The Dumb Society - Richmond Forum

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Originally posted by brunswick ben
Well said bulldogs 1954

The Gasper "I want more money or Im going to Fremantle" is a classic example of player greed.

To make things worse he has played crap since then as well.

That’s not coming from me thatts coming from most of the tiger fans I know.

Richmond’s motto for 2004

I agree about gaspar being hungry for money too. It was our past administration that signed him onto a large contract as we did with Holland and Biddiscombe. There's no denying that, however, in regards to gas, he has taken on more responsibility, is the key to our backline, and has also been an All-Australian too. I feel he has been worth his weight in gold.

As far as him playing crap, well maybe you should get your head out of your arse and watch the game. He has continually matched it with the best forwards in the game and continually provides run out of the backline. Don't deny it either. he has taken honours against Lloyd, and Tarrant.

I just can't understand how you all believe that all your players are worth number 1 draft picks in return. We at least realise that we've got crap players and accept that. You actually think you've got the makings of premiership team under that dipstick Rhodes. At least frawley will be gone end of next year.

Anyway, you can sit back and hope it all comes together quite nicely for your team, but end result is, struggling melbourne clubs finacially will be gone before too long.
Re: Absolute rot

How many more could you afford?

Originally posted by CaptainCustard
I doubt a true Richmond supporter could seriously look you in the face and say Gasper hasn't been worth the money.

Sure, some players don't perform once they get the money - you could not say this about Gasper. He's had one ordinary year I'd say, but i would not complain about the return he's given us.

Wish there were more like him.
Re: Re: Absolute rot

Originally posted by bulldogs1
How many more could you afford?

Quite a few actually. For the first time in a long time, we are not that tight with the salary cap. Camerons retired, we've finished paying for Bourke and Daffy (what a joke), Biddiscombe wont be signed for $400K again, Bowden will most likely be gone, and hopefully, Holland will be with your boys next year. Also, half of Duncan Kellaways wont be counted as he will be on the veterans list.

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Re: Re: Re: The Dumb Society - Richmond Forum

Originally posted by Gnome Murphy
What paying Bourke 200k a year to play in the roos reserves

That is what we call saving, (what people who dont have debt do with their money). It means we now have heaps to spend on Brown and Murphy..... Enjoy the next two seasons, they are you last :)
Crikey. The supporters of the wooden spooners are getting into us. :eek: This is like being beaten up with a wet lettuce. :eek:
Originally posted by Crumden
Crikey. The supporters of the wooden spooners are getting into us. :eek: This is like being beaten up with a wet lettuce. :eek:

Shyte... looks like we are in a bit of trouble here...

Bulldogs are all talk.. no action. Wait thats like the Tim Delux song.. and they happen to have woman as dogs too... geez thats a bit sus eh?
We will go forward to the seventies because we are heading towards another golden age.

The doggies on the other hand are heading towards the VFL...
Originally posted by YETAGAIN
We will go forward to the seventies because we are heading towards another golden age.

The doggies on the other hand are heading towards the VFL...

Golden age? who have you got that can possibly get you guys in the top 8? no God does not count
Originally posted by Kretiuk #35
Golden age? who have you got that can possibly get you guys in the top 8? no God does not count

Nathan Brown is going to be pretty helpful.... Getting rid of bowden will also help our cause.....

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Originally posted by YETAGAIN
Nathan Brown is going to be pretty helpful.... Getting rid of bowden will also help our cause.....

Browns attempting AFL suicide at such a young age then:)

If there was a side you WOULDN'T wanna go to, it'd be carlton or richmond
Originally posted by Kretiuk #35
Really, really stupid... They want to swap Richo for Brown, straight swap

Did u hear Murphy was going there for Bowden?

I also foundout Gian and Mitch Hahn were both uncontracted

They are a feral bunch of unsuceeding individuals, whether it'd be related to their divorce settlements, constant need of counselling after they finish NINETH, and NINETH again or just their lack of direction in life, just don't morons...

After seeing their lack of passion and spirit over the years, espicially in Jack Dyers Case against Hawthorn, they couldn't get over the line for thier greatest ever player.... Richmond is just bound for a long term typical melbourne known 'easy beats' for a number of years to come... nice captaincy by Richo BTW

The thing is, its not just one of them its 90% of them.. they're a bunch of inbreeds in forums, and a bunch of inbreeds at football matches i don't know how they get their fans showing up to games

Judging by their supporters, their adminstration is more then likely similar...

Really tigers, your decision making is stupid, your players can only use one side of their body, if it wasn't for your quantity of members, you'd be the club that would be folding, not us

So please Tiger supporters, **** off and keep looking back more then 20 years when you were a normal club, then talk to the bulldog supporter, whos looking forward:D

No amount of money or influence could move Murphy or Brown to Richmond, they just know better:)

Yep and you are the resident genius then? Your year 7 English needs a little work.;)
If I were you I would worry more about getting out there and rattling those tins mate, although I don't think it will help you keep brown- he needs to be paid in Aussie dollars not IOU's.
I look forward to seeing him run around in the gold sash next year.:D
Re: Re: The Dumb Society - Richmond Forum

Originally posted by hutstar
Yep and you are the resident genius then? Your year 7 English needs a little work.;)
If I were you I would worry more about getting out there and rattling those tins mate, although I don't think it will help you keep brown- he needs to be paid in Aussie dollars not IOU's.
I look forward to seeing him run around in the gold sash next year.:D

Year 7 English is all you've got?

Well if he decides to go to Richmond, we all know he has no intentions of ever making a Grand Final Team;)

Have you been rattling your tins down at Richmond to keep Bourke playing his footy down at the VFL? For who? Kangaroos?
Nice comeback mate. Bourke is gone- we are over it. Nice to see you paid attention to your spelling this time though- lucky you had a spellchecker handy!
To summarise and conclude- you guys are a joke- an AFL owned also ran in the history of the comp, and if it wasn't for the need to have a 16 team comp you would be long gone. You should think yourselves lucky clubs like ours generate the funds to keep a club like yours afloat.
All the best for 2004.
Originally posted by hutstar
Nice comeback mate. Bourke is gone- we are over it. Nice to see you paid attention to your spelling this time though- lucky you had a spellchecker handy!
To summarise and conclude- you guys are a joke- an AFL owned also ran in the history of the comp, and if it wasn't for the need to have a 16 team comp you would be long gone. You should think yourselves lucky clubs like ours generate the funds to keep a club like yours afloat.
All the best for 2004.

Hopefully we can play Richmond and Geelong twice next year, that'd really set us up for a finals appearance:)
I can understand where hutstar's coming from, but he's got it all wrong.

So we've had a couple of years of AFL hand-outs. I'll admit that. But that money's being used to help us re-build our finances, to transform us into a viable entity again. The Bulldogs are on track to post a profit next year, which we haven't done in a long, long time.

And to say we are the joke of the competition is also funny. You see, hutstar, I've been part of the Richmond Football Club. I've had to deal with club members bagging ME for the club losing on the weekend, when all I did was answer the phone. They'd then go off on a tangent about how so-and-so was the most useless person God ever shovelled guts into. Then, the next time they'd win, I'd hear about how much of a superstar so-and-so was, from the same person.

Western Bulldogs supporters are a lot more passionate about our club, win, lose or draw. Ask true supporters from any opposition club about which supporters bag their own players the most, and they'll say "Richmond". Ask true supporters from any opposition club about which team has the most bandwagon jumpers, and they'll say "Richmond".

And the club itself doesn't realise this. They lost members this year because of their narrow focus, their "we're a Big 4 club so the members will always sign up" attitude.

Sorry to all that had to read this, but I felt that I had to stand up for my fellow Bulldogs.
Originally posted by THE BOY BEAV
at least we can watch our last grand final win in colour tv!!!!!
and also who will you guys be supporting in 2008 you will join
fitzroy hahaha
also i promise you brown will be in tiger colours...i promise
you guys live in another world a world where you reckon libba is a champion......please dont make me laugh!!!!!
how many flags again bulldogs?????
mmmm.........i rest my case
dont bag to many clubs cause you guys will have to barrack for one in the near future

If @r$eholes could fly, fair dinkum Punt road would be an International airport. :D
Originally posted by Showbag
Man, its kind of disappointing to see bulldogs supporters degenerate to the level that this topic heading displays.

I think it's more to do with the fact that Richmond are throwing crazy money at one of their favorite players and destabilizing the immensely loyal culture that has been built up at the Western Bulldogs. It was a kick in the guts when Wallace left last year but it was softened by the knowledge he had no job to go to and was left out in the cold. The club closed ranks and although experiencing a difficult season players like Darcy and Murphy have displayed their integrity and loyalty by signing on again to assist the club in climbing back up the ladder. One individual has not. Could it be that Brown is selfish and egotistical. This is not particularly savoury for Dogs supporters to contemplate, easier to blame Richmond and vent your spleen at the Tiges. This is basically what is stirring up the emotions of Doggies supporters and frankly I don't blame them. There has to be a certain amount of frustration knowing that a player whose talents you have nurtured and developed is basically being poached by a club that:

- is a ****house rabble and down the same end of the ladder as the Doggies which means he is leaving for the bucks alone

- has had sweet FA success for past 20 years

- has no idea how to foster and develop young talent yet unfairly look to have the money to poach others

- Doggies supporters have despised in recent years due mainly to the Libba/Knights incident

I actually sympathise with Doggies supporters. It's a real slap in the face from someone that obviously has a selfish overblown view of himself. Imagine the outcry at Richmond if Coughlan was poached by someone like Carlton. Imagine the vitriol we'd be directing towards Blues supporters.

Which brings me to this: Why are we chasing a player who though talented comes across as a greedy individual with mercenary characteristics? Let's not kid ourselves, he's not coming to Richmond to experience Finals. He's coming here to financially set himself up for life. If he comes to Richmond I believe it will be the Dogs who will have the last laugh.

I for one don't want him!

Draft kids FFS!
Originally posted by One-eyed Tiger
I think it's more to do with the fact that Richmond are throwing crazy money at one of their favorite players and destabilizing the immensely loyal culture that has been built up at the Western Bulldogs. It was a kick in the guts when Wallace left last year but it was softened by the knowledge he had no job to go to and was left out in the cold. The club closed ranks and although experiencing a difficult season players like Darcy and Murphy have displayed their integrity and loyalty by signing on again to assist the club in climbing back up the ladder. One individual has not. Could it be that Brown is selfish and egotistical. This is not particularly savoury for Dogs supporters to contemplate, easier to blame Richmond and vent your spleen at the Tiges. This is basically what is stirring up the emotions of Doggies supporters and frankly I don't blame them. There has to be a certain amount of frustration knowing that a player whose talents you have nurtured and developed is basically being poached by a club that:

- is a ****house rabble and down the same end of the ladder as the Doggies which means he is leaving for the bucks alone

- has had sweet FA success for past 20 years

- has no idea how to foster and develop young talent yet unfairly look to have the money to poach others

- Doggies supporters have despised in recent years due mainly to the Libba/Knights incident

I actually sympathise with Doggies supporters. It's a real slap in the face from someone that obviously has a selfish overblown view of himself. Imagine the outcry at Richmond if Coughlan was poached by someone like Carlton. Imagine the vitriol we'd be directing towards Blues supporters.

Which brings me to this: Why are we chasing a player who though talented comes across as a greedy individual with mercenary characteristics? Let's not kid ourselves, he's not coming to Richmond to experience Finals. He's coming here to financially set himself up for life. If he comes to Richmond I believe it will be the Dogs who will have the last laugh.

I for one don't want him!

Draft kids FFS!

A thoughtful post. Well said.
Having mouthed off, I now ask a serious question.
Is Brown really contemplating leaving only for money, or is there more to it. I would be interested to know if he is happy down there.
I thought that part of the reason he was thinking about joining Richmond was he is mates with Campbo, and had a bit of a personality clash with some players and maybe the coach at the dogs.
Obviously he is not going to go to Richmond if it is just a case of footy achievement, but isn't it just possible he has his own reasons for leaving?

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The Dumb Society - Richmond Forum

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