The case to retain Goldstein, Ziebell and Greenwood next year

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As I understand it, Ben Cunnington is contracted for next year so unless he decides to quit at the end of the year, he will be on the list in 2024. Not sure what the situation is with Liam Shiells is but his form has probably been good enough for an extension.

Potentially none of these may play on next year but in the case of Goldy, Jack and HG (not Nelson), I believe they should be offered another year, but with conditions as to what will be expected of them if they play on. In my opinion the conditions should be

1. They are in the mix to be picked in the senior team based on form and injuries.
2. When not meeting the form criteria, they should accept that they will play in the VFL team.
3. If playing in the VFL team, their role is two fold, being firstly to guide, direct, mentor our younger boys coming through; and
4. Having an expectation that, being champions of the club (Greenwood not in that category but has been a very handy acquisition over the last two years) they will lead us to a VFL flag. Not the same as an AFL Flag, but hey I wouldn't mind seeing us win a VFL Flag

Now many, if not most here will say, what a rubbish idea this is on my part, because at the very least these players will be taking up valuable list spots which should be reserved for young recruits and developing players.

In support of my argument however, below is Exhibit A, plus B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O.

These are our 15 years of draft picks from 2006 to 2020 inclusive. Not all were senior list players or National Draft Picks but nevertheless occupied spots on our list, without distinction. If the above players retire then on balance of probability, we will again next year have players who will occupy spots on our list without distinction.

Now granted, my argument is one that relies on hindsight and who knows which player/s will make it when they are drafted. I argue however that by and large, players who have at least reasonable careers are players drafted probably in the top three rounds of the draft. Very few have long term careers, when drafted in the lower rounds of the draft, though Nick Larkey is an exception to that theory.

So here are the Exhibits.

2006 Draft Selections
Ben Ross, Ben Hughes 14 games

Ben Davies, Alan Obst, Michael Wundke, James Wilson 7 games

Nathan O’Keeffe, Warren Benjamin, Marcus White, Conor Meredith 14 games

Ayden Kennedy, Brayden Norris, Matthew Scott No games

Cameron Richardson, Ben Mabon, Cameron Delaney 14 games

Will Sierakowski, Brad McKenzie, Tom Curran, Max Warren, Brad Mangan, Malcolm Lynch 8 games

Jordan Gysberts, Mitchell Wilkins, Eric Wallace, Tim McGenniss No games

Joel Tippett 7 games

Dan Nielson, Will Fordham 7 games

Mitch Hibberd, Corey Wagner, Declan Mountford, Farren Ray 28 games

Declan Watson, Josh Williams, Oscar Junker, Matthew Taylor 2 games

Alex Morgan, Tom Jeffries, Will Walker, Tom Murphy, Gordon Narrier 11 games

Dom Tyson, Joel Crocker, Tom McKenzie, Tom Wilkinson, Lachie Hosie 11 games

Matt McGuiness No games

Patrick Walker, Connor Menadue, Charlie Ham 7 games

In total those players played 130 games for our club. In contrast, Goldy and Jack have between them played 578 games for our club.

I might be wrong but I suspect between them, Goldy, Jack and HG might do more for us in 2024 than all of the players on that list did in their combined careers.

E&OE of course because I didn't do any checking of my initial assessment

Also, huge apologies to anyone who suffers from the trauma of viewing that list. It is grim reading and I particularly apologise to those who fought so valiantly for Aiden Kennedy to get a game, even just one game, if they need to go back into therapy.
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Greenwood to stay as the youngest of them and has a trigger for next year that he’s likely reached

It’s time to retire Goldy and Ziebell and shiels (and delist hall)
Agree it's time. This also allows a clear changing of the guard and needs to happen. Greenwood I would keep either way.
With the abundance of others off contract I think it makes sense giving goldy ziebell and shiells another year we can't turn the list over in 1 season it'll take 2 goldy especially would still be a good stopgap option as ccj is terrible in the ruck
Look, if you sign any of them (Shiels, Howe included) it would be a break glass in case of emergency scenario, and they would expect to help develop our VFL team.

If X and CCJ want to be 1s players, it is time for them to put or shut up with an extended run, same goes for WiPhi, Powell and whoever else we got.

As it stands, Turner, Hall, Goldstein, Howe, Perez, Bonar, McKay, Howe, Mahony, Ziebell, Dawson, Young, Spicer, Shiels, Edwards are all OOC.

Personally, only one, McKay would be a best 22 player going forward (elsewhere by the looks of it), but a couple could squeeze in as VFL depth and development players.

The other consideration is with 15 players OOC, how we manage our cap. I'd say we would be open to taking salary dumps from elsewhere over most of our OOC list.
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Would retire ziebs
Retain Greenwood and shiels as there’s more spuds that shouldn’t get another deal
Goldy id only retire if we get a competent ruckman in
Because of our AFL list is so poor you probably get rid off 15 players but that’s too many.
If we get rid of players maybe these could go
Cunnington-Retired but that’s up to him
Zieball-Retired and try to retain at VFL level
Goldstein-Retired same as Zieball to play at VFL level
That’s 9 players that could go from the AFL list but could add more.
But the 3 major things that should happen
1 McDonald to be replaced as captain.
2 Rawlings and Brown to be sacked at seasons end
3 Mark Williams to be approached to be skills coach and new List manager appointed as this club CANT have another year of stuff ups on list structures and poor skill levels as we can’t carry incompetent people like Rawlings and Brown both should be finished up.
As I understand it, Ben Cunnington is contracted for next year so unless he decides to quit at the end of the year, he will be on the list in 2024. Not sure what the situation is with Liam Shiells is but his form has probably been good enough for an extension.

Potentially none of these may play on next year but in the case of Goldy, Jack and HG (not Nelson), I believe they should be offered another year, but with conditions as to what will be expected of them if they play on. In my opinion the conditions should be

1. They are in the mix to be picked in the senior team based on form and injuries.
2. When not meeting the form criteria, they should accept that they will play in the VFL team.
3. If playing in the VFL team, their role is two fold, being firstly to guide, direct, mentor our younger boys coming through; and
4. Having an expectation that, being champions of the club (Greenwood not in that category but has been a very handy acquisition over the last two years) they will lead us to a VFL flag. Not the same as an AFL Flag, but hey I wouldn't mind seeing us win a VFL Flag

Now many, if not most here will say, what a rubbish idea this is on my part, because at the very least these players will be taking up valuable list spots which should be reserved for young recruits and developing players.

In support of my argument however, below is Exhibit A, plus B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O.

These are our 15 years of draft picks from 2006 to 2020 inclusive. Not all were senior list players or National Draft Picks but nevertheless occupied spots on our list, without distinction. If the above players retire then on balance of probability, we will again next year have players who will occupy spots on our list without distinction.

Now granted, my argument is one that relies on hindsight and who knows which player/s will make it when they are drafted. I argue however that by and large, players who have at least reasonable careers are players drafted probably in the top three rounds of the draft. Very few have long term careers, when drafted in the lower rounds of the draft, though Nick Larkey is an exception to that theory.

So here are the Exhibits.

2006 Draft Selections
Ben Ross, Ben Hughes 14 games

Ben Davies, Alan Obst, Michael Wundke, James Wilson 7 games

Nathan O’Keeffe, Warren Benjamin, Marcus White, Conor Meredith 14 games

Ayden Kennedy, Brayden Norris, Matthew Scott No games

Cameron Richardson, Ben Mabon, Cameron Delaney 14 games

Will Sierakowski, Brad McKenzie, Tom Curran, Max Warren, Brad Mangan, Malcolm Lynch 8 games

Jordan Gysberts, Mitchell Wilkins, Eric Wallace, Tim McGenniss No games

Joel Tippett 7 games

Dan Nielson, Will Fordham 7 games

Mitch Hibberd, Corey Wagner, Declan Mountford, Farren Ray 28 games

Declan Watson, Josh Williams, Oscar Junker, Matthew Taylor 2 games

Alex Morgan, Tom Jeffries, Will Walker, Tom Murphy, Gordon Narrier 11 games

Dom Tyson, Joel Crocker, Tom McKenzie, Tom Wilkinson, Lachie Hosie 11 games

Matt McGuiness No games

Patrick Walker, Connor Menadue, Charlie Ham 7 games

In total those players played 130 games for our club. In contrast, Goldy and Jack have between them played 578 games for our club.

I might be wrong but I suspect between them, Goldy, Jack and HG might do more for us in 2024 than all of the players on that list did in their combined careers.

E&OE of course because I didn't do any checking of my initial assessment

Also, huge apologies to anyone who suffers from the trauma of viewing that list. It is grim reading and I particularly apologise to those who fought so valiantly for Aiden Kennedy to get a game, even just one game, if they need to go back into therapy.
I’d keep them and also give the C back to Ziebell until a better candidate arrives.

Our captains are ****ing puss
I think Greenwood should get another year. Jack started the year well but seems to have gone backwards recently. What a player he has been for our club.
I would keep Todd for one more year. If we get rid of him and there is an long term injury to Xerri or CCJ, we are screwed. If they remain fit, he wil told by the club what the deal is. If he isnt happy with the offer he retires proud of a fantastic career.
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Goldy - retain on the basis we are moving forward with big X and Goldy is comfortable being no. 2 to X.
Greenwood - obviously retain.
Ziebell - retain for one more.
Cunners - up to him. He knows he won’t play if his form is down.
Shiels - up to him. Has been good this year but probably more value is seen off the track.

Hall, Howe, Turner - retire/delist
Greenwood to stay as he has flexibility to play some different roles and I think he’s been reasonable this year.

4 weeks ago I would’ve said yes to Goldy but his last month has been really bad. Not totally against him getting another year as a back up. At worst he’s a mid coach in the twos when not playing.

Shiels and JZ had good patches this year but time to move past them.

Hall no chance, he’s cooked.

Cunners as sad as it is needs to be persuaded to retire.
As I understand it, Ben Cunnington is contracted for next year so unless he decides to quit at the end of the year, he will be on the list in 2024. Not sure what the situation is with Liam Shiells is but his form has probably been good enough for an extension.

Potentially none of these may play on next year but in the case of Goldy, Jack and HG (not Nelson), I believe they should be offered another year, but with conditions as to what will be expected of them if they play on. In my opinion the conditions should be

1. They are in the mix to be picked in the senior team based on form and injuries.
2. When not meeting the form criteria, they should accept that they will play in the VFL team.
3. If playing in the VFL team, their role is two fold, being firstly to guide, direct, mentor our younger boys coming through; and
4. Having an expectation that, being champions of the club (Greenwood not in that category but has been a very handy acquisition over the last two years) they will lead us to a VFL flag. Not the same as an AFL Flag, but hey I wouldn't mind seeing us win a VFL Flag

Now many, if not most here will say, what a rubbish idea this is on my part, because at the very least these players will be taking up valuable list spots which should be reserved for young recruits and developing players.

In support of my argument however, below is Exhibit A, plus B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O.

These are our 15 years of draft picks from 2006 to 2020 inclusive. Not all were senior list players or National Draft Picks but nevertheless occupied spots on our list, without distinction. If the above players retire then on balance of probability, we will again next year have players who will occupy spots on our list without distinction.

Now granted, my argument is one that relies on hindsight and who knows which player/s will make it when they are drafted. I argue however that by and large, players who have at least reasonable careers are players drafted probably in the top three rounds of the draft. Very few have long term careers, when drafted in the lower rounds of the draft, though Nick Larkey is an exception to that theory.

So here are the Exhibits.

2006 Draft Selections
Ben Ross, Ben Hughes 14 games

Ben Davies, Alan Obst, Michael Wundke, James Wilson 7 games

Nathan O’Keeffe, Warren Benjamin, Marcus White, Conor Meredith 14 games

Ayden Kennedy, Brayden Norris, Matthew Scott No games

Cameron Richardson, Ben Mabon, Cameron Delaney 14 games

Will Sierakowski, Brad McKenzie, Tom Curran, Max Warren, Brad Mangan, Malcolm Lynch 8 games

Jordan Gysberts, Mitchell Wilkins, Eric Wallace, Tim McGenniss No games

Joel Tippett 7 games

Dan Nielson, Will Fordham 7 games

Mitch Hibberd, Corey Wagner, Declan Mountford, Farren Ray 28 games

Declan Watson, Josh Williams, Oscar Junker, Matthew Taylor 2 games

Alex Morgan, Tom Jeffries, Will Walker, Tom Murphy, Gordon Narrier 11 games

Dom Tyson, Joel Crocker, Tom McKenzie, Tom Wilkinson, Lachie Hosie 11 games

Matt McGuiness No games

Patrick Walker, Connor Menadue, Charlie Ham 7 games

In total those players played 130 games for our club. In contrast, Goldy and Jack have between them played 578 games for our club.

I might be wrong but I suspect between them, Goldy, Jack and HG might do more for us in 2024 than all of the players on that list did in their combined careers.

E&OE of course because I didn't do any checking of my initial assessment

Also, huge apologies to anyone who suffers from the trauma of viewing that list. It is grim reading and I particularly apologise to those who fought so valiantly for Aiden Kennedy to get a game, even just one game, if they need to go back into therapy.
God that is some absolutely pathetic drafting or talent development. Absolutely inexcusable. I'm not sure of the time as to who was recruiting manager or development coach but off with their head I say.
Wow that list is making me violently sick. It was somewhat masked having Boomer, Wells and Petrie playing. Miss LT too.

Goldy 1 more with OP conditions.

Greenwood 1 more.

Thanks Ziebs and Cunners absolute guns. Much love but time to do the team thing.
Greenwood is a potential resting forward target when he's playing so I wouldn't have him in this conversation.

JZ I thought should be given another year but after he has been exposed at times, the game is still going to give him some trouble. An absolute warrior but the ball moves too quickly and catches him by surprise. Has been massive this year (before the troubles resurfaced) but it's VFL depth at this stage if he plays on.

Goldy has been an absolute colossus for the last 10 years. We will never find another ruck like him again with that distinct ability to run his opponent off his feet. I'd give him one more year as a VFL player and coach then give him the ruck coach job.

We've been lucky to have these blokes so I think for each of them a farewell game is deserved. Thoroughly deserved.
I worry about Goldstein after his last few weeks and how he responds to the next couple of weeks in the VFL will really decide his fate. I suspect the game has caught up to him. I'd rather have him on the rookie list, playing coach and VFL regular next year, than pushing on with Free.

As for the other veterans it's time to finish up Turner and Hall and depending on how Cunnington wants to treat the last year of his contract probably one of he and Ziebell remain on the list. I understand having mature players but we really need to create these list spots and see what we can bring in around 25-28 years old.
Greenwood is a potential resting forward target when he's playing so I wouldn't have him in this conversation.

JZ I thought should be given another year but after he has been exposed at times, the game is still going to give him some trouble. An absolute warrior but the ball moves too quickly and catches him by surprise. Has been massive this year (before the troubles resurfaced) but it's VFL depth at this stage if he plays on.

Goldy has been an absolute colossus for the last 10 years. We will never find another ruck like him again with that distinct ability to run his opponent off his feet. I'd give him one more year as a VFL player and coach then give him the ruck coach job.

We've been lucky to have these blokes so I think for each of them a farewell game is deserved. Thoroughly deserved.

Awesome post. With what you said about Greenwood (I’d have him in defence potentially too), and particularly Goldy -that’s how you look after a stalwart while transitioning a team; that’s culture.
My friend, I wish you were in charge of this team.
/ discussion
Greenwood is good for the young group. Onfield coaching etc. He can be handy in 2024.

For Goldi and Ziebell unless the boys call time on their own careers the club might tell them to wait for the free agency and trade period before making a decision. The reality is Goldi and Jack are a list problem due to age but arent in the top 8 players who deserves to go first.

When we see what McKay does, delist Mahony, Bonar, Spicer, Hall as well as Howe, Turner and Edwards - thats 7 delistings. Young, Perez, Dawson and Free are no certainties to stay on. Archer too. Our list is a mess and with so much deadwood thats it just pathetic we might have to ask these 2 to go round again along with Cunnington and the games past them by.
Greenwood is good for the young group. Onfield coaching etc. He can be handy in 2024.

For Goldi and Ziebell unless the boys call time on their own careers the club might tell them to wait for the free agency and trade period before making a decision. The reality is Goldi and Jack are a list problem due to age but arent in the top 8 players who deserves to go first.

When we see what McKay does, delist Mahony, Bonar, Spicer, Hall as well as Howe, Turner and Edwards - thats 7 delistings. Young, Perez, Dawson and Free are no certainties to stay on. Archer too. Our list is a mess and with so much deadwood thats it just pathetic we might have to ask these 2 to go round again along with Cunnington and the games past them by.
archer is already signed on for next year so thats 1 down

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