Game Day U18 National Championships - WA v Vic Country Saturday June 29th 12.30pm

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What about Ludowyke though?
He looks elite too. Maybe we need to get a PP

secret smell GIF
Wonder where Gross will go. Speed, endurance, thumping kick, hard at it. See a bit of Butters in him.

Reckon we should bid on Kako, small forward for the next decade sorted.

Sid Draper, had his moments, that clearance in the 3Q where he bounced of Smillie was play of the day.

Hope we have a good draft hand again next year. There looks to be a couple of rippers. Fred Rodriguez (WA) is the one imo (along with Sharp) that’s been the stand out. He has the break away speed from clearances, that’s probably missing a bit from this years mids

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I am seeing nothing in smelly that makes me think top 10 pick
his flaws look like they will stand out even more at AFL level

he just does not look dynamic and upside looks limited
I dont see any Bont like traits except height
I know he's had a disappointing champs but come on he's still been the most dominant player at Coates level

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