The Richard Pratt Cup - Carlton v Collingwood

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Very well said.

It is rare for bigfooty punters to make a stance that criticises their own club.

To do so does not mean that you are a traitor.

You will find that most of us disagree with the concept. Aside from understanding why Collingwood supporters don't like it, we don't want Collingwood to win something named in honour of a Carlton identity exclusively.

We don't mind honouring Pratt but it should be in a Carlton only capacity. I have no idea what Collingwood have to do with anything except that Eddie obviously wanted a piece of it.
If your going to make an attempt at humour (yes even a poor one like this) try to get the name right, and avoid slagging one of your club greats in the process.

As for this thread, full of predictably lame posts from the usual suspects. Ill informed jibes, most of which have been done hundreds of times over, and too easily overlook the intention of the proposed cup (cancer research).

Personally I don't see a need for a Dick Pratt Cup on a matter of relevance more than anything else. Plenty of ways for Carlton to honour the great man in more meaningful ways.

You are right there. I am wrong.

There you go. I admit my errors. Will you now admit that Dick Pratt is a thief and that his name should never be honoured anywhere in Australian society??
No offense to his family but calling the cup the "Richard Pratt Cup" is simply a joke.

From a Collingwood point-of-view: I assume we would have been happier with a generically named Cup for Prostate Cancer awareness.

You can't blame Eddie for letting it take place; imagine the media outroar if he attempted to stop this "saint" from getting recognition... It wouldn't be pretty.

The Carlton Football Club are the ones who are trying to portray the guy in a positive light and they shouldn't have forced our hand with this farce.

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You can't blame Eddie for letting it take place; imagine the media outroar if he attempted to stop this "saint" from getting recognition... It wouldn't be pretty.

The Carlton Football Club are the ones who are trying to portray the guy in a positive light and they shouldn't have forced our hand with this farce.

So your suggesting if Collingwood didn't agree Carlton could manufacture ill-will in the media because Collingwood wouldn't play for a cup named after a great Carlton man.

Does that honeslty ring true for you? It's hardly a defendable position for Carlton to be in is it? Eddie was all over this like a fat kid on cake hoping for some cheap PR. Looks like it back fired.
What does Nick Maxwell say when they present him with the cup?
I fully support the idea of raising awareness / donations for cancer research, but for Nick to in any way praise Dick Pratt would be an insult for Collingwood supporters! Dick was revered within Carlton circles - he saved their club - but supporters from every other club consider him (rightly or wrongly) a cheat and self important person who thought he was above the law and that he could break the rules whenever he wanted.
This decision to name a cup after him is a disgrace.
Dick pratt has singly given more to the country, economy and charities than all of you posters on this forum put together. Whilst he was sick (at stages barely even understanding what's going on) his company was found to be price fixing.

I don't think they should have this cup in his name because he meant nothing to collingwood. but don't bag the man who's done more than most of you could even dream
Dick pratt has singly given more to the country, economy and charities than all of you posters on this forum put together. Whilst he was sick (at stages barely even understanding what's going on) his company was found to be price fixing.

I don't think they should have this cup in his name because he meant nothing to collingwood. but don't bag the man who's done more than most of you could even dream

And you are his personal physician? Give me a break. He knew. You can argue other things but he knew. He certainly was not stupid.
You will find that most of us disagree with the concept. Aside from understanding why Collingwood supporters don't like it, we don't want Collingwood to win something named in honour of a Carlton identity exclusively.

We don't mind honouring Pratt but it should be in a Carlton only capacity. I have no idea what Collingwood have to do with anything except that Eddie obviously wanted a piece of it.

Got plenty of time for your posts generally, good to hear you guys are against the idea too. Aside from the Pratt-the-villain-or-saint debate, this is still one of the biggest "WTF" moments I've had for a while. I mean seriously, what were both boards smoking when they came up with this idea?

1. We don't need yet ANOTHER regular season cup (cancer awareness is an outstanding cause and one close to many of our hearts, but there are countless other ways to raise it).

2. Collingwood supporters and players won't want to win the thing.

3. Carlton supporters won't want to see us parading the Dick Pratt Cup around.

I love the rivalry we have. It is as it should be. But naming the cup after a purely (and I use that term loosely) Carlton man is, in a word, dumb. :thumbsdown:
Dick pratt has singly given more to the country, economy and charities than all of you posters on this forum put together.

dude seriously, he gives to charities because it's like us giving charities the $2 ticket and it's tax refundable, and he cheated the public out of cash because of his greed. He did nothing but cheat, lie, and steal and we're playing for a cup in his name? Hope Nick Maxwell grabs that cup and does to it what Richard Pratt did to us.
Dick pratt has singly given more to the country, economy and charities than all of you posters on this forum put together.

Yeah, my boss gave us a free lunch every Thursday too. :rolleyes: It's because they get tax breaks for it by exploiting loopholes in commercial law.

I found out how important it was that I eat when I decided one day that I wasn't hungry.

The CEO told me quite frankly that I was required to at least sit in the room for legal reasons.


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Yep for Carlton supporters, for a lot of football followers in general, for supporters of the arts, for those in the jewish community, for beneficiaries of The Pratt Foundation and countless other charities, for many in the business community and no doubt thousands of Visy employees Richard Pratt is a great man. I can equally appreciate that's not the opinion of all.

Well, for spreading a small percentage of his ill gotten gains amongst the above, I can see there are those (above) who would agree that Pratt was a great man.

I remember when I was about to relocate back to Melbourne from HK, I went to buy some cardboard cartons to pack some of our belongings into before the removalists came to pack the rest, and I was astonished at the price of each carton. I am sure anyone who was posted overseas or who was returning from overseas had the same shock, not to mention the many thousands who had to move all over Australia. This of course, is only a small part of all who bought anything, from toasters to TV sets that were packaged in cardboard - we were all robbed by Pratt.

So you want to spread this love among the believers named above, that hardly makes up for those who have realised (through Pratt's court prosecution) how he robbed all of Australia as well as part of the rest of the World to play Robin Hood to the selected few you name above, please excuse the rest of us who think he is a crook, and was bloody lucky he knew so many people in high places that he got off so leniently.

So he gave back a small percentage of his ill gotten gains to the selected few you name above, please tell me how the rest of us are supposed to feel.

And for this bloody crook's legacy to be fobbed off onto poor Collingwood (not a team that I love because we are sworn footy enemies), that is the pits. But I must say this latest episode of worshipping a convicted crook just make me hate the team that worshipped him.

Does this make any sense to you? Tell me, why is he great? Because he robbed a lot of people and gave a small portion of that money to a selected few?
Just when you thought things couldn't get any sillier, now this, what a disgrace.
Collingwood supporters should be understandably ropeable.

Why not the " John Elliot Cup" ? equally as demeaning to the game.:eek::thumbsdown:

It appears that the Carlton Football club continues to have no shame at all.
So your suggesting if Collingwood didn't agree Carlton could manufacture ill-will in the media because Collingwood wouldn't play for a cup named after a great Carlton man.

Does that honeslty ring true for you? It's hardly a defendable position for Carlton to be in is it? Eddie was all over this like a fat kid on cake hoping for some cheap PR. Looks like it back fired.

PLease exlpain to me why Pratt is a great Carlton man
You will find that most of us disagree with the concept. Aside from understanding why Collingwood supporters don't like it, we don't want Collingwood to win something named in honour of a Carlton identity exclusively.

We don't mind honouring Pratt but it should be in a Carlton only capacity. I have no idea what Collingwood have to do with anything except that Eddie obviously wanted a piece of it.

I would say Alex Waslitz has something to do with it all, that's why!
Bizarre that Collingwood would agree to this.

It has been weird seeing Eddie be so Carlton friendly the last few years.
So much trolling in this thread, from people with and without Carlton in bold text...

Cup is dumb. Only cup that matters is in September.
Dick pratt has singly given more to the country, economy and charities than all of you posters on this forum put together. Whilst he was sick (at stages barely even understanding what's going on) his company was found to be price fixing.

I don't think they should have this cup in his name because he meant nothing to collingwood. but don't bag the man who's done more than most of you could even dream

You really don't get it do you. I myself & everyone in my workplace, percentage wise to our salary, has given more to charity than this bloke. So given my income, i have given more to the country, economy & charities than this crook. And guess what?, i haven't fleeced the "country" in doing it.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any sillier, now this, what a disgrace.
Collingwood supporters should be understandably ropeable.

Why not the " John Elliot Cup" ? equally as demeaning to the game.:eek::thumbsdown:

It appears that the Carlton Football club continues to have no shame at all.
This is one of your most fanciful obsession driven posts Firey. On what basis is this a Carlton issue for us to have shame over? Pratt did a lot for the club, they were looking for a way to honour him. They came up with a worthy charity, as evidenced by Ted Whitten's comments. They ASKED Collingwood and Collingwood said yes.

If Collingwood thought it was inappropriate, then they should say NO.

If there is anything overly questionable about it, it would be in Collingwood failing to anticipate the will of their members. Carlton are just honouring someone who did something for them, as is their right. Perhaps you think Carlton should consult opposition supporters on BigFooty to get their approval first.

Carlton would be best served to keep Pratt tributes within the club, but there is certainly nothing there for the club to be ashamed of.

You are almost an overstated caricature of yourself these days with the rehashed criticisms with little other discussion points.
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