Event The S34 SFA Players Association MVP - The Beez - Trophy - 5PM AEDT start

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1. I'm awesome
2. Easily my highlight of the season was the incredible support the wider SFA community gave me for me fencing endeavours, has actually inspired me to go on for one more season :)

Will never stop being thankful to everyone here
Married At First Sight Reaction GIF by Lifetime

1. I'm awesome
2. Easily my highlight of the season was the incredible support the wider SFA community gave me for me fencing endeavours, has actually inspired me to go on for one more season :)

Will never stop being thankful to everyone here
3. hopefully bought the pink shoes mate
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Season Highlights:
  • Boycott the All-SFA to distract from his poor statistical performances
  • Achieved an impressive 6th consecutive All-SFA non-selection
  • Waved his arms up in the air a lot

Written By Grand Uncle Horace


Most folks love a hard luck story. Don't tell me all of you had not shed tears for serial_thrilla or DemonJim and their uncanny abilities to finish second over and over.

Then is the odd story of such unfortunate miserable luck that most of us still fall about laughing. (I did a hip).

Well count me in this IN crowd when it comes to the INconsolable yet INdefatigable GWS Goose

I simply cannot get enough of his tales of woe and injustice. It is evident that heaps of us agree. FFS give the kid an All SFA, maybe in S.47. I am pretty sure all those that gave beez votes this year to the Goose share this thought..

Oh yep, (stop kicking me) the Goose again steadfastly produced one of the most valued pieces of media work in S.34. The weekly votes on match thread participants by Club has served a unique role in our vibrant Sweet FA.

Match thread shenanigans are the life blood of our joint.. The Goose understands this and their now regular season thread captures how we are all trundling along. The thread promotes participation in our match threads and is even handed in counting even to the infamous half vote. (I'm sure even the near monosyllabic JustaBattler will collect one eventually - porca miseria, I'm sure the NDIS will approve).

Whoops! I am digressing. The unique Goose continues to absorb beez votes like (best not go there). Last Season the Goose finished in 22nd spot and this year has finished 12th. Congrats!!!!!!!
I'm happy with 12th.
To finish much higher requires far more effort than I'd like to put in.
Thanks for all those smart enough to vote for me 😉

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Evening friends, and welcome to the sixth iteration of the Le Grille-gym4life Award. Never mind the wacky extra round that the AFL are putting on in SA* next season, this is the gear you need to gather round for.

An award that NaturalDisaster began but was too lazy to maintain, the Le Grille-gym4life Award recognises the Sweet's desperate and dateless cohort. Think of it as the end of the night at the nightclub as the lights go on, exposing those people with an almost empty pint in their hands swaying solemnly to the last song of the evening on their Pat Malone. As the eligibility criteria more accurately states, it's the award for people to both have a match thread posting average at least 25 per week and have received nil points from the beez voting community. It's named after two SFA posters of yore who were experts at talking into the void – Le Grille who went voteless in season 23 despite averaging more than 100 posts a week and gym4life who had zero votes in season 26 despite having an active season.

The inaugural winner was cooney in season 27, nobody was eligible in season 28, nobody gave a crap about it in season 29, Matt_352 won in season 30, Cap saluted in season 31, season 32 was all about Rioli8217 and Gumby time travelling feline CatToTheFuture took home the chocolates last season.

This is all well and good, but surely there's something in it for the winners apart from niche online infamy? Well sure there is, it wouldn't be a shonky online award without a shonky online trophy. And the winner of the Le-Grille-gym4life Award picks up an absolute doozy - The Golden Shittruck!

Now to the results for this season, which I'm sure you're grateful for.

Season 32 saw a record nine eligible posters, while season 33 saw that number drop to five. The trend continued in season 34, with three posters making the grade although West Coast's HARPSichord almost made it four, coming home with a wet sail after posting once in the first five rounds to end up on 22.8 PPW. Wasn't enough to trouble the scorers however. Here's who did...

In third place on 30.6 PPW is the cricket loving wandering minstrel from the East Side, akkaps!

In second place - some would say the first loser but there's no actual winners here let's be honest - is someone who thought a mid-season change of scenery would shield them from the end-of-night spotlight that is the Le Grille-gym4life award. But alas, it's like the Eye of Sauron. Always watching. So with 32.9 PPW Dominic03 makes it onto the podium for season 34.

But there was one poster who was head, shoulders, and torso above the pack. Jezalenko'd the sh*t out of it. With a massive 46.3 low key posts per week that didn't find favour in the eyes of the voters, I give you the season 34 Le Grille-gym4life Award winner - Soggy2112 from the West Coast Wonders! Mazel tov mate, here's your miniature novelty Golden Shittruck trophy!


Now back to you Kennedy Parker.

*Heaps Good
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Evening friends, and welcome to the sixth iteration of the Le Grille-gym4life Award. Never mind the wacky extra round that the AFL are putting on in SA* next season, this is the gear you need to gather round for.

An award that NaturalDisaster began but was too lazy to maintain, the Le Grille-gym4life Award recognises the Sweet's desperate and dateless cohort. Think of it as the end of the night at the nightclub as the lights go on, exposing those people with an almost empty pint in their hands swaying solemnly to the last song of the evening on their Pat Malone. As the eligibility criteria more accurately states, it's the award for people to both have a match thread posting average at least 25 per week and have received nil points from the beez voting community. It's named after two SFA posters of yore who were experts at talking into the void – Le Grille who went voteless in season 23 despite averaging more than 100 posts a week and gym4life who had zero votes in season 26 despite having an active season.

The inaugural winner was cooney in season 27, nobody was eligible in season 28, nobody gave a crap about it in season 29, Matt_352 won in season 30, Cap saluted in season 31, season 32 was all about Rioli8217 and Gumby time travelling feline CatToTheFuture took home the chocolates last season.

This is all well and good, but surely there's something in it for the winners apart from niche online infamy? Well sure there is, it wouldn't be a shonky online award without a shonky online trophy. And the winner of the Le-Grille-gym4life Award picks up an absolute doozy - The Golden Shittruck!

Now to the results for this season, which I'm sure you're grateful for.

Season 32 saw a record nine eligible posters, while season 33 saw that number drop to five. The trend continued in season 34, with three posters making the grade although West Coast's HARPSichord almost made it four, coming home with a wet sail after posting once in the first five rounds to end up on 22.8 PPW. Wasn't enough to trouble the scorers however. Here's who did...

In third place on 30.6 PPW is the cricket loving wandering minstrel from the East Side, akkaps!

In second place - some would say the first loser but there's no actual winners here let's be honest - is someone who thought a mid-season change of scenery would shield them from the end-of-night spotlight that is the Le Grille-gym4life award. But alas, it's like the Eye of Sauron. Always watching. So with 32.9 PPW Dominic03 makes it onto the podium for season 34.

But there was one poster who was head, shoulders, and torso above the pack. Jezalenko'd the sh*t out of it. With a massive 46.3 low key posts per week that didn't find favour in the eyes of the voters, I give you the season 34 Le Grille-gym4life Award winner - Soggy2112 from the West Coast Wonders! Mazel tov mate, here's your miniature novelty Golden Shittruck trophy!

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Now back to you Kennedy Parker.

*Heaps Good
Wow. Aren't you going to feel like a knob when Soggy2112 cracks the top ten in the beez. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch.
Best Match Thread OP of S34
Thanks Tonga Bob, this seems like good segue now that you're already on stage.

As promised, the best match thread OP of Season 34 will be awarded with the Quill Badge for creative writing. This was voted on the SFA public and the winner by a long way is Tonga Bob in the grand final polling 20 out of 44 votes.

In his thread, he artfully involves a massive number of posters in a series of 17 short stories in the mould of an entire Simpsons episode garnering 57 reacts.

I won't say too much more, if you haven't already read this majestic work below.

Wosh please award Tonga Bob with the quill for his amazing dedication to quality match thread OPs.
10th - 625 votes - Barrybran (GUM)
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Season Highlights:
  • Fulfilled his own prophecy of winning the Fred.
  • Received perhaps the biggest bitch slap from the sim anyone has ever seen about halfway through the final quarter of the preliminary final against the Roys
  • Selected in the S34 All-SFA team by the most esteemed and well-run organisation in the SFA - The Committee


Another season, another Barrybran top 10 finish in the Beez. An insane fact about Baz is that he has been in the league since Season 26 and his worst Beez finish was 11th in his debut season.

A hallmark of consistency, Barrybran delivers a high quantity of quality content every time while contributing in other areas of the SFA board as well in his role as a simmer helping the league run. He's always willing to put his hand up to serve the league, extending a helping hand to Pickitt to make sure Round 11 match threads went up in time before the native got restless.

One of the reasons why Baz is so highly rate for so long is that he is always able to find different ways to contribute, this season running the much beloved SuperQoach game for 6 weeks and doing his best okeydoke7 impression in his Fred Medal victory lap.

But stepping aside from purely posting for a second, Baz's win in the Fred means that he has now won the:
EKA Medal - S26 (edging out Cadaver by a single vote, boy did that age well)
Mobbenfuhrer Medal - S29
Beez Trophy - S31
Frankston Rover Award - S31
Fred Medal - S34

This is like gathering all the stones of the infinity gauntlet, Barrybran is the perfect mix of humour and professionalism, quantity and quality, match thread and media, entertaining content and helping behind the scenes. This future Hall of Famer may very well have the case of being the ultimate SFA player.

Well done on another brilliant season Baz!
Thanks Tonga Bob, this seems like good segue now that you're already on stage.

As promised, the best match thread OP of Season 34 will be awarded with the Quill Badge for creative writing. This was voted on the SFA public and the winner by a long way is Tonga Bob in the grand final polling 20 out of 44 votes.

In his thread, he artfully involves a massive number of posters in a series of 17 short stories in the mould of an entire Simpsons episode garnering 57 reacts.

I won't say too much more, if you haven't already read this majestic work below.

Wosh please award Tonga Bob with the quill for his amazing dedication to quality match thread OPs.

Lets not stroke his ego too much, he doesn’t need it
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Evening friends, and welcome to the sixth iteration of the Le Grille-gym4life Award. Never mind the wacky extra round that the AFL are putting on in SA* next season, this is the gear you need to gather round for.

An award that NaturalDisaster began but was too lazy to maintain, the Le Grille-gym4life Award recognises the Sweet's desperate and dateless cohort. Think of it as the end of the night at the nightclub as the lights go on, exposing those people with an almost empty pint in their hands swaying solemnly to the last song of the evening on their Pat Malone. As the eligibility criteria more accurately states, it's the award for people to both have a match thread posting average at least 25 per week and have received nil points from the beez voting community. It's named after two SFA posters of yore who were experts at talking into the void – Le Grille who went voteless in season 23 despite averaging more than 100 posts a week and gym4life who had zero votes in season 26 despite having an active season.

The inaugural winner was cooney in season 27, nobody was eligible in season 28, nobody gave a crap about it in season 29, Matt_352 won in season 30, Cap saluted in season 31, season 32 was all about Rioli8217 and Gumby time travelling feline CatToTheFuture took home the chocolates last season.

This is all well and good, but surely there's something in it for the winners apart from niche online infamy? Well sure there is, it wouldn't be a shonky online award without a shonky online trophy. And the winner of the Le-Grille-gym4life Award picks up an absolute doozy - The Golden Shittruck!

Now to the results for this season, which I'm sure you're grateful for.

Season 32 saw a record nine eligible posters, while season 33 saw that number drop to five. The trend continued in season 34, with three posters making the grade although West Coast's HARPSichord almost made it four, coming home with a wet sail after posting once in the first five rounds to end up on 22.8 PPW. Wasn't enough to trouble the scorers however. Here's who did...

In third place on 30.6 PPW is the cricket loving wandering minstrel from the East Side, akkaps!

In second place - some would say the first loser but there's no actual winners here let's be honest - is someone who thought a mid-season change of scenery would shield them from the end-of-night spotlight that is the Le Grille-gym4life award. But alas, it's like the Eye of Sauron. Always watching. So with 32.9 PPW Dominic03 makes it onto the podium for season 34.

But there was one poster who was head, shoulders, and torso above the pack. Jezalenko'd the sh*t out of it. With a massive 46.3 low key posts per week that didn't find favour in the eyes of the voters, I give you the season 34 Le Grille-gym4life Award winner - Soggy2112 from the West Coast Wonders! Mazel tov mate, here's your miniature novelty Golden Shittruck trophy!

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Now back to you Kennedy Parker.

*Heaps Good

Congrats Soggy2112

The West Coast Wonders are proud of you

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9th - 631 votes - Broken (LVB)
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Season Highlights:
  • Achieved no finals wins for the last 5,859 days (and counting)
  • Selected in the S34 All-SFA team by the most esteemed and well-run organisation in the SFA - The Committee


Written by MWPP

Classy Hall of Fame Immortal Broken wound back the clock to produce an exceptional season that has seen him back up his breakthrough all-SFA comeback with a very well deserved return to the top 20 in the beez. Broken an averaged 44 engaging posts a week in his own match threads, doing everything he could to support his new captain in leading their rebuilding team from the front. With his trademark old-school, highbrow humor mixed in with rare wit and humility, his posting style takes us back to a happier and simpler bygone era which had more of a focus on fantasy and fun.

In addition to the consistent, classy match posting, Broken also made a welcome foray back into media this year, putting up quality yet diverse threads that were breaths of fresh air amongst the spammy, lower-brow SFA landscape of recent seasons . He successfully resurrected an epic previous media thread of his, Brokrah, and somehow made the sequel just as good as the original. Broken also had thoughtful stats and news pieces , using alliteration and puns to great effect. In truth, Broken could easily have had the best media thread of the year and if he had chosen to create a Roulette media thread , but instead did the team thing as always and continued the tradition of keeping it in the Bears team thread. This generated some much-needed team thread discussion and drew many participants from other teams and gave his side some handy recognition and presence. A reinvigorated Broken is not only an asset to his team and the league, but the wider community of Sweet. In truth, even this impressive Nth finish still doesn't quite do his incredible season justice, but it's an achievement worthy of celebration even for someone who generally avoids fanfare and famously embraces the narrative of being unsuccessful in the modern era. Congratulations Broken
8th - 731 votes - Falconista (GUM)
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Season Highlights:
  • Recruited the EXTREMELY legitimate poster The Foolback
  • Runner up in the McInnes Prize for his piece "The Dogma of Expansion"

In 8th place for Season 34 is a relative new-comer to the league, Gumbies sophomore Falconista . Falconista has stepped up this season to be in the Gumbies leadership group and taken up more responsibility across the league, increasing his presence in many facets.

Most notably, taking the lead with the running of the Season 34 Rising Star award to recognise the contribution and performances of rookies across the league. This took a power of work and required consistent commitment which he has demonstrated in spades. Falconista also wrote quality match thread OPs as well as explored various concept in the media through The Falcon Files ranging from topics to stimulate discussion or exploring Qooty-related concepts such as the best defenders and the race for the Fred Medal.

He's also had a fair share of controversy this season, being embroiled in a scandal involving the recruitment of an alleged banned poster with disrepute charges, finals penalties, discord screencaps, accusations being thrown about in the aftermath of the Gumbies' semi-final win over the Old Boys.

All in all, a very eventful season. Congratulations to Falconista for skyrocketing up the ranks to a top 8 poster in Season 34!
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Season Highlights:
  • Recruited the EXTREMELY legitimate poster The Foolback
  • Runner up in the McInnes Prize for his piece "The Dogma of Expansion"

In 8th place for Season 34 is a relative new-comer to the league, Gumbies sophomore Falconista . Falconista has stepped up this season to be in the Gumbies leadership group and taken up more responsibility across the league, increasing his presence in many facets.

Most notably, taking the lead with the running of the Season 34 Rising Star award to recognise the contribution and performances of rookies across the league. This took a power of work and required consistent commitment which he has demonstrated in spades. Falconista also wrote quality match thread OPs as well as explored various concept in the media through The Falcon Files ranging from topics to stimulate discussion or exploring Qooty-related concepts such as the best defenders and the race for the Fred Medal.

He's also had a fair share of controversy this season, being embroiled in a scandal involving the recruitment of an alleged banned poster with disrepute charges, finals penalties, discord screencaps, accusations being thrown about in the aftermath of the Gumbies' semi-final win over the Old Boys.

All in all, a very eventful season. Congratulations to Falconista for skyrocketing up the ranks to a top 8 poster in Season 34!
A really solid poster is Falconista, well done!
Thanks Tonga Bob, this seems like good segue now that you're already on stage.

As promised, the best match thread OP of Season 34 will be awarded with the Quill Badge for creative writing. This was voted on the SFA public and the winner by a long way is Tonga Bob in the grand final polling 20 out of 44 votes.

In his thread, he artfully involves a massive number of posters in a series of 17 short stories in the mould of an entire Simpsons episode garnering 57 reacts.

I won't say too much more, if you haven't already read this majestic work below.

Wosh please award Tonga Bob with the quill for his amazing dedication to quality match thread OPs.
7th - 752 votes - philreich (SCS)
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Season Highlights:
  • Dragged out a game so long that the space-time continuum ripped apart and revealed the results in the ladder thread before the game was done
  • Managed to get 3 penalties before the first game was played and ended up captaining his team to negative points at the end of Round 1


Coming in 7th spot is a player you see growing in credibility season after season - long time Swamprats captain philreich. While posters go to the moon and then crash down to zero, phil is like an S&P500 index fund. Growth will be steady and slow, but over time you know what you're going to get and season after season you see reliable returns.

Since breaking into the top 20 in Season 29, he's stayed up there ever since and he's now followed up a top 10 finish last season with his highest placing ever.


Yet another season goes by, phil has kept on adding to the league with his efforts in diligently posting the matches on Sunday, writing match thread OPs, and showing up and leading from the front in match threads engaging teammates and opposition alike.

Phil is the quintessential 'good guy' of the league, able to humour any audience with his classic dad jokes, chat about sports and life, able to switch seamlessly between Qooty to casual chat whichever direction the thread goes. He also doesn't mind keeping people in suspense while posting a close game.

While the season began with 3 squad/team sheet errors and his team ended up on negative points, it's all positive for phil in Season 34. Well done on another strong season!
I'd just like a moment to point out the biggest injustice in Beez history: I have somehow never made the top 20.
Fun fact: A few people tried to vote for you this season. I informed them they could not because you were not on any squad in S34.

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