Cars & Transportation Vent about all things traffic

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Got in an argument with a selfish campaigner of a woman who parallel parked across the front of three other cars, blocking us all in at school pick up so we could leave til she got her sweet ass back to her car. Her justification was that she couldn’t find a park anywhere else

So you could leave…
Is that like I could care less?
I'm try to take a more zen approach to driving as I have realised getting angry at idiots on the roads is futile and pointless, but I am conflicted as I strongly believe that sometimes people need to be shown that their selfishness on the road affects other people, I've been trying to fine tune the balance of confrontation without aggression and have settled on a sarcastic thumbs up 👍.

It works most of the time, needs some more work but I'll get there.

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I'm try to take a more zen approach to driving as I have realised getting angry at idiots on the roads is futile and pointless, but I am conflicted as I strongly believe that sometimes people need to be shown that their selfishness on the road affects other people, I've been trying to fine tune the balance of confrontation without aggression and have settled on a sarcastic thumbs up 👍.

It works most of the time, needs some more work but I'll get there.
The sarcastic thumbs up is my go to with a good job dickhead thrown in for good measure
Drivers taking alternative routes to avoid being stuck in heavy traffic.

And piss everyone else taking the same alternative route by driving slow because that 80 limit is a wee too scary fast.
Idiots not turning on their lights, especially as dusk really starts setting in

Driving home just after 5:30pm and at least 3 cars still without their headlights on - the white cars were bad enough, but there was a black car in the lane behind me and I just couldn't see them when they were at a certain distance

When we stopped at a red light with them still behind me I put my window down, head out & arm pointing at the front of their car - they found the light switch 🤦‍♀️

It's like people forget headlights aren't just for you to see, but for other vehicles to see you
Idiots not turning on their lights, especially as dusk really starts setting in

Driving home just after 5:30pm and at least 3 cars still without their headlights on - the white cars were bad enough, but there was a black car in the lane behind me and I just couldn't see them when they were at a certain distance

When we stopped at a red light with them still behind me I put my window down, head out & arm pointing at the front of their car - they found the light switch 🤦‍♀️

It's like people forget headlights aren't just for you to see, but for other vehicles to see you
I nearly got hit one winter night at about 7.30, fully dark, when turning right, by an unlit car barrelling towards me from the opposite direction. Fortunately I was a bit slow to make the turn 😟
Watched two absolute clowns get in a fisticuffs over a parking spot yesterday (and when I say there were plenty of free spots I mean PLENTY, most within spitting distance if said park).

I chuckled as I walked past

I often wonder what it would take for me to get in a public altercation like that, certainly not a battle over a parking spot. If someone is willing to throw down over it you can have it mate!
I often wonder what it would take for me to get in a public altercation like that, certainly not a battle over a parking spot. If someone is willing to throw down over it you can have it mate!
Like literally two spots down from the altercation park was a free one, as in, altercation park, two cars side by side next to, free park.

I didn’t see what led to it (like who cut off who or whatever) but it was just insane. One bloke parked his car across the other, in a through lane (blocking traffic) and followed this other bloke to the doors and they were throwing.

Hilarious but also idiotic.

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Like literally two spots down from the altercation park was a free one, as in, altercation park, two cars side by side next to, free park.

I didn’t see what led to it (like who cut off who or whatever) but it was just insane. One bloke parked his car across the other, in a through lane (blocking traffic) and followed this other bloke to the doors and they were throwing.

Hilarious but also idiotic.

When you get two blokes involved in a small incident that neither can back down from you get this sort of scenario.

I've never understood this, was chatting to a relative the other week about how if some random called me a dickhead or whatever I'd just say thanks and keep walking. He reckons he couldn't, he'd have to go back and confront the bloke. I think this is ****ing dumb, don't throw down unless you have to.
When you get two blokes involved in a small incident that neither can back down from you get this sort of scenario.

I've never understood this, was chatting to a relative the other week about how if some random called me a dickhead or whatever I'd just say thanks and keep walking. He reckons he couldn't, he'd have to go back and confront the bloke. I think this is ******* dumb, don't throw down unless you have to.

Keeping your head down is the only thing to do. Not worth it.
When you get two blokes involved in a small incident that neither can back down from you get this sort of scenario.

I've never understood this, was chatting to a relative the other week about how if some random called me a dickhead or whatever I'd just say thanks and keep walking. He reckons he couldn't, he'd have to go back and confront the bloke. I think this is ******* dumb, don't throw down unless you have to.
I think ive told this story before but one of my first MMA instructors (complete badass who could likely kick the ass of 90% of the population) got asked in a class once what hed work on if he knew he was gonna be in a bar fight and he said "cardio, to run the **** away".

In my experience people with proper not bullshit confidence are happy to walk away as they dont feel the need to prove anything. I certainly wouldnt be getting into a scrap on the street. Best case scenario you win a fight and probably have an assault charge. Worst case you or they die.
I think ive told this story before but one of my first MMA instructors (complete badass who could likely kick the ass of 90% of the population) got asked in a class once what hed work on if he knew he was gonna be in a bar fight and he said "cardio, to run the * away".

In my experience people with proper not bullshit confidence are happy to walk away as they dont feel the need to prove anything. I certainly wouldnt be getting into a scrap on the street. Best case scenario you win a fight and probably have an assault charge. Worst case you or they die.

I'm not saying self defence classes are bad but if you take a few classes and think you can fight you've got the wrong attitude. In fact you might be better off just going for runs or doing cardio so, as you say, you can run the **** away.
So there was a special rule for postal motor bikes that allowed them to ride on the footpath.
Made sense, they could put mail in the letterboxes of a suburban street without constantly stopping or zig zagging up driveways.

So like you do, you try to put loopholes in sensible laws, so now Australia Post motor along the freeway side shared access trails at 45km/h on these

When you get two blokes involved in a small incident that neither can back down from you get this sort of scenario.

I've never understood this, was chatting to a relative the other week about how if some random called me a dickhead or whatever I'd just say thanks and keep walking. He reckons he couldn't, he'd have to go back and confront the bloke. I think this is ******* dumb, don't throw down unless you have to.

Yep, i've had people come at me in the car before , and if i'd been like they were we'd have been at it.
But we weren't.
GeT ouT oF Da RiGhT lAnE
Depending on where that is the truck might not even be allowed in the right lane. Seeing as though it looks like it's part of the new section the truck shouldn't be in the right lane.

Also that's got nothing on the Hume and tailgating trucks.

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Cars & Transportation Vent about all things traffic

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