Competitions The JAG-a-Goalkicker Challenge

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May 24, 2006
Car 55
AFL Club
Other Teams
Redbacks, Sturt, Liverpool, Arizona
Hi everyone,

Welcome to Version 2 of the Adelaide Board goal kicking game, in the interim to be known as the JAG-a-Goalkicker Challenge in honour of the three tipsters who led the way in Version 1 - johnnypanther, AFC979810 and Glenno23.

We didn't have a clear winner in Version 1, which means that the Grand Prize - competition naming rights - is still up for grabs.

The first rendition of the competition involved some fun, tears, drama and arguments… not to mention a myriad of on-the-run rule changes. That’s all about to change with the new and improved Version 2.

Please don’t be put off by the lengthy and frequently hilarious prose below. It’s actually pretty simple:
You have to pick a goal kicker each week. If they kick one you go on to the next round. You can’t pick the same player twice. Last one left wins.

That’s it. That paragraph alone could suffice as far as Competition Rules goes but as we discovered in Version 1, the devil is in the detail.


Last time we had a ‘latecomers’ rule where people who missed the first week or two could still enter, but just needed to catch up with a few extra goal kicker choices. In a move that will please STO, this option has been removed. We had 60 odd people enter and only 1 person came in late, so clearly there was not a need for it. For most of us our social life allows ample time for daily BigFooty browsing.

Boy did this cause some angst! Half the competitors bombed out when Ian Callinan was a late withdrawal in the first week. So this is the first meaningful amendment to the rules.

You need to name a goal kicker plus an emergency each week. Should your goal kicker not get selected or be a late withdrawal then you get your emergency.

Eg you might select “Taylor Walker (Kurt Tippett)”

In this case Walker would be your goal kicker with Tippett as your emergency if Walker pulls out.

The sub also caused some wailing and gnashing of teeth. You can opt to do the following if you would like to:

“Taylor Walker (SUB Kurt Tippett)”

In this case Walker would be your goal kicker with Tippett as your emergency if Walker pulls out OR if Walker is named as the sub. However, please keep in mind that in the case above, if Walker is the sub and comes on, he kicks a goal but Tippett doesn’t… then you are out.

The Slippery Slope
One of the weaknesses of the competition is that after a while it ends up with only a handful of competitors. Interest wanes and the last few rounds drag out, sort of like the last minute of a basketball game. For that reason, when we get to the ‘business end’ of the competition we are going to expediate matters.

Once we’re down to 10 tipsters or less remaining we will move to double speed. The remaining tipsters will need to pick two goal kickers each round, a first choice and a second choice until we get an ultimate winner.

At the suggestion of OldCrowBloke, we will also switch to secret ballot for this double speed period. Tipsters will need to PM me their selections and I’ll publish them just prior to the game. The positives are that this adds an element of cloak and dagger to the competition and for me it’s kind of exciting to get mail.

Has anyone seen Survivor? Me neither. But apparently they have this thing called immunity and it’s pretty cool. Before I try to explain… I admit we’re risking moving from “fresh and exciting rule introductions” to “convoluted and unnecessary tinkering” here with this rule. But I’ll plough ahead anyway.

If your goal kicking choice kicks the first goal of the game (the game... not just the first Crows’ goal) you buy yourself an Immunity Card. This will effectively get you out of jail should one of your goal kicking choices finish empty handed. And you can bank more than one Immunity Card if you're a particularly savvy operator.

No doubt there will be some sob stories. Was travelling overseas in the mountains of Mongolia… internet was down… was working down a coal mine and didn’t have reception… kidnapped by aliens…

Well hard cheese. If you don’t get your selection in you are instantly eliminated, except in the case that you have snared an Immunity Card.

I think that’s everything! But just to recap for those at the back...

Selections must be in by the first bouce
You can't select the same player twice
You make your selections in this thread
You can change your mind right up until the first bounce
No ****ters

Good luck!

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  • Thread starter
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  • #25
The waiting is finally over. We're all BACK IN THE GAME. Let's hope it's a goal-fest under the dome.

Round 13 Selections
Carl Spackler - Ian Callinan (SUB Jason Porplyzia)
cm_perfect - Ian Callinan (Taylor Walker)
mort0089 - Ian Callinan (Patrick Dangerfield)
jenny61_99 - Ian Callinan (Jason Porplyzia)
Crows4Eva - Ian Callinan
Danoz - Ian Callinan (Jason Porplyzia)
hdecure - Ian Callinan (Taylor Walker)
Dewy006 - Ian Callinan (Matthew Wright)
fatoomsch - Ian Callinan (Rory Sloane)
alex_is_on_fire - Ian Callinan (Jason Porplyzia)
blackbird_RGB - Ian Callinan (Jason Porplyzia)
Hinkstuff - Ian Callinan (Matthew Wright)
Doc_ - Ian Callinan (Jason Porplyzia)
johnnypanther - Ian Callinan (Matthew Wright)
Allefgib - Ian Callinan (Matthew Wright)
Canuck Crow - Ian Callinan (Bernie Vince)

Slippery Pete - Taylor Walker (Ian Callinan)
Pilchard_Adams - Taylor Walker (Kurt Tippett)
OldCrowBloke - Taylor Walker (Jason Porplyzia)
RichardMarx - Taylor Walker (Jason Porplyzia)
Brown_WOOLF - Taylor Walker (Ian Callinan)
dbcrow - Taylor Walker (Kurt Tippett)
dude316 - Taylor Walker (Kurt Tippett)
SugarShane - Taylor Walker (Ian Callinan)
Drakescoffeecake - Taylor Walker (Rory Sloane)
BundyJack - Taylor Walker (Rory Sloane)
Snatchemstrap - Taylor Walker (Kurt Tippett)
AFC979810 - Taylor Walker (SUB Kurt Tippett)
Glenno23 - Taylor Walker (Ian Callinan)

WishinAintGettin - Kurt Tippett (Ian Callinan)
Mr_Smooth - Kurt Tippett (Taylor Walker)
woopedazz - Kurt Tippett
ronnie1234 - Kurt Tippett (Jason Porplyzia)
Dirty Bird - Kurt Tippett
CrowAboutIt - Kurt Tippett (Taylor Walker)
a1118688 - Kurt Tippett (Shaun McKernan)
Tarasque36 - Kurt Tippett (Jared Petrenko)
porpoise - Kurt Tippett (Taylor Walker)

alwayscrowing - Jason Porplyzia (Ian Callinan)
scoota10 - Jason Porplyzia (SUB Bernie Vince)
Blue Red and Gold - Jason Porplyzia (Taylor Walker)
Lawrst - Jason Porplyzia (Jared Petrenko)
JP Sauce - Jason Porplyzia (Matthew Wright)

Crouch - Jared Petrenko (Taylor Walker)
Jars458 - Jared Petrenko (Matthew Wright)
Stripple - Jared Petrenko (Taylor Walker)

FROGGY - Matthew Wright (Ian Callinan)
Lordcrud - Matthew Wright (Rory Sloane)
knobby - Matthew Wright (Taylor Walker)

Paladin - Shaun McKernan (Taylor Walker)
Macjoe - Shaun McKernan (Kurt Tippett)
bjn1960 - Shaun McKernan (Ian Callinan)

Coopers - Rory Sloane (SUB Jared Petrenko)

radiojake - David Mackay (Ian Callinan)

Buzzasto DaSilva - Sam Jacobs (Kurt Tippett)

jumboprince - Bernie Vince (Taylor Walker)

Fudd#3 - Scott Thompson (Jason Porplyzia)

WhySoSerious - Matthew Jaensch (Ian Callinan)

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Competitions The JAG-a-Goalkicker Challenge

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