Banter TRTT Part 13: 2021 Goodbye (To 2022)

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Is it still possible to be a serial killer these days? Or is technology winning the war against people racking up double digit murder figures (not including gun massacre type killings)

You look all the big guns of the 70s/80s. They'd never get away with it for so long nowadays. DNA technology for one. But also, you could hide in the shadows back then. You'd probably get caught by an internet sleuth now.

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Most people wouldn't even know who this guy is and the death count is massive, I reckon people would also be surprised how many people who qualify as serial killers are currently in US jails.

You don't really hear about them as much anymore. Wonder if it's a conscious thing for the media to not report on them, like suicides. But you'd think it'd be impossible to get American media to agree on anything
You don't really hear about them as much anymore. Wonder if it's a conscious thing for the media to not report on them, like suicides. But you'd think it'd be impossible to get American media to agree on anything
Yea I dunno, maybe the public just don't care that much about the latest dude wasting hookers anymore etc.

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