Universal Love The Billy Hartung Bandwagon thread

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Interesting Clarko said in his post match presser something like: he's going to get a rude shock next week versus the Swans and the change in intensity.

Sounds like he's staying in.

Clarkson speaks wisely...

Cannot take too much out of that performance. Stk were non existent for large chunks. Everyone looked silky. Real pressure this week will speak volumes as to his progression in the big league.

I might have been influenced by the need to drink a great deal to compensate for the rain and generally boring game, but I noticed a few times that Billy thought he was going to torch players and it didn't quite come off... I'm worried that if the pace and pressure cranks up, he'll indeed realise the potato gets very, very hot against a good pressure side. All that said, GO BILLEH!! Great to see him getting a run.

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So good chance Billy will stay in the team given Mitchell injury yeah?

Seemed like Clarko in the presser pretty much said it was a done deal with that "rude shock against Sydney" comment. He deserves it after a solid debut.
Impressive debut for mine. Yes, it was against weak opposition but he still could have fumbled etc. especially given the wet conditions. Look forward to seeing how he goes next week, I don't think he'll disappoint.

Or commenting on how fast our Hill Billy wingers are.

Don't give him ideas!!!
What I loved was that a number of Billy's touches came from Hodge looking out for him and helping bringing him into the game! Not that it's anything new, but such an outstanding leader is Hodgey!

I believe Billy's first shot on goal and his actual first goal came from an assist from Hodge.
What I loved was that a number of Billy's touches came from Hodge looking out for him and helping bringing him into the game! Not that it's anything new, but such an outstanding leader is Hodgey!

I believe Billy's first shot on goal and his actual first goal came from an assist from Hodge.

Really good point. Just shows he faith they have in his disposal and on a wet wintry day too.

Can't wait to see him Friday.
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