Things that shit me

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idiots who drag race and kill themselves and theyre mates like what happened in melbourne yesterday

i mean it was worth it now wasnt it?4 young lives are gone and for what?
You must not have a very big music collection if you only listen to Oasis and the Verve. Doesnt that get a bit boring?

And there are plenty of Indie bands that are better than Oasis or the Verve. Some of them might not match the amount of records sold, but there music is way better. Thats going to be a matter of personal opinion tho, but im pretty sure your on your own in your opinion.

But also, if you dont listen to any other music, how do you know that there isnt better music out there?

Listen to heaps of other bands. But those 2 are the standouts from the 90's that are still making music.

Personal opinion hey, well the same personal opinion that has had Oasis' Defintely Maybe voted the best british album of all time?
Listen to heaps of other bands. But those 2 are the standouts from the 90's that are still making music.

Personal opinion hey, well the same personal opinion that has had Oasis' Defintely Maybe voted the best british album of all time?

It all depends on which poll.

I just googled this poll and it says for the best British album of all time

The Top Ten is as follows:
1. The Stone Roses 'The Stone Roses'
2. The Smiths 'The Queen Is Dead'
3. Oasis 'Definitely Maybe'
4. Sex Pistols 'Never Mind The Bollocks'
5. Arctic Monkeys 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not'
6. Blur 'Modern Life Is Rubbish'
7. Pulp 'Different Class'
8. The Clash 'London Calling'
9. The Beatles 'Revolver'
10. The Libertines 'Up The Bracket'

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Liverpool Football Club.
Rupert Murdoch and anyone associated with him.
The hype over David Beckham.
Flies. Can't believe they've not been mentioned by anyone.
People that take the moral high ground for no good reason.
Living in a desolate hellhole called Cranbourne.
The bias shown against Victorians by the Australian cricket selectors.
The Ferrari F1 team.

Pop "music".
Christmas advertising. It's not even bloody December yet. Also this "Christmas in July" BS that you hear from time to time.
Paris Hilton. Seriously, go party in a vat of sulphuric acid.
People over-rating Megan Gale, she's really not that good-looking.

Foxtel, or my lack thereof. This relates back to point 2.
Kevin Bloody Andrews.
That little cow off the AAMI ad.
Essendon supporters.
Sepp Blatter.
People who think Guns & Roses are the greatest band ever.
MSN Messenger, no matter what I do it keeps crashing on me.
Dancing with the Stars.
Lynne Kosky.
Greg Miller & Terry Wallace.
The AFL.
Friends who get a new boyfriend/girlfriend and decide all their old friends aren't worth bothering with anymore.
People who treat Steve Irwin as a saint.

Luke Wilkshire.
The limited availability of Revels.
People who bag Frankston.
Things I want to add to the list but can't think of now.

Ive bolded all the things i agree with and am adding the following;
  • Blackburn's 'style' of Football (Prem).
  • Sydney's 'style' of Football (AFL).
  • Man United and Chelsea supporters.
  • People who say 'fink', 'anyfink' or 'anythink'.
  • Anyone who keys another persons vehicle for 'fun'.
  • White boys who think they are black.
  • All the wannabes that are born in Australia, yet tell me their 'home' is a country they have never been to, or could point out on a map, and then say they hate Australia. Your parents may be Greek, but thats because they were born in Greece. You are Aussie, mate. Deal with it.
  • People who tailgate me for no apparent reason. Speed limit is 90, im doing 90, thats the law, whats the issue asshat?
  • People who overuse the word random. Yes your friend has random behaviour, but his hat, music and lifestyle choices are not random. They are just gay.
  • Metros.
  • The pole licker i caught trying to debadge my HSV.
  • Telstra.
  • Ants.
  • Uwe Boll, Paul W.S Anderson and Michael Bay.
  • People who tell me the Transformers movie was really good. No it wasn't. It was an action movie with robots in it. Watch the cartoon and you will see it wasn't as good as it should have been.
  • People who bag movies, products or bands without ever watching, trying or listening to it.
  • Cherry Coke.
  • Hawthorn supporters in Bay13
  • The price of petrol.
  • Thieves. And Politicians. And Michael Moore. Not to forget Princess Di.
why is it bad?its a form of entertainment people enjoy,we know its fake but people have grown up just like people who enjoy lawn bowls or rugby union pro wrestling is a fun harmless form of entertainment
[*]All the wannabes that are born in Australia, yet tell me their 'home' is a country they have never been to, or could point out on a map, and then say they hate Australia. Your parents may be Greek, but thats because they were born in Greece. You are Aussie, mate. Deal with it.

Hit the nail on the head there. That is the number one thing that shits me.
- People who bag "soccer" and have a go at me when i call it football because they feel threatened by its rise to prominence and are to simple to bother working it out or even giving the game a chance

- basically people who bag a sport, bands, type of grog but have never tried, listened or watched it

- The state of AFL football.. i'm really growing out of it.. it sucks these days

- Whenever Oleguer gets subbed on

- Pipo Inzaghi

- slow drivers

- people who go to parties/clubs and don't drink and sit there and give you daggers all night or judge you for being pissed

- light beer

- cats

- Australia's dominance in cricket.. for god's sake rest of the world, lift your game!!

- Liverpool (except for lucas leiva)

- John Arne Riise

- Justin Sherman's celebrations for sh*t goals

- Petrol Prices

- The AFL board.. so many clowns

- Brett Lee.. can't stand him

- Murali... top bloke, but stop chucking

- Waiting for VCE results

- Knowing that those results are going to be sh*t

- The inflating cost of beer

- When there is nothing good in the pantry or fridge

- When the cricket is on but its raining and they replay a match you watched the other day

- Pipo Inzaghi

- The fact that port made the grand final and they are not even that good

- info-mercials

- Crap adds.. eg the filler ads for KFC with the aussie cricketers, or the sh*t aami insurance ads

- having to wake up before sunrise to watch a decent live game of football on television "soccer, before you ask"

- dirty hacks

- ugly chicks with standards

- Pipo Inzaghi

- watching reserve leagues in any sport.. they just suck

- people who wear team shirts either AFL, Football or Basketball... but don't have a player and number on the back.. just a pet hate

- Kristian Sarkies

- Ronny Turiaf

- this whole Chuck Norris Phenom.. its just gay.. he is a ranga cowboy, could you be any gayer. he has drawn all the sh*t cards in life, he doesn't need a legion of people saying gay sh*t about him thats sposed to be arrogant/witty/funny... becoz its not

- people who whinge heaps about trivial things

- people who cry when they go out in cricket

- people who do gay party drugs and think they are cool/hard

- when happy hour ends

- when the best pub shuts early and there is nowhere else decent in your town to go

- Glasgow Rangers

- this 2 month recession in the champs league

- ethnics who do gay sh*t and think they are awesome and give the rest of that group/race a bad name

- when you're phone has no reception

- when people keep sending msg's when you're busy

- pipo inzaghi

- people who can't make up their mind what they are doing and it delays what you have to do..

- waiting in lines/queues

- Michael Vaughan

- How much the kiwi's whinge

- Ian Smith

- when footy players play indoor soccer and play rough as all buggery and have no idea about the rules yet go off at every decision as if they know the rule book from back to front.

- when you run out of things to whinge about
-- when footy players play indoor soccer and play rough as all buggery and have no idea about the rules yet go off at every decision as if they know the rule book from back to front.

Hahaha that is so me.

But it works in reverse as well.

It shits me when indoor soccer players play indoor football and have a sook when someone brushes past them.

Soft as butter.
Getting flashed going through an orange light - when it was clearly orange and was still orange as you finished going through - and couldnt have stopped even if you'd wanted to becuase the limit was 70 and thats too fast and dangerous to slam your brakes on!!

People who dont return messages - even if it is determine your plans for the night so by the time they do its too late to organise anything else

customers at work

prank phone calls - get a life, I have better things to do on a saturday night - if your so cool then shouldnt you??

people who will choose a random hookup over a long time friendship

girls who are so insecure with themselves they crave attention no matter what - even though it is really just making people respect them even less

Guys who can only pick up girls when the girls can barely walk and still think that makes them legends

Tailgaters - Im going the speed limit and im not going to risk a fine just so you can get where your going two seconds faster - all your going to do is make me slow down!!

Taxi drivers

morons who try to cut in taxi lines at 4 in the morning - the line is 40 mins back - start waiting.

People who treat me like crap because I work at kfc - yeh I might be serving you now - but your just a low life dero. I dont care that youve just finished an 8 hour shift and your hungry - ive just been at uni all day, caught a 1 1/2 hour bus ride home, then come to work for another 6 hours - dont talk down to me. In 4 years when I finish my law degree i'll be representing low lifes like you and you'll be paying me a hell of a lot more - so dont act like your smarter then me!!

people who are incapable of organising anything on thier own and constantly rely on others if anything is ever to get done

morons who think limits on p platers carrying passengers is a good thing - you try getting a taxi after midnight in the city - you might appreciate the designated driver system more - or do you expect everyone to stop drinking when they go out just so they can drive home? the majority of us want to do the right thing - so put down your bibles for a second and actually take a look at the real world - just becuase you have no life doesnt mean you can condemn the rest of us - not all young people are evil

and whole heap of other things - i'm having a bad day ok? lol

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- People who bag "soccer" and have a go at me when i call it football because they feel threatened by its rise to prominence and are to simple to bother working it out or even giving the game a chance

- The state of AFL football.. i'm really growing out of it.. it sucks these days

What the hell are you doing on a FOOTBALL board then? I'm glad you posted in here, because I can now add you to the list of things that shit me.
- People who bag "soccer" and have a go at me when i call it football because they feel threatened by its rise to prominence and are to simple to bother working it out or even giving the game a chance

So can I bag soccer, I played it when I was 5 till about 14 I then played footy from 15 onwards. Its a shit sport to watch, but ok to play.

The reason people call it soccer is because it couldn't possibly be confused with another sport, when someone says football (In most Australian states) they think of AFL.

- ugly chicks with standards

haha :thumbsu:

- people who whinge heaps about trivial things

- How much the kiwi's whinge

- when you run out of things to whinge about


- when footy players play indoor soccer and play rough as all buggery and have no idea about the rules yet go off at every decision as if they know the rule book from back to front.

In my experiences its been the soccer players who have played dirty, constantly kicking unprotected shins
- when footy players play indoor soccer and play rough as all buggery and have no idea about the rules yet go off at every decision as if they know the rule book from back to front.

I had the pleasure of playing competitive indoor for a month or so.

We played four games until we realised we were no good. Double digit losses weren't great, but we were all having a good time which was what we were after.

The whole team decided to pull the plug when a group of tryhard guidos rocked up in Spanish national shirts and proceeded to play the dirtiest game of 'sport' I've ever been involved in.

Somehow we ended up winning and as a result we were invited to have a 'chat' to them after the game in the car park.

I think they're still waiting.
I had the pleasure of playing competitive indoor for a month or so.

We played four games until we realised we were no good. Double digit losses weren't great, but we were all having a good time which was what we were after.

The whole team decided to pull the plug when a group of tryhard guidos rocked up in Spanish national shirts and proceeded to play the dirtiest game of 'sport' I've ever been involved in.

Somehow we ended up winning and as a result we were invited to have a 'chat' to them after the game in the car park.

I think they're still waiting.

HAHA the same thing happened to our team. Someone from the other team got a red card and then tried to blame us for it. They waited in the car park for us, and the only way to our car was to go through them, so thats exactly what we did:D
Due to my style of play i have fouls brought onto me... which leads to cards... which leads to send offs... which leads to abuse in my direction.

Dont mean diving either, sometimes im just slow on the ball and get clattered just after i pass it. People just seem to like roughing me up, lol.

And ive had similar experiences, we once played a team who called themselves "Real Madrid" and all played in Madrid shirts and acted top shit, and we hammered them like 12-2 and all they did during the game was ask if we wanted to "make something of it in the carpark". Dirty little buggers.
* People who listen to radio music, its so shit
* People who say their music is better than your's, when they listen to indie bands, or some crap like techno
* Skanks like britney spears, Paris hilton etc that think they are all that, when really everyone hates them.
* People who remind you of old stuff, and change a few details so it sounds as if you did it, when they did it
* Putting the blame on another person
* People who swear every 3rd word
* mates who give you crap about getting drunk, or doing something stupid whilst plastered, when they never get pissed and usually limited them selves to 2 beers
* drop outs on doll payments
* Asian's who cant speak English (get the **** out of our country until you can speak a little language)
* People who listen to radio music, its so shit
* People who say their music is better than your's, when they listen to indie bands, or some crap like techno
* Skanks like britney spears, Paris hilton etc that think they are all that, when really everyone hates them.
* People who remind you of old stuff, and change a few details so it sounds as if you did it, when they did it
* Putting the blame on another person
* People who swear every 3rd word
* mates who give you crap about getting drunk, or doing something stupid whilst plastered, when they never get pissed and usually limited them selves to 2 beers
* drop outs on doll payments
* Asian's who cant speak English (get the **** out of our country until you can speak a little language)

People who can't spell (get the **** out of our country until you type in our language!) :D

haha i agree with your last point, oh and it is spelt dole, i hope!
people who always use a credit card to pay for fuel

for gods sake havent u ever heard of cash,i dont wanna wait ten years to pay for my fuel!

People who pay by credit card or EFTPOS in the express lane at the supermarket.

That service shouldn't be allowed in the express lane because it takes f*cking ages.
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