Official Club Stuff Syd Barker Night [SBM: Jy / 2nd: LDU / 3rd: Bailey]

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  • Congrats Jy, well deserved. Great speech as well about he had to keep fronting up and pushing through that shit.
  • LDU surpassed Jy during the second half the year and will definitely win 2023.
  • Happiest moment for me was Bailey making top3. Ppl and fans just don’t understand how important elite role players like this are. Love that the Syd recognises stuff like this.
  • McKay deserved to be higher. No defender in the league had to put up with so many quick I50s
  • Young!! What a nice surprise!
Not an interaction, but JHF and Anderson both left straight away; Anderson with his partner and and JHF with his parents. Anderson told Jason to send him a photo if he catches any fish.

Am I an ITK poster now?
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Missed 9 games? Fmd

Had 30+ intercept marks over a 5 week span and finished 15th for contested marks in the league...

Could easy finish #1 in the AFL for contested marks next season if he doesn't miss a game

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Yep, so lets say 10 healthy games in his preferred position for 48 votes total. If he had 20 games that's 96 votes which sees him 4th.

It's all good.
Surprising result for me. I wouldn't have thought Jy was our best player for the year. Had a very ordinary first half of the year.

Genuinely astonished that Goldy didn't even finish in the top 3. Had a fairly consistent year, hardly beaten, and was probably the only senior player who stood up all year.

The cynic in me says Scotty third may be a somewhat manufactured result in an attempt to get him to stay!
JHF and zurhaar and taylor extension news pls
Nothing on jhf - think this will be done early next year.

Zurhar only wants 2 years and more money - he will stay

Taylor not sure

Seriously some of the standards at the club, there game plan, there lack of accountability, no skin folds, no direct feedback etc etc

Things are gonna change and it’s about time

Players were confused as they changed the way the defended and setup each week depending on opp

That in itself is staggering
Nothing on jhf - think this will be done early next year.

Zurhar only wants 2 years and more money - he will stay

Taylor not sure

Seriously some of the standards at the club, there game plan, there lack of accountability, no skin folds, no direct feedback etc etc

Things are gonna change and it’s about time

Players were confused as they changed the way the defended and setup each week depending on opp

That in itself is staggering

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Nothing on jhf - think this will be done early next year.

Zurhar only wants 2 years and more money - he will stay

Taylor not sure

Seriously some of the standards at the club, there game plan, there lack of accountability, no skin folds, no direct feedback etc etc

Things are gonna change and it’s about time

Players were confused as they changed the way the defended and setup each week depending on opp

That in itself is staggering
There aren't many comments I can think of that lose you credibility faster than saying you're not sure on Taylor. He's North through and through
There aren't many comments I can think of that lose you credibility faster than saying you're not sure on Taylor. He's North through and through
I spoke to those other players so not sure what your in about

That’s direct from them and one of the players lives a street down from me so carry on all you want that’s the truth

Taylor’s prob staying I just didn’t chat to him or ask that’s what the not sure comment was
They just didn’t have a system or specific structure they played to/ you need and identifiable brand and you can’t be changing structures wholistocslly in season week to week

No wonder we couldn’t defend ball movement
I’m laughing that the previous coach of this team thought that it was acceptable to have no set defensive mechanism to apply as a base to defend ball movement.

Truly laughable that it was the case and the results of that were plain for all to see.
Buckets not in the top 10 LOL

The Syd has lost it

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I’d like an explanation how he plays on Lewis and keeps him to 5 possessions and a goal, in a 70 point loss, while gathering 12 intercept possessions, the most on the ground. Including probably 10 intercept marks.

And he polls 5 votes.

Come on, someone answer that.

Did the printer cut out or sumfink FFS
I spoke to those other players so not sure what your in about

That’s direct from them and one of the players lives a street down from me so carry on all you want that’s the truth

Taylor’s prob staying I just didn’t chat to him or ask that’s what the not sure comment was
I didn't say you were wrong about the others, I just said that there's no way in hell Taylor's leaving. That's obvious from his effort out on field and his interviews. The credibility thing was just a way to show that. If you've spoken to players personally and they've said they aren't leaving, great
Surprising result for me. I wouldn't have thought Jy was our best player for the year. Had a very ordinary first half of the year.

Genuinely astonished that Goldy didn't even finish in the top 3. Had a fairly consistent year, hardly beaten, and was probably the only senior player who stood up all year.

The cynic in me says Scotty third may be a somewhat manufactured result in an attempt to get him to stay!

Sorry but that's horse shit. Nobody needs to convince Bailey Scott to stay. He is 100% committed and anything you've heard about him wanting to leave is absolute nonsense.

As for Goldy, he knew he wasn't going to poll well especially early in the season as the coach at the time wasn't his biggest fan.
How good to have Jy & LDU finishing 1st and 2nd. Our 2 first picks in the 2016 & 2017 draft.

Then to have Bailey stick it right up his haters. Just awesome. Just a credit to how hard he’s worked.*

Some interesting things I picked up on:
  • All the players that spoke, talked to how hard this year was. It was a constant theme. I didn’t read it as just coz they were losing. The football dept was clearly a f*kn mess and you can tell on all the young players how hopeful they are that things are going to improve now.
  • Thought it was really interesting how Bailey thanked Sonja so passionately. Clearly he needed things to change & is very grateful of what she’s done.
  • Jy super humble, he knew it was probably LDUs award (if not for a moron coach who left him to rot on a flank), but he just spoke so well & he is clearly aware Luke will take his throne.
  • People wondering why Russell survived, Jys speech said it all.

Suck on a big fat juicy d** TZ
I’m laughing that the previous coach of this team thought that it was acceptable to have no set defensive mechanism to apply as a base to defend ball movement.

Truly laughable that it was the case and the results of that were plain for all to see.
I know mate

Honestly some of the stuff the players told me I couldn’t get my head around even when I spoke to Stevo who I know through a family friend he was saying the standards have dropped significantly and it’s time to get things back on track from an expectation perspective as well

It’s an elite environment run like a div 3 local club in terms of coaching/educating and structure. No wonder half the players wanted to go - standards need to lift, system without the ball needs to be implemented (press/soft press/or handover man on man and get our fundamentals better so we can actually move the footy

Plain and simple - Clarko will get all this going and all the players have met with him individually as well

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