So Proud

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Congratulations.. To call it an upset is disrespectful to you guys. I never saw it as an upset, I fact quite to script based on eddies and Nathan's antics in the build up.

Plus you have proven that Melbourne infact do not deserve a PP in the draft.
Great turnaround

Melbourne don't deserve one, but we would happily take the one we are owed!

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Was the "Snowtown" guy wearing a white Collingwood polo? I was told to go home in a barrel by him. But in the main they were great.

Yup, he certainly was. Bout 30 years old.

And yeah as you say 99% of the wobbles supporters were good-natured and congratulatory.

But that f***wit reminded me of 03 (as I said, bad mental scarring from that day) and the grannies p!ssed me off mainly cause I didnt want the kids to see me sink to their level.
Yup, he certainly was. Bout 30 years old.

And yeah as you say 99% of the wobbles supporters were good-natured and congratulatory.

But that f***wit reminded me of 03 (as I said, bad mental scarring from that day) and the grannies p!ssed me off mainly cause I didnt want the kids to see me sink to their level.

lol. That guy has an unhealthy obsession with Snowtown it would seem.
But that f***wit reminded me of 03 (as I said, bad mental scarring from that day) and the grannies p!ssed me off mainly cause I didnt want the kids to see me sink to their level.

Yep was there for that game - caught the train from Jollimont back to Spencer St and got absolutely hammered by the Wobbles on board
Bit late in on this thread but proud is understating how i feel. This is a club, a club that delivers in spades when you really need it. I dont really have any other sport to follow. I love my Test cricket and thats it. Ive always been a Port Adelaide person. When i was growing up all i remember is cheering on the Magpies with my dad, i remember him screaming his lungs out, i followed in his footsteps. I have a deep sporting hatred for one certain franchise, its almost cost me friends. I wont prattle on.

I love this club. This club makes me proud, because when they are down, your down with them. When they are in September is roses and beer :p:hearts::hearts:

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