Banter TRTT Part 14: 2022 Goodbye (To 2023)

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The dam is an interesting one as both sides have bloody good motives for damaging it.

Ukraine can effectively cut off Crimea, which struggles for water as it is and Russia destroying it prevents the counter offensive.

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This storm is ****ed
My poor doggo hates thunder


Our dog joined the family as a pup when our now-departed previous dog (who hated thunder in her prime and would bark non-stop) was elderly and deaf as a post.

Every thunderstorm would result in him looking to her like, ‘dude, you clocking this?!’, and she’d be completely oblivious. So while understandably wary of the sound, he learned not to react by default.

Thankfully that’s held to date.
Wow. PFA and LIV merging was probably inevitable but happened quicker than I thought. Wonder what this means for the Adelaide Tournament?
It’ll be stolen by Melbourne.
It’ll be stolen by Melbourne.
Probably. In all honesty, I reckon the absolute screaming success of the Adelaide event would have played a small part in the PGA reconsidering their position. Yeah, the bazillion dollars offered by the Saudis, the bringing together of the best players and control of the game would have formed 99% of the decision making, but the Adelaide event showed that the complete Americancentricity of Golf could and should be shared around a bit more.
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