News Tom Morris sacked!: Leaked audio of Tom Morris objectifying female staff at 'Foxfooty' mysteriously appears on the internet. PLUS 2nd nasty video.

Should Tom Morris be sacked, suspended or no penalty

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Caro tends to defend these Melbourne Grammer boys as she is part of that scene in Melbourne and probably has connections to them.
Pretty average from stuff from Caro who thinks what Bevo did was worse . Bevo obviously knew the character of the man Morris and had had enough off him.
If Bevo was recorded saying the same things as Morris, Caro would have gone nuclear on him but instead she shows sympathy for Morris.
I think a few younger female journalists would be dissapointed with Caro who might become irrelevant if she doesn't keep up with the times.
Caro needs to go,shes delusional,lost the plot,not only because of everything youve explained.
Imagine traveling back in time 20, 30 years.

You go to a footy game, and ask some of the women in the crowd if they think it's possible that one day relatively soon, a very large bunch of male, die hard footy fans would be calling each other out and demanding that men need to talk respectfully about women.

Not just women in AFL, but in workplaces and all of life's interactions.

Do you reckon they'd have believed you? Or laughed at the idea? Or just wished like hell that that kind of society wide change would actually happen?

I hope this is great moment for a lot of women.
Gimmie a break. Do you really think that before 1990 all men were knuckle dragging neanderthals? My grandfather who recently passed, and was a lifelong Footscray man, had had zero time for Ted Whitten because of the way he treated his wife.
Yeah we all talk shit in front of our mates from time to time, as the girls do about us, but if you think that actually being nice to, and about woman, is some sort of modern thing then you have your head planted further up your bum than Quinlen could kick a footy.

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I have a fundamental issues with someone losing their job for one mistake.

Especially something like this - what he said was vulgar no doubt about it.

He stupidly said it in a private forum with people he shouldn't trust.

These feels like a carefully orchestrated campaign by someone within the AFL system to divert away from what happened on Wednesday night.

What is more abhrorent is the football industry willingness to throw mental health around like it is nothing.
I have a fundamental issues with someone losing their job for one mistake.

Especially something like this - what he said was vulgar no doubt about it.

He stupidly said it in a private forum with people he shouldn't trust.

These feels like a carefully orchestrated campaign by someone within the AFL system to divert away from what happened on Wednesday night.

What is more abhrorent is the football industry willingness to throw mental health around like it is nothing.
The message has obviously circulated to a few friends groups since 'Will Taylor' sent it to one friend. The broader leak was probably someone who doesn't like Tom Morris or maybe a vindictive Bulldogs supporter.
Caro tends to defend these Melbourne Grammer boys as she is part of that scene in Melbourne and probably has connections to them.
Pretty average from stuff from Caro who thinks what Bevo did was worse . Bevo obviously knew the character of the man Morris and had had enough off him.
If Bevo was recorded saying the same things as Morris, Caro would have gone nuclear on him but instead she shows sympathy for Morris.
I think a few younger female journalists would be dissapointed with Caro who might become irrelevant if she doesn't keep up with the times.
Personally, I think Wilson already is irrelevant. She has been on the sensationalist reporting bandwagon for years, in fact she was virtually its pioneer. She's about as unpopular at some clubs as Morris.
Making sexist comments to his male mates chatting about his co-worker, doesn't matter if he didn't mean any harm, he made really sh*t comments about someone that you shouldn't make, be it in private or not.
Could have easily said "oh yeah its my mate, top bird, awesome to work with, sadly you boys aren't her type" and this WHOLE thing is a non-story and doesn't even get leaked.

Yep that's what he stated, said it in a different way.

Hot chick who likes girls = everyone lose their shit, gather your pitchforks, jerry cans and lighters.

Yeah the language is a bit obnoxious, whoop de flipping do.

Honestly the amount of over the top sensationalism on here and in general, well just goes to show how the bulk of society has to tread around egg shells for the precious types. But hey it's 2022 fk the majority and what they think.

Yeah tm is guilty of being a moron who shouldn't have recorded his misogyny attraction for a co worker

But fk me as a society we need to say a big fu to the perpetually easily outraged and grow up.
Not overthinking it. It's just ridiculous that everything gets called "racist" these days, when it's clearly not. He clearly was saying, "just because I'm white don't treat me like sh*t."

Which is really the exactly opposite of racism.

Yeah nah I disagree.

He says quite clearly, "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, so don't treat me like s**t".
If he meant it the way you're implying, he would've said "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, but don't treat me like s##t".
That is straight up racism and saying that only those people should be treated like s**t.

Should someone be fired for something in private? Maybe, maybe not. But the problem here is Fox Footy has in their employ someone who is blatantly racist and sexist and keeping him on reflects on their culture and willingness to accept that sort of attitude towards other people. It Tom Morris worked for a small plumbing company then I'm sure his employer wouldn't care. But he doesn't.

Some posters in this thread are making a lot of excuses for Morris. Yes, in public he's probably never made those sorts of comments but he obviously feels and thinks that way in private and where he thinks he can get away with it.

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Yeah nah.

He says quite clearly, "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, so don't treat me like s**t".
If he meant it the way you're implying, he would've said "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, but don't treat me like s##t".
That is straight up racism and saying that only those people should be treated like s**t.
I don't see it that way at all. Saying "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z", is effectively the same as saying "I AM W". i.e I'm not those things, but I AM this thing.

Therefore I am W so don't treat me like shit.

It's clearly not racist. He's saying don't treat him like shit because of his race. To suggest it is meant the way you implied would imply that he thinks non-white people should be treated badly. C'mon! No normal person thinks like that. Common sense clearly dictates he meant it the way I have interpreted.

The way you are saying it is interpreted doesn't make sense because you have to take the MASSIVE leap of logic that normal people would think that way. They clearly don't. No one I know thinks that way. Why would he?
I have a fundamental issues with someone losing their job for one mistake.

Especially something like this - what he said was vulgar no doubt about it.

He stupidly said it in a private forum with people he shouldn't trust.

These feels like a carefully orchestrated campaign by someone within the AFL system to divert away from what happened on Wednesday night.

What is more abhrorent is the football industry willingness to throw mental health around like it is nothing.

Hasn’t lost his job. He’s been stood down pending an investigation. That’s what will determine whether he loses his job or not. Which is the correct thing to do.
I don't see it that way at all. Saying "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z", is effectively the same as saying "I AM W". i.e I'm not those things, but I AM this thing.

Therefore I am W so don't treat me like sh*t.

It's clearly not racist. He's saying don't treat him like sh*t because of his race. To suggest it is meant the way you implied would imply that he thinks non-white people should be treated badly. C'mon! No normal person thinks like that. Common sense clearly dictates he meant it the way I have interpreted.

The way you are saying it is interpreted doesn't make sense because you have to take the MASSIVE leap of logic that normal people would think that way. They clearly don't. No one I know thinks that way. Why would he?
I think you're right on balance of probabilities. Not because of the first part of the statement but more because after that he says "I'm a man, with a heart and I've got feelings"

Either way it does not forgive the first message
I have a fundamental issues with someone losing their job for one mistake.

Especially something like this - what he said was vulgar no doubt about it.

He stupidly said it in a private forum with people he shouldn't trust.

These feels like a carefully orchestrated campaign by someone within the AFL system to divert away from what happened on Wednesday night.

What is more abhrorent is the football industry willingness to throw mental health around like it is nothing.
If it's two separate videos at two seperate times is it 'one' mistake?
Why is caro and cornes saying ‘it’s unfortunate for tom’ and ‘we make mistakes’, ahh this isnt an mistake - it was a mistake and unfortunate he was stupid enough to record it. Cant imagine all the other stuff hea being saying as a ‘respected’ journalist with integrity
Maybe he's a friend of the family. If he was a friend she should probably have had a word to him about burning bridges in the industry when you're just starting out and if you are going down that path you need to suck up to Hutchie so you can have a soft landing like Barrett and Dylan Howard.
Yeah nah I disagree.

He says quite clearly, "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, so don't treat me like s**t".
If he meant it the way you're implying, he would've said "I'm not X, I'm not Y, I'm not Z, but don't treat me like s##t".
That is straight up racism and saying that only those people should be treated like s**t.

Should someone be fired for something in private? Maybe, maybe not. But the problem here is Fox Footy has in their employ someone who is blatantly racist and sexist and keeping him on reflects on their culture and willingness to accept that sort of attitude towards other people. It Tom Morris worked for a small plumbing company then I'm sure his employer wouldn't care. But he doesn't.

Some posters in this thread are making a lot of excuses for Morris. Yes, in public he's probably never made those sorts of comments but he obviously feels and thinks that way in private and where he thinks he can get away with it.
People say crap in private all the time they don't mean. Jibing ,looking for a reaction.

I don't give two hoots about Morris or whether he loses his job or not but the holier than though attitude of some people who pretend they've never done anything wrong in their life is puke material.

The real scoundrel is whoever put this on SM because unfortunately the woman involved is suffering along with Morris. And it was intended to do maximum harm.
Yes, it's stupid to record it. Agree,. But nothing he said would be worse than anything you've said with your mates privately. No one should lose their job over a private discussion.
So basically you are saying, as long as its private, I can say what ever I want? Might be okay if hes day job didnt involve being a journalist that has write opinion pieces

Also in Australia its okay to say racist homophobic sexist things because its our culture amongst the boys right? This is the shit thag needs to be stamped out cos ‘everyone’ does it.. we have a notorious bogan racist culture here and comments like this shows it
I have a fundamental issues with someone losing their job for one mistake.

Especially something like this - what he said was vulgar no doubt about it.

He stupidly said it in a private forum with people he shouldn't trust.

These feels like a carefully orchestrated campaign by someone within the AFL system to divert away from what happened on Wednesday night.

What is more abhrorent is the football industry willingness to throw mental health around like it is nothing.
The thing is, if Bevo was the one caught saying these things, the media would 100% be calling for his head. Find it interesting that the media haven't been calling for Morris to be sacked or any repercussions really...although they did seem to want to punish Bevo for calling someone a "gutter journalist".
Hasn’t lost his job. He’s been stood down pending an investigation. That’s what will determine whether he loses his job or not. Which is the correct thing to do.
Hard to imagine he will keep his job based on what has come out.
He didn't say anything racist or homophobic in my opinion.
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News Tom Morris sacked!: Leaked audio of Tom Morris objectifying female staff at 'Foxfooty' mysteriously appears on the internet. PLUS 2nd nasty video.
