 'factional rivals who stabbed him in the back' guff.

Rudd was swept to power after a decade in opposition and the ALP chose the hard road of getting rid of him and the opprobrium that went with that decision rather than keeping him.

There is a list longer than my arm of ALP figures who dumped on Rudd from a great height like never before seen.

Have a look at the video, and again if you missed it.

I also think its highly unlikely Rudd would have got the UNSG job either but there is no point leaving these things to chance.
If you've seen The Killing Season, then you know Gillard took power for personal reasons, not because of some 'hard decisions'. That's the narrative they spun after, trying to paint Gillard as a reluctant PM, but she was just as power hungry as Rudd (well, maybe not quite as power hungry). There is, of course, truth to the stories of Rudd being an ass, but there's also truth to the fact that he is highly intelligent, made good decisions and got frustrated when people couldn't keep up with him. the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.
If you've seen The Killing Season, then you know Gillard took power for personal reasons, not because of some 'hard decisions'. That's the narrative they spun after, trying to paint Gillard as a reluctant PM, but she was just as power hungry as Rudd (well, maybe not quite as power hungry). There is, of course, truth to the stories of Rudd being an ass, but there's also truth to the fact that he is highly intelligent, made good decisions and got frustrated when people couldn't keep up with him. the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Believe what you want.

I've never seen any former leader opened up on like what happened with Rudd. Can't all be factional.

No way in the world someone as divisive as that should be nominated to the UNSG job even if he is no chance of getting it.
Best of luck when there's next a Labor government and a Coalition MP wants an overseas post.
Like when the Labor government 5 years ago didn't want to support Costello for the IMF post?
I felt a bit sorry for the PM here, either way it was always going to be a lose/lose situation. Had he endorsed him he would have incurred the ire of those within his own party, and a good portion of the electorate, having not endorsed him he looks like he's pandered to the conservatives within his own party, wedged Bishop, and left himself open to accusations of playing petty politics about something that should be above that sort of thing.
It's interesting more hasn't been made of Bishop's decision to back Rudd for this position in MSM, as the foreign minister she really should be the most informed person to make this call, so questions should be raised of her ability now given she's been so publicly smacked down by Turnbull. Not a good look for Australian Politics.
Believe what you want.

I've never seen any former leader opened up on like what happened with Rudd. Can't all be factional.

No way in the world someone as divisive as that should be nominated to the UNSG job even if he is no chance of getting it.

It's not factional.

I know people who worked for Gillard, Wong and a couple of state MPs, both Labor and Liberal.

The majority of the Labor Party loathed Rudd - even before they made him leader; they hated him. Like they did with Latham, they sacrificed their integrity and went for the person most likely to win - not the best person for the job.

Rudd has, once again, shown his true colours - personally affronted, so he releases private communications out of spite and egoism. He's a pathetic little shit.

The ALP hates him, most of DFAT hate him (note - apparently Turnbull consulted with a senior diplomat, who told him that supporting Rudd for this was NOT in the national interest); the ones playing partisan politics are clowns like Plibersek; who could not have been more scathing and critical of Rudd - yet now apparently thinks he's fantastic.
Rudd has, once again, shown his true colours - personally affronted, so he releases private communications out of spite and egoism. He's a pathetic little shit.

and Turnbull?? seriously, why tell Rudd he has his support then pull it? seems when Turnbull was riding high in the polls he was happy to support, now, having barely scraped home, he decides to follow the factions within his own government.

pfft, Turnbull deserves all shit coming to him.
Like when the Labor government 5 years ago didn't want to support Costello for the IMF post?

Costello never officially requested, that's the difference!

I dare you to suggest that Costello is qualified to sit on the board of IMF?
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Starting to look like Rudd is gaming Turnbull, he's released the correspondence between the two of them, there's different messages coming out of cabinet, and the PM has been diminished by this. I'd imagine Turnbull's discomfort goes at least some way to compensating Kevvy for missing out on the UN gig.
Starting to look like Rudd is gaming Turnbull, he's released the correspondence between the two of them, there's different messages coming out of cabinet, and the PM has been diminished by this. I'd imagine Turnbull's discomfort goes at least some way to compensating Kevvy for missing out on the UN gig.

At some point everyone needs to wake up to this lunatic and ignore him into oblivion. I cannot think of a bigger spiteful and devisive meglomanic. He's not fit to hold any position of power. He needs around the clock psychological help. Labor know it and so do the Libs. I have more respect for Tony Abbott which says alot.

Everyone should stand together on this.
At some point everyone needs to wake up to this lunatic and ignore him into oblivion. I cannot think of a bigger spiteful and devisive meglomanic. He's not fit to hold any position of power. He needs around the clock psychological help. Labor know it and so do the Libs. I have more respect for Tony Abbott which says alot.

Everyone should stand together on this.
I think you're massively over egging this because you blame him for Labor's woes when there's plenty of blame to go around for all for that debacle.

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Should Rudd be backed for the UN Sec General Job?
