Werewolf Town of Salem Werewolf IV (Coven Wins)

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dying early was a genius move on your part!

Tier 1 šŸ˜›

I saw you eyeing it up, you were going to Stone Gaze me given half a chance šŸ˜‚
Tier 1 šŸ˜›

I saw you eyeing it up, you were going to Stone Gaze me given half a chance šŸ˜‚
Wouldnā€™t have been the only action submitted by one of us against a member of our own team. šŸ„²


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Mate, I spent hours until the early hours of the morning begging Tarks not to target you. Completely 100% verified facts.
Meanwhile the absolute child Dingster was having the absolute time of his life šŸ˜‚
Closing Thoughts
So this was a most enjoyable game to moderate. TOS games are always a nightmare to manage, since you can't leave them alone at all during the day phase due to the majority lynch rule, and you have to be somehow present during the night phases to keep the Jail mechanic flowing. Managing the night actions is actually not too bad unless Transporters, Coven Leaders, Ambushers, Trappers and Plaguebearers interact a little too much - although the local early starts due to DLS was a nuisance. There were only a couple of minor errors on my part:
  • On Night 3 I forgot about a hotchilli protect on CursingFijian, so he was stoned to death for five minutes after deadline until I realised the error...luckily no info was revealed due to the nature of the kill.
  • On Night 6 I forgot that Necromancer is immune to roleblocks, but luckily the target (hotchilli) was self-protecting anyway, so the outcome wasn't changed. I managed to alter the spy visits (of the dead GF) and the Necro's result of "your target's defence was too strong" message the following phase before it could have impacted the game.

I felt that the game was fairly well balanced for the most part, with the Coven, Town and Juggernaut all with a chance until the late game (despite all three claiming they had no chance privately). Nunez had fun with the challenging Plaguebearer role, whilst sante was very unlucky to get killed so early as Executioner - but Mafia did feel a little underpowered without an Ambusher or Consigliere. With a Janitor, Framer and Hypnotist they were set up more as a deception faction, and probably lacked an experienced hand to make the most of their abilities (not getting a Janitor clean off successfully really hurt their ability to create fake role claims). The Godfather getting modkilled really didn't help, either.

Town had a very strong role set with four protection roles and three killing roles...plus an extra protection role when the Amnesiac player flipped their way - but they lynched a couple of their own, and probably lacked a bit of leadership at various times. They probably got a little focused on the Sheriff results after the success of lynching the Potion Master and Hypnotist, and failed to realise that hexes and frames could cause issues later in the game. The Bodyguard, Vigilante and Veteran all being very cautious did not help their cause, whilst they were unlucky that Mafia and Coven did not attack each other all game.

BEaston played a brilliant game as Juggernaut and had maximum attack power as early as possible, and probably would have been a chance of stealing a win if the Necronomicon had gone to the Necro or Hex Master instead of the Medusa.

Whilst the Coven showed how powerful they can be late-game (they were unable to kill anyone until Night 5!) as long as they get through the early phase before they obtain the Necronomicon.

My votes for the game:
3 votes: thewizardmelon - read the game the best out of all players with the help of his convoluted spreadsheet, and kept the Coven in the loop during the early and mid-game. Figured of most of the roles by Night 5 (except for Dingster because of the hypnotist's transport message to Chipmunk on Night 1). Survived a night in jail, and managed to trick the village into lynching the Vigilante on Day 6 during a critical phase of the game.
2 votes: Nunez - was able to get the Doctor lynched on Day 1, and once again showed his superb knowledge of Town of Salem by pretending to flail about, causing chaos in a way that was most entertaining for the neutral observer. Not a single person picked his role until his death, and he did a great job of confusing the heck out of all other players. Despite all this he was calm and collected in his PM as he plotted his plague. Talked his way out of Jail on Night 3, and was on the cusp of turning into Pestilence before being offed by the Juggernaut.
1 vote: Tarkyn_24 - despite claiming to have no idea what was going on throughout the entire game, Tarks made some critical last-minute decisions on Nights 5 and 7 to turn the game in the Coven's favour. On literally the last minute of Night 5 (when wiz was in Jail) he changed the Medusa action from Pickitt (Mafioso, who was being rampaged by the Juggernaut that night and would have meant the Medusa died) to DERO (Jailor) to keep the village on the back foot, and on Night 7 his late decision to attack hotchilli instead of eth-dog meant the final hex went off successfully. I suspect the Town or Juggernaut would have won if not for that Night 5 change.

Unlucky to miss out: BEaston (in particular), eth-dog, CursingFijian, ZergMinion, Pie 4 Life, Barrybran. All played very well with their roles.

Thank you all for playing, and perhaps we'll play TOS5 some time next year.

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Werewolf Town of Salem Werewolf IV (Coven Wins)

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