Soccer World Cup wants AFL to shut down for 8 weeks (Part II)

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Wanting $130 million of OUR taxes to pay for 1 venue to be changed for soccer is bloody stupid.
How much $$$$$ do FIFA expect the taxpayers to pay for the other venues to be fixed to their requirements?

I'd happily invest my $6.50 share of the 130 million if it meant Melbourne hosting the final of the biggest sporting event in the world. Anyway it is a typically short sighted view point from the HS - there is no mention of the economic benefit which will far exceed this outlay.

And remember this is all speculation, don't forget that we are talking about 2022 - 13 years from now. IF we get the world cup there is plenty of time for the AFL to be accommodated more than sufficiently by the government, while the ongoing benefits through improved stadiums and infrastructure will benefit the AFL longer term.

Anyway its good to see the old guard of anti-soccer types in the media upping the world cup paranoia campaign with a year to go until the decision to award the event.
Ahhh yes Jeebes, those AFL supporters are such undersirable types, just wait a small moment while I see to yon Arsenal supporters cranium with this piece of 4inch wide, 2 inch thick hardwood.

Anyway, the deal seems to be:
FIFA get the television rights and therefore all the really big money without any outlay.
The Australian government get to spend an incredible amount, 50 Million to bid, and 130 million to modify a perfectly good stadium for starters. Has anyone added up the total cost yet.

It is by no means clear that the economy will be better off in the long term.
Most Australians have a fixed amount of disposable income, and they might spend it on the WC, but it will be instead of something else.

A fraction of the money spent by overseas visitors will end up in the economy.
So if 2 million visitors spent an average of $20,000 each, the economy would benefit by something less than 40 Billion.

Ettiahad and the MCC would need to charge exorbitant prices to FFA or whoever.

Normally in a footy Season Ettihad would have at least 16 AFL games in an 8 week period. WC would only have 5 or so.
MCC would be more so, they would need to be compensated for all the time that they are not able to be used.

What will happen to club membership if supporters are unlikely to be able to go to the football very often, due to lots of interstate or small booked to capacity stadiums.
What would happen to membership if the season is cancelled, who will be paying players to sit on their arses, or do they go on the dole for the year?

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I can't believe what I'm reading. The World Cup is the biggest sporting stage in the world and soccer is the number one sport on the planet. The biggest and most popular sport. Bringing the World Cup here will boost the economy big time and there is no way the Rudd government will say no. I love COLLINGWOOD & I love AFL football but all you soccer bashers, who think soccer is soft and that you don't want the World Cup here because it is going to disrupt the AFL season, are all one dimensional bogan Aussies who think our little island that we live in is the only thing that matters in the world. It's one AFL season, where in 2023 everything is back to normal for the AFL. World Cup is a once in a life time, experience we have never hosted it before and in 2022 we could be a host in the biggest sporting stage on the planet.

You don't have to like the sport but to take pot shots at it, calling it soft and boring is uncalled for as most of you soccer haters have no idea about the sport. Before you tell me to go off to a soccer message board, I love my AFL and I've been a Collingwood member for 10 years plus but I'm telling it as it is.

Sorry for having an opinion but I find soccer boring. I also do not understand why my enjoyment of AFL has to be disrupted by a sport I have no interest in. The AFL are the reason why the MCG and Etihad are what they are yet they should bow out.

Worldwide soccer is the more popular sport but here in Australia it isn't and instead of trying to garner support it appears all they want to do is alienate people and if that is what soccer is all about then I am glad I am not a fan of the sport.

The AFL have a track record of being accomodating to other sports surely if soccer is as big and wonderful as you are claiming then why do they need to act like they are?
Worldwide soccer is the more popular sport but here in Australia it isn't and instead of trying to garner support it appears all they want to do is alienate people and if that is what soccer is all about then I am glad I am not a fan of the sport.

What on earth are you talking about? The restructure of the FFA and formation of the A-League has been the best thing to happen to the game in Australia... ever. I'd like to hear how you think the sport alienates people here.
It is by no means clear that the economy will be better off in the long term.
Most Australians have a fixed amount of disposable income, and they might spend it on the WC, but it will be instead of something else.

My money would be spent overseas.
I'd be taking a cheap flight on an empty plane far away
This sounds extreme.

I have no idea what sort of "temporary" seating would cost $130M anyway. The only thing I can think of is that the lower deck of seating is removed and the second tier of seats are extended out to the ground?!?! If that is the case then yes it would be expensive and yes they will need 2 months to set up and 2 to remove.
What on earth are you talking about? The restructure of the FFA and formation of the A-League has been the best thing to happen to the game in Australia... ever. I'd like to hear how you think the sport alienates people here.

So if the world cup did come here and the disruptions to the AFL and NRL were as severe as being reported I would imagine there would be a number of people that would be annoyed to the point they would never give soccer an even chance whether they would be in the majority or minority would be the issue.

So in case you missed it again I am not saying the sport alienates people now but they definitely do run the risk if doing so if they continue the way it is in regards to the world cup.
I can't believe what I'm reading. The World Cup is the biggest sporting stage in the world and soccer is the number one sport on the planet. The biggest and most popular sport. Bringing the World Cup here will boost the economy big time and there is no way the Rudd government will say no. I love COLLINGWOOD & I love AFL football but all you soccer bashers, who think soccer is soft and that you don't want the World Cup here because it is going to disrupt the AFL season, are all one dimensional bogan Aussies who think our little island that we live in is the only thing that matters in the world. It's one AFL season, where in 2023 everything is back to normal for the AFL. World Cup is a once in a life time, experience we have never hosted it before and in 2022 we could be a host in the biggest sporting stage on the planet.

You don't have to like the sport but to take pot shots at it, calling it soft and boring is uncalled for as most of you soccer haters have no idea about the sport. Before you tell me to go off to a soccer message board, I love my AFL and I've been a Collingwood member for 10 years plus but I'm telling it as it is.

The problem is that its gone from 4 weeks to now potentially a season.

The World Cup bid is worthy of support but this is getting ridiculous.

My vote has gone to NO. (as in no thanks)
The problem is that its gone from 4 weeks to now potentially a season.

The World Cup bid is worthy of support but this is getting ridiculous.

My vote has gone to NO. (as in no thanks)

Pretty much my view.

I'm not really a soccer fan...Watch big matches occasionally on the TV, usually with a few mates who are into it, but wouldn't go out of my way to follow it more regularly.

I was hoping we'd get the WC, because it's always good to get the big events and a 4 weeks blackout seemed a reasonable price to pay ( with compensation for those sports affected ).

8 weeks seemed a stretch, but OK..It's a one off, let it happen.

All season? Tell 'em they're dreaming.
I'm not sure how you would shut down AFL for a season.

Basically you will take away the income of the AFL and the clubs for the season, but they will still have to pay staff, players etc.
How do you keep a playing group in form and motivated for more than a year without playing?
Sponsors occur when an organisation decides that sponsoring a sports club is one of the best ways to advertise their product/presence. Would they continue their sponsorship if the team is not playing? Will clubs then have problems re-signing them the following season?

But hey none of this matters becasue da world cup is reely big mate and yoos is all Bogans.

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What on earth are you talking about? The restructure of the FFA and formation of the A-League has been the best thing to happen to the game in Australia... ever. I'd like to hear how you think the sport alienates people here.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Raising the possibility of the AFL or NRL cancelling their seasons? And you don't think that sort of talk alienates people.

If its not the case - for god's sake come out and say so and explain exactly what the ramifications are!

Ongoing silence by FFA tends to suggest that the completely outrageuous demands we are hearing about are in fact accurate.

Absolutely unacceptable.

Good for Collo as well to actually stand up and protect his interests (and his major tenant's interests) at the same time for once. Hell knows, maybe the planets will align in 2012.
The problem is that its gone from 4 weeks to now potentially a season.

The World Cup bid is worthy of support but this is getting ridiculous.

My vote has gone to NO. (as in no thanks)

You're right.

It's all to hard.

We should just give up on the bid.

Let the USA have it.

That's the Australian spirit. :rolleyes:
You're right.

It's all to hard.

We should just give up on the bid.

Let the USA have it.

That's the Australian spirit. :rolleyes:

Is there anything you *wouldn't* give up to have it?

Can't you see that there comes a point where the demands get too high?

AFL revenue is over $1billion/year, and you're asking...Sorry, TELLING..them to shut down for a year. Is the WC going to pay them $1billion in compensation (should be more due to reputation loss, etc). Then there is the NRL, and any other sports that the FIFA dictate applies to.

Is FIFA going to pay $2-3 billion in direct compensation + a few billion on Stadia?
there is enough time and enough grounds to make this work for all.

4 months
lets say 17 weeks wioothout the MCG
the season runs for 22 weeks + 4 weeks of finals add a 1 split round which makes 27 weeks
so the AFL still have have access to the MCG for 10 of their 27 weeks

afl need to acccomodate 9 games per week.

Docklands x 2
Adelaide x 1
Perth x 1
Sydney (West Sydney) x 1
brisbane (Carrara) x 1
Launceston 11 games / Geelong 11 games x 1

the remaining 2 games can be split between
  • Darwin
  • Canberra
  • Princes Park
  • regional venue
  • or international venues
Is there anything you *wouldn't* give up to have it?

Can't you see that there comes a point where the demands get too high?

AFL revenue is over $1billion/year, and you're asking...Sorry, TELLING..them to shut down for a year. Is the WC going to pay them $1billion in compensation (should be more due to reputation loss, etc). Then there is the NRL, and any other sports that the FIFA dictate applies to.

Is FIFA going to pay $2-3 billion in direct compensation + a few billion on Stadia?

does the afl receive any money from sate or federal governement funding?
does the afl receive any money from sate or federal governement funding?

Not for general funds, but some government money goes to specific projects such as ground upgrades, development programs or community progrtams like drugs in sport or indigenous affairs.

Relatively speaking, not much (ie, wouldn't pay the interest on a years lost income).
You're right.

It's all to hard.

We should just give up on the bid.

Let the USA have it.

That's the Australian spirit. :rolleyes:

No worries, we don't have the right kind of Stadiums, we don't have enough stadiums, we have general apathy among the population, we won't get anywhere near the influx of tourists a European event would but it will be good because we said "No Worries".

Is that more like it?
With the spending on infrastructure, stadiums etc and the huge compensations that will needed to be payed to afl, nrl and rugby. I'm struggling to see where these huge economic benifits to the country are coming from. But im sure even if hosting the world cup doesnt prove to be the huge financial windfall, all the displaced bogans will still get to see the might of the footballroos in action at a home world cup
It's not the end of the world, there will be compromises.

The AFL is obviously an impacted stakeholder of the world cup bid, and Dimetriou is rightly expressing his concerns about potential disruptions in 2018/2022. At the same time I think he is making a bit of a power play using the 'season cancelled' threat to leverage the situation so that the AFL gets more say over world cup planing.

From his comments it sounds as if the AFL is willing to be flexible, however there is a lack of information flow more than anything at this point.

I think everyone should take a step back and wait for FFA/Govt's full reply to the issues before writing off the bid.

Again it is only a 'bid' for an event in 9/13 years time, if we are successful there is plenty of time to find adequate solutions for all stakeholders involved. Public skepticism is healthy and natural, however at the end of the day the world cup is like no other global event and right now we have probably our best chance of ever being awarded it in our lifetimes.
Demetriou's first argument this morning on 3AW was that you can't move the footy to January because it's out of the ratings period.

One senses he's not helping his cause with there.
Not too sure if this has been mentioned previously, but we "lost" the MCG to an entire cricket season in 2005/2006 except the boxing day test, and then the first 4 weeks of the AFL season due to the redevelopment of the MCG for the running track for the Comm Games.

That was for a 2 week event that no other country wanted.

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Soccer World Cup wants AFL to shut down for 8 weeks (Part II)

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