The Good Things About Dean Laidleys' as Coach of the NMFC.

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Wins against the odds against Hawthorn - H&A as well as that magic final - Bulldogs, Collingwood and the Saints in particular stand out. It seems to suit some people to look back at seasons where we pulled these wins out against all expectations as wasted years where we could have been tanking for draft picks, but they were bloody proud days for our club and Dean's tactics, selections and motivation were critical.
No doubt about that H2H. We have had some great wins under Laidleys' tenure. I was all for winning rather then tanking. But it has to be said we have also had some terrible losses under Laidleys. This year against Richmond. Last year against the Dons, Freo and Port. Those 3 were thumpings. Just to mention a few.

From the outside he seems to have done what he was asked to by the Board - stayed competitive and was active in trading while that was what they wanted, then switched to youth and excitement when the power changed and the expectations of him with it.
I had no problem with the club trying to stay competitive under Laidleys tenure, however there has only been one guy who we have traded for, that I've been happy with and that is Nathan Thompson. The rest were terrible mistakes which Laidleys must hold some accountability for. Then there were the late draft pick ups like Green and co. We should have gone for youth but didn't.:thumbsdown:

Might not have made all the hard calls some would have liked but made some very tough ones with ex-teammates to kick off a new era.
The tough call on King was rot. I know that Wednesday said that King in the end wasn't sure if he wanted to play on and thus was flicked but then Laidleys goes out and recruits Picioane after King is forced into Retirement. That was stupid. Martyn being driven out of North may have been seen as a good call at the time in order to give Watts game time, but gee that didn't work out at all. Sure King and Martyn were gonna eventually retire but their alternatives stank even more.:(

Brought some talent in and developed a fair few players beyond their reputed capabilities to form a team that has almost always performed well above expectations and well beyond what is supposed to be possible from where we've drafted.
That's fair enough. We do have 10 rookie listed players on our list. Or is it 9? Can't quite remember at the minute and can't be ****ed looking it up, but yeah the majority of them have played senior football and are currently in our senior line up. Laidley deserves the credit in part for that. No doubt.

He's one of us and has generally given the impression from the start that coaching North - despite a lot of crap conditions other guys would not accept, and which kept plenty from even applying - was a great job, not a second choice or apprenticeship until a proper club came knocking.
Him sniffing for the StKilda Gig Lost Me.

He has saved our club from the humiliation many have gone through. Can't be underestimated, with the salary cap and spending constraints, the lack of draft hand, the bad luck with two of the more promising draftees we've had and the turnover from a successful period he's managed his way through. We came 14th one year, in between playing finals, even losing ones, and we can't stop thinking about how embarrassing that was. We owe him a lot that it our experience of the post-Pagan years hasn't been much worse.
You say we owe him that our experience of the Post Pagan years hasn't been much worse but ask yourself could it have been better? I put it to all and sundry that 2006 should have been a lot better but for Laidleys. That had we not recycled hack after hack and invested a little bit more in youth that it could have been better. Had Laidley decided to not put players off side it could have been better. Sure he had constraints. No doubting it. It's a tough gig coaching at 92.5% of the Salary Cap but gee he could have been better. I'm done with mediocrity. We need the best possible person to coach the NMFC and at the minute I don't think that is Laidleys.

Anyways thanks for your post H2H.:thumbsu:
One of Laidley's main achievements was helping DarwinRoo grow emotionally as a man.

Maybe Nathan Buckley's arrival will conicide with DR maturing away from a crush on an unattainable figure (rock star, coach of a footy club etc) and getting a real life root?
One of his negatives though is that he never gave those VFL superstars a crack at senior footy and once they were let go by the club they went on to become AFL superstars eg Joel Perry.
DR, you've defended Laidleys to the hilt when others have had a shot at him. Mate rather then post nonsense why don't yah enlighten me with what makes Dean Laidleys a good coach.

Thanks in Advance.:thumbsu:

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Oh yeah and can someone please contact snrubs aka pharro aka Laidley's Wingman aka Big Footy's Jackass aka Mr Cry Baby to post in this thread and enlighten us as to what makes Dean Laidleys a Good Coach cause he currently has me on ignore.
One of Laidley's main achievements was helping DarwinRoo grow emotionally as a man.

Maybe Nathan Buckley's arrival will conicide with DR maturing away from a crush on an unattainable figure (rock star, coach of a footy club etc) and getting a real life root?
:D I'll add it to the list SLF. Thanks Mate.:thumbsu:
DR, you've defended Laidleys to the hilt when others have had a shot at him. Mate rather then post nonsense why don't yah enlighten me with what makes Dean Laidleys a good coach.

Thanks in Advance.:thumbsu:

Tactically he is very good.

He is passionate and obviously loves what he does and who he works for.

Like Barassi he expects more from the better players.

He is well liked and respected by the players and before you dispute that I have seen or heard more people say that after speaking directly with the players rather than those who just do the Age routine of "I have a source who said Laids parked over the lines in the car park and got into a blue with Pratt"

He has given younger players who worked hard more chance of a senior gig than his predeccessor and with that more game time and never seemed to drag them at the first sign of a stuff up.

Some of those might have already been covered though.
One of Laidley's main achievements was helping DarwinRoo grow emotionally as a man.

Maybe Nathan Buckley's arrival will conicide with DR maturing away from a crush on an unattainable figure (rock star, coach of a footy club etc) and getting a real life root?

Neither do I discount it however I think that Laidleys has been inconsistent in this area. In some games he has been brilliant as illustrated in our match against Hawthorn last year and Essendon this year. Then in other games he has been ordinary as was the case in last years Final against Sydney where he allowed the Swans to clear out their forward line and Isolate Barry Hall one on one against Gibson. Gee should I mention 2006 where he tactically got it all wrong for the season. It's all good and well to praise him when we have won against the odds but how abouts when we got thumped by the lowly Essendon, Fremantle and Port Adelaide last year? I'd say he was out coached on those days.

yeah 2006 was an absolute shocker... but then I was told recently you never make mistakes if you learn from them??? confussed the hell out of me... but I'll use that argument now... of those games you mentioned last year... well the Essendon and Port we were beaten with pace... something we don't seem to be able to fix... maybe our pre-occupation with drafting talls instead of quality fast midfielders... something I believe we are rectifying now... we will know more after this draft...

Yeah he bleeds Blue and White and thus he made some inquiries indirectly on the quiet for the StKilda coaching gig when it became available a few years back.

I have not heard Laidley say he did this just USC repeated it about 20 times... therefore it must be fact... but if true that was about the same time he was being embarrassed by our then incompentent board... almost forcing him to resign... crikey imagiung having to fight for more money for the football club...

This just illustrates that he hasn't got a handle of his emotions. He can fly off the deep end at times and as a result he has upset a few players. This wouldn't mean jack but gee since he gave Harris that spray in front of the playing group Harris just hasn't been the same. Wearing his heart on his sleeve indeed.

yeah I saw Rich an 18 year tear Harris a new one only a few weeks back... Harris needs to grow up and realise midfielders need to be able to run at full tilt for more then 20% of a game... I love Harro and boy I wish he could do this... an really don't understand why he can't by now... He could have been better then Greg Williams... but he has let himself and North down...

This is simply a stupid statement. You need to be pragmatic and coexist with the media. You need to be able to sell the club to a point at least as coach. Hating the media is idiotic.

Remember the glory years??? our coach then had no time for the media either... People are talking about Buckley as he would be good with the media... but crikey we are talking about a bloke that chose Collingwood over North and Brisbane... we need some great dicision makers like that at the head of our club... well at least he would be good in interviews...

Fair Enough. Good on him.:thumbsu:

wrote that off a bit lightly... seems like a pretty important issue if you ask me... after some carrying on about him being selfish...

Gee some of those guys ended up at the NMFC as a direct result of Dean Laidleys. Some of the others have been continually played when they should have been dropped. All the fault of Dean Laidleys. Rubbish Arguement IMO.

that was abit of fun at Denny Crane... but then why should he have to be incharge as some suggest of recruiting... surely we should have a recruiting department that does not need our coach to have the final say... Dean should say get me some quality human beings that have great skills and can run the 100 in 9.8secs... and they go and find them... or does Dean have to do it all... or are you saying he chooses this??? and is that opinion or fact...

That's fair enough. There is no doubt that some of the players believe that they have improved and learnt about football as a result of Dean Laidleys. Adam Simpson has said as much recently. But it is also fair to say he has rubbed some players up the wrong way. Once again a sign of his inconsistency.

did those he rubbed the wrong way deserve it??? if so tough... I don't blame him sometimes... have a look at our team at the moment... it aint Simmo or the 21 year old stuffing up its the blokes that have been around long enough to know better... it would frustrate the hell out of any sane man...

Fair Enough. That's your opinion. I don't think he has been hard done by. He simply has made too many mistakes over his tenure and with this being his 7th year and the club headed for a bottom 8 finish it's time for a change. Surely we need to explore all coaching options and ensure the best available person is coaching the Mighty NMFC. If that is Dean Laidleys after all reviews are carried out I'd be astounded.

the 7 years worries me... but then I lean to the idea that he was hamstrung for a majority of the first five and has only been able to do what he wanted to all along in the last 18 months... surely yopu have notice a different philosophy in regard to team selection and recruitment???

Anyways thanks Rooboy 96 for your input into this discussion.:thumbsu:

At least you've given me a breakdown of what you think are Dean Laidleys' good qualities as a coach. For that respect.:thumbsu:

Cheers Zondor... now can you tell me what your preferred option brings to the club??? I hope it aint an untried media savvy bloke who made very poor career decisions by the name of Buckley??? :D:D:D
Cheers Zondor... now can you tell me what your preferred option brings to the club??? I hope it aint an untried media savvy bloke who made very poor career decisions by the name of Buckley??? :D:D:D
:D At the minute it would be Buckley however if Hardwick or even Longmire was appointed as the new North coach I wouldn't be disappointed. We just need to get the best available candidate to coach the NMFC.
:D At the minute it would be Buckley however if Hardwick or even Longmire was appointed as the new North coach I wouldn't be disappointed. We just need to get the best available candidate to coach the NMFC.

come mate your turn now... you did not answer that question... I was not just asking for some names but what they bring with them...

and many other questions I posed to you... surely you have an opinion on these...
Tactically he is very good.
He can be, no doubt. But gee at times he has really let the ball drop like he did in 2006 and arguably at the start of this season. Look at our kick outs as an example of how he has tactically messed up in part this season. He aint the perfect tactician by any stretch of the imagination.

He is passionate and obviously loves what he does and who he works for.
No doubt about that. He loves coaching. But I dare say that most coaches do.

Like Barassi he expects more from the better players.
Pity he doesn't expect too much from the likes of Hales and Thomas'. They keep on getting games when they are stinking it up in the seniors.

He is well liked and respected by the players and before you dispute that I have seen or heard more people say that after speaking directly with the players rather than those who just do the Age routine of "I have a source who said Laids parked over the lines in the car park and got into a blue with Pratt"
It is fair to say that he is liked and respected by some of the players. Relationships have their ups and downs and there is no doubt that there have been plenty of downs. I don't think he has handled the playing group as well as he should have.

He has given younger players who worked hard more chance of a senior gig than his predecessor and with that more game time and never seemed to drag them at the first sign of a stuff up.
His predecessor had us play in 7 straight prelims. I don't blame him for a moment for playing his best available side. We play in this competition to win premierships. When Pagan first came to North the likes of Larkin, Buckley and even German started to get less game time to push thru the likes of Rock, Schwass and Stevens. Laidley also has stuck fat with certain players that should have made way for youth throughout his tenure. Two names that come to mind are my good mate Leigh Brown and Shannon Watt. For example Shannon Watt was played ahead of Scott Thompson for the majority of last year. This IMO was a mistake and has cost Scott additional experience in the Big League. But we all make mistakes. I just feel that Laidleys has made too many.

Anyways thanks for answering my question DR.:thumbsu:

The one thing I admire about you more then anything else is you stick fat with what you have to say, are not afraid to answer a question and you defend your position thus making this forum a more interesting place.:thumbsu:
come mate your turn now... you did not answer that question... I was not just asking for some names but what they bring with them...

and many other questions I posed to you... surely you have an opinion on these...
Look, it is fair to say that I know more about Laidleys as coach then I do about the other guys.

In another thread I started the for and againsts of Laidleys vs Buckley.

I was hoping that other posters would chime in and add to the for and againsts.

As for Hardwick and Longmire. They both have experience as assistants at other clubs that have been successful. Longmire certainly has a grasp of the English Language. Something Laidleys struggles with. I think that it is important to be able to string a few sentences together to get a message across. Longmire is also 2IC to Paul Roos. He aint gonna be more ready for a senior coaching gig then now.

But no doubt there are unknowns with all 3 guys. None of them have been a senior coach in the AFL. Will they make the same mistakes that Laidleys has made? What game plans will they implement? What I am sure of is that we need to employ the best possible person for the job. From where I stand Laidleys has made too many mistakes. Just look at numchuks Laidleys Files thread. Surely there is a better candidate out there. Surely we owe it to ourselves to explore all options. Lets look at Buckley, lets look at Hardwick, Lets look at Longmire. Gee is Matthews worth a shot? How about if Mark Williams and Port part company do we look at him?

We have had 7 years of Laidleys and are no closer to a premiership now then when he started. We must look at the alternatives. We must.

Hopefully I have answered your question as you wanted it answered. If not just ask me a specific question on someone or something and I'll give it my best shot.

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checked out what you thought...

Buckley vs. Laidley

What are the for and againsts for both these guys?

Buckley Fors
Will be respected within the playing group.
Knows his football.
Has good communication skills.
Will bring a greater awareness to the NMFC and thus sponsorship $$$.

Buckleys Againsts
No AFL Senior or Assistant Coaching Experience.
May cost too much.
Mainly unknown as to how he'll handle a Senior AFL Coaching Job.

Laidleys Fors
Experienced Coach.
Cost not so high.
Does learn from his mistakes. Case in Point - 06 Disaster to 07 Prelim.
Can implent strategies that work. Case in Points - Win against Hawks in 08 and Essendon in 09.

Laidleys Againsts
Substandard Communication Skills.
Question Marks over the handling of certain players.
Failure as a Finals Coach.
Been nearly 7 years at the club and the message is getting a little stale.
Many a dud picked up under Laidley's tenure.
Keeps on selecting players that are out of form.

Look it's 2:30am right at this minute so help me out and list some more For and Againsts for both guys. Slag me off if you think I've got one of them wrong.

and from what I read the main selling point is he talks well with the media and is high profile... maybe we should get him on board as our media manager... as I still remember him as the bloke that decided Collingwood was his best route to premiership glory... do we really want a bloke that got it so wrong???

if you read my earlier response you will notice there were many more questions posed... I thought we were having a discussion on all the related issues??? maybe you would like to offer your wisdom on all those responses I made...

Cheers Rooboy 96...

I will past them again for your convenience... my responses are in blue...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Neither do I discount it however I think that Laidleys has been inconsistent in this area. In some games he has been brilliant as illustrated in our match against Hawthorn last year and Essendon this year. Then in other games he has been ordinary as was the case in last years Final against Sydney where he allowed the Swans to clear out their forward line and Isolate Barry Hall one on one against Gibson. Gee should I mention 2006 where he tactically got it all wrong for the season. It's all good and well to praise him when we have won against the odds but how abouts when we got thumped by the lowly Essendon, Fremantle and Port Adelaide last year? I'd say he was out coached on those days.

yeah 2006 was an absolute shocker... but then I was told recently you never make mistakes if you learn from them??? confussed the hell out of me... but I'll use that argument now... of those games you mentioned last year... well the Essendon and Port we were beaten with pace... something we don't seem to be able to fix... maybe our pre-occupation with drafting talls instead of quality fast midfielders... something I believe we are rectifying now... we will know more after this draft...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Yeah he bleeds Blue and White and thus he made some inquiries indirectly on the quiet for the StKilda coaching gig when it became available a few years back.

I have not heard Laidley say he did this just USC repeated it about 20 times... therefore it must be fact... but if true that was about the same time he was being embarrassed by our then incompentent board... almost forcing him to resign... crikey imagiung having to fight for more money for the football club...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
This just illustrates that he hasn't got a handle of his emotions. He can fly off the deep end at times and as a result he has upset a few players. This wouldn't mean jack but gee since he gave Harris that spray in front of the playing group Harris just hasn't been the same. Wearing his heart on his sleeve indeed.

yeah I saw Rich an 18 year old tear Harris a new one only a few weeks back... Harris needs to grow up and realise midfielders need to be able to run at full tilt for more then 20% of a game... I love Harro and boy I wish he could do this... an really don't understand why he can't by now... He could have been better then Greg Williams... but he has let himself and North down...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
This is simply a stupid statement. You need to be pragmatic and coexist with the media. You need to be able to sell the club to a point at least as coach. Hating the media is idiotic.

Remember the glory years??? our coach then had no time for the media either... People are talking about Buckley as he would be good with the media... but crikey we are talking about a bloke that chose Collingwood over North and Brisbane... we need some great dicision makers like that at the head of our club... well at least he would be good in interviews...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Fair Enough. Good on him.

wrote that off a bit lightly... seems like a pretty important issue if you ask me... after some carrying on about him being selfish...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Gee some of those guys ended up at the NMFC as a direct result of Dean Laidleys. Some of the others have been continually played when they should have been dropped. All the fault of Dean Laidleys. Rubbish Arguement IMO.

that was abit of fun at Denny Crane... but then why should he have to be incharge as some suggest of recruiting... surely we should have a recruiting department that does not need our coach to have the final say... Dean should say get me some quality human beings that have great skills and can run the 100 in 9.8secs... and they go and find them... or does Dean have to do it all... or are you saying he chooses this??? and is that opinion or fact...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
That's fair enough. There is no doubt that some of the players believe that they have improved and learnt about football as a result of Dean Laidleys. Adam Simpson has said as much recently. But it is also fair to say he has rubbed some players up the wrong way. Once again a sign of his inconsistency.

did those he rubbed the wrong way deserve it??? if so tough... I don't blame him sometimes... have a look at our team at the moment... it aint Simmo or the 21 year old stuffing up its the blokes that have been around long enough to know better... it would frustrate the hell out of any sane man...

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Fair Enough. That's your opinion. I don't think he has been hard done by. He simply has made too many mistakes over his tenure and with this being his 7th year and the club headed for a bottom 8 finish it's time for a change. Surely we need to explore all coaching options and ensure the best available person is coaching the Mighty NMFC. If that is Dean Laidleys after all reviews are carried out I'd be astounded.

the 7 years worries me... but then I lean to the idea that he was hamstrung for a majority of the first five and has only been able to do what he wanted to all along in the last 18 months... surely yopu have notice a different philosophy in regard to team selection and recruitment???

Originally Posted by Zondor View Post
Anyways thanks Rooboy 96 for your input into this discussion.

At least you've given me a breakdown of what you think are Dean Laidleys' good qualities as a coach. For that respect.

Cheers Zondor... now can you tell me what your preferred option brings to the club??? I hope it aint an untried media savvy bloke who made very poor career decisions by the name of Buckley???
You should be aware its important for North, supporting your fantasy by bagging Buckley for being a quality media performer? Be a big difference for sure but lets be realistic.
You should be aware its important for North, supporting your fantasy by bagging Buckley for being a quality media performer? Be a big difference for sure but lets be realistic.

wasn't bagging him for it... just hope our next coach (whenever that is) has a little more in his bag then that... or do you think that is not important???

his decision making in the past has not been that good... surely you must agree to that??? :D:D:D
wasn't bagging him for it... just hope our next coach (whenever that is) has a little more in his bag then that... or do you think that is not important???

his decision making in the past has not been that good... surely you must agree to that??? :D:D:D
Brisbane were a basket case and figs obviously knew he was a gun from early days, for an interstate kid to choose a big, recently successful club over North is common place. might call him arrogant or perhaps delusional with grandeur, but stupid?
This guy must know FA about footy, to the tip hey.


Brownlow Medal

* 1st - 2003 (3 way tie)
* 2nd - 1997
* 3rd - 1999 (equal)
* 5th - 1996 (equal), 2000 (equal)

Australian Football League

* Norm Smith Medal 2002
* Rising Star Award 1993

Collingwood Football Club

* Best & Fairest 1994 (equal), 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003
* RT Rush Trophy 1997
* JJ Joyce Trophy 2001
* Collingwood Team Of The Century
* Club captain 1999-2007

Brisbane Bears Football Club

* 2nd Best & Fairest 1993

Representative Honours

* All-Australian Team 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001
* All-Australian Team vice-captain 1999, 2000, 2003
* International Rules Series 1998 (captain)
* Alex Jesaulenko Medal 1997
* Allies captain 1997

South Australian National Football League

* Magarey Medal 1992
* Jack Oatey Medal (Grand Final B.O.G.) 1992
* Port Adelaide Magpies best & fairest 1992


* SANFL 1992 (Port Adelaide Magpies)
come on mate reading that made me feel like I was on the Collingwood board... you deserve a redcard... :D:D:D

anyway... 1992 I remember that... no children... no wife... no house mortgage... an old SS Torana and pointie shoes... wasn't life grand back then just hanging out with me mates and having fun... oh and Bucks played in his one and only senior premiership in some hick league west of the border... :D:D:D
92 played in a flag with Port Magpies + B&F + Magarey + Norm Smith
93 2nd B&F Brisbane in first year + Rising star winner
94 surprise surprise wants to play for the Magpies again, wins B&F first year

Has immediate impact wherever he goes? How does Laidley compete with this? We all hear his commentry and know he knows his stuff.
What could Ziebell be under Bucks? Fresh out of the game is a huge bonus for a coach these days. You know it makes sense!
Brisbane were a basket case and figs obviously knew he was a gun from early days, for an interstate kid to choose a big, recently successful club over North is common place. might call him arrogant or perhaps delusional with grandeur, but stupid?
This guy must know FA about footy, to the tip hey.


Brownlow Medal

* 1st - 2003 (3 way tie)
* 2nd - 1997
* 3rd - 1999 (equal)
* 5th - 1996 (equal), 2000 (equal)

Australian Football League

* Norm Smith Medal 2002
* Rising Star Award 1993

Collingwood Football Club

* Best & Fairest 1994 (equal), 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003
* RT Rush Trophy 1997
* JJ Joyce Trophy 2001
* Collingwood Team Of The Century
* Club captain 1999-2007

Brisbane Bears Football Club

* 2nd Best & Fairest 1993

Representative Honours

* All-Australian Team 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001
* All-Australian Team vice-captain 1999, 2000, 2003
* International Rules Series 1998 (captain)
* Alex Jesaulenko Medal 1997
* Allies captain 1997

South Australian National Football League

* Magarey Medal 1992
* Jack Oatey Medal (Grand Final B.O.G.) 1992
* Port Adelaide Magpies best & fairest 1992


* SANFL 1992 (Port Adelaide Magpies)
Hey ripped, whats that got to do with coaching?

Shows me he knows how to play the game but how does that tell me he knows much about recruitment (trading and drafting), man management, list management, game plan, opposition strengths and weaknesses, our strengths and weaknesses, leading, developing, teaching and all the other things associated with coaching?
Urmoe, Urmoe, Urmoe.
Yeah the commentry stuff, he knows bout North for sure. whether or not people like his style or not he demands respect and motivation will follow. Being a midfielder is perfect for a coach and being captain has already given him ample leadership experience.
What are your thoughts about this Urm?

FORMER Pies captain Nathan Buckley says Ben Cousins poses too great a risk to be worth drafting because of his age and personal history.

Both Collingwood and St Kilda have shown interest in the 30-year-old former West Coast skipper, who still needs to convince the AFL he has sufficiently recovered from drug addiction to be allowed to return to the game.

But Buckley, who retired last year after becoming the Magpies' longest serving captain, said if it was up to him the club would not take a punt on Cousins.

"No, (he's a) little bit too old," Buckley told Melbourne radio station 3AW.

"He's probably got one or two good seasons left in him and that's if he comes back cherry ripe, because I know how quickly the game has changed in recent years.

"He's missed a lot of football and that's not to mention the issues that you're going to have or you may have with him personally.

"I think if he does become available to a club he'll be in good nick because the AFL will have ticked him off ... but on top of that it will still be risk, a football risk to a footy club because of his age."
Urmoe, Urmoe, Urmoe.
Yeah the commentry stuff, he knows bout North for sure. whether or not people like his style or not he demands respect and motivation will follow. Being a midfielder is perfect for a coach and being captain has already given him ample leadership experience.
Still dodging the tough ones are we?

Yeah, like the top class midfielders and media whores these guys are Clarkson, Thompson, Roos, Worsfold, Williams

Nathan Buckley has always rated a guy like Leigh Brown. How is having that list of playing achievements going to stop us from picking up the Leigh Browns of the future?

Im not saying Nathan Buckley isnt the right guy for the job, just want to know why you place such huge importance on a list of on field acheivements in relation to a coaching job?

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The Good Things About Dean Laidleys' as Coach of the NMFC.

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